Hertz car rental is dropping 20,000 EV cars for gas powered.

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Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2016
  • / Hertz car rental is dropping 20,000 EV cars for gas powered.
You got to remember some republicans have been also caught stuffing ballot boxes.
Oh here we go... Oh, and the infallible electronic voting machines? They were hacked in court by an expert in minutes...


Lawn Royalty
Top Poster Of Month
Feb 19, 2020
  • / Hertz car rental is dropping 20,000 EV cars for gas powered.
Stop blaming Trump for everything. It makes you sound like an idiot.
Look I don't blame DJT for everything; he just a large part of it. I blame those in Congress that can't even agree when one can shit or get off the pot. All the in fighting is making our government non functional right now. When the adult daycare center members comes back to their senses we might get something done. I don't give a damn if they are Republicans or Democrats or otherwise; Just do the damn job they were voted in to do. This all or nothing attitude does not get anything done.

And are you so proud that DJT keep downing our military personnel? Our military is why we have a lot of our freedoms now. Our forefathers were willing to give their lives to protect our freedoms; are you willing to do the same? DJT is not willing...he would not even serve when asked.


Lawn Pro
Sep 5, 2014
  • / Hertz car rental is dropping 20,000 EV cars for gas powered.


Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2016
  • / Hertz car rental is dropping 20,000 EV cars for gas powered.
Look I don't blame DJT for everything; he just a large part of it. I blame those in Congress that can't even agree when one can shit or get off the pot. All the in fighting is making our government non functional right now. When the adult daycare center members comes back to their senses we might get something done. I don't give a damn if they are Republicans or Democrats or otherwise; Just do the damn job they were voted in to do. This all or nothing attitude does not get anything done.

And are you so proud that DJT keep downing our military personnel? Our military is why we have a lot of our freedoms now. Our forefathers were willing to give their lives to protect our freedoms; are you willing to do the same? DJT is not willing...he would not even serve when asked.
But you would love the one party rule that your beloved democratic (😭) party is trying to achieve. Let me tell you, since you are too blind to see, YOU AIN'T GONNA LIKE IT!


Lawn Royalty
Top Poster Of Month
Feb 19, 2020
  • / Hertz car rental is dropping 20,000 EV cars for gas powered.
But you would love the one party rule that your beloved democratic (😭) party is trying to achieve. Let me tell you, since you are too blind to see, YOU AIN'T GONNA LIKE IT!
Look you damn fool I am not even an independent party member. A true independent voter. Both the Republican and Democratic parties have both their good and bad points. But when one side flat refuses to compromise on anything then nothing gets done. Right now the House has just a two vote majority and they still are so hardheaded that they can't give a fraction of inch which deadlocking Congress. Compromising is necessary in order to get things done.

But of course we are yet again the path of another government shutdown because Congress can't even pass a general annual budget. So sad that they know this must be done every year yet they wait until the doomsday clock is about to strike midnight every damn year lately. This time half a year has nearly gone by and still nothing is finalized. Then when October 1 get here it starts all over again. Dumber than dumb.

Even in marriages there are compromises. Even marriages has their knock down drag out fights and divorces.

BTW I am withholding all of my Federal taxes now so it doesn't matter which group controls things as neither will get any of my money. And BTW the way I doing it, it is legal. Let's see how they going to budget that when there is a lot less money to budget.


Lawn Addict
Apr 16, 2018
  • / Hertz car rental is dropping 20,000 EV cars for gas powered.
Look you damn fool I am not even an independent party member. A true independent voter. Both the Republican and Democratic parties have both their good and bad points. But when one side flat refuses to compromise on anything then nothing gets done. Right now the House has just a two vote majority and they still are so hardheaded that they can't give a fraction of inch which deadlocking Congress. Compromising is necessary in order to get things done.

But of course we are yet again the path of another government shutdown because Congress can't even pass a general annual budget. So sad that they know this must be done every year yet they wait until the doomsday clock is about to strike midnight every damn year lately. This time half a year has nearly gone by and still nothing is finalized. Then when October 1 get here it starts all over again. Dumber than dumb.

Even in marriages there are compromises. Even marriages has their knock down drag out fights and divorces.

BTW I am withholding all of my Federal taxes now so it doesn't matter which group controls things as neither will get any of my money. And BTW the way I doing it, it is legal. Let's see how they going to budget that when there is a lot less money to budget.

I call them republicrats.

Personally, I think this last senate bill, that the house rejected, was just smoke & mirrors. Along with 90% of the others. Because when it comes to spending on most things, like a continued resolution, they're all voting for that.

Trump signed 12 CR's when he was in office. 2 debt ceiling increases. And suspended the debt ceiling for 2 years. And neither the republicans or democrats said much of anything.
McCarthy and now Johnson both were fine passing CR's.

The difference between the right and left is just smoke & mirrors.


Lawn Addict
Apr 16, 2018
  • / Hertz car rental is dropping 20,000 EV cars for gas powered.
But you would love the one party rule that your beloved democratic (😭) party is trying to achieve. Let me tell you, since you are too blind to see, YOU AIN'T GONNA LIKE IT!

That's all we have now, is a uniparty. They keep the names separate to make people think theirs a difference. Schumer, McCarthy, Biden or Trump never had a problem passing all those CR (continued resolutions). They had no problem raising the debt ceiling or passing and signing those omnibus bills.

Trump vetoed only 1 spending bill in 4 years. He reauthorized FISA 702 (warrantless spying on Americans.) He assaulted our 2A with his bump stock ban. And publicly supported red flag laws, saying "I like taking the guns first. Then do due process later." <<<<An actual quote.

He started the first covid mandates. And may very well have done more, but he was on his way out of office. After all, he bashed DeSantis and Kemp for opening up their states sooner than he wanted.
Then he even had the nerve to give Fauci an commendation on his last day in office.

To say that we're not ruled under one party now, makes me think you're not paying close enough attention to what they're actually doing.

As far as the border goes.... (with this last immigration bill) If Biden could so easily secure the border, without any more money, without some new law, then why didn't Trump do it on his own authority. Why was he always begging Pelosi for the money for border security? His own Department of Homeland Security never went without billions in all those CR's.

It's just smoke and mirrors, designed by the uniparty, to keep people voting, donating and divided.


Lawn Royalty
Top Poster Of Month
Feb 19, 2020
  • / Hertz car rental is dropping 20,000 EV cars for gas powered.
PT you do see how they talk out both sides of their mouths at the same time. Otherwords they are standing there shaking your hand with one hand and at the same time stabbing you in the back with the other hand.

It is just like the foreign aid bill that Senate just passed with 70/29 of them voting for it, Johnson is already saying he probably will not bring it to a vote in the house as he refuses to do anything bipartisan. Now that is being an major A**hole just to please the extreme right. A house divided can't stand for long. Everything just falling apart and nothing is getting repaired as they can't even agree on which plank to nail up now or which nails to use.

Com'on folks use your common sense that is if any of you have any left. Or are all of you brainwashed one way or the other? If you don't learn from history you all are bound to repeat the same stupid mistakes.
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Tiger Small Engine

Lawn Addict
Dec 7, 2022
  • / Hertz car rental is dropping 20,000 EV cars for gas powered.
That's all we have now, is a uniparty. They keep the names separate to make people think theirs a difference. Schumer, McCarthy, Biden or Trump never had a problem passing all those CR (continued resolutions). They had no problem raising the debt ceiling or passing and signing those omnibus bills.

Trump vetoed only 1 spending bill in 4 years. He reauthorized FISA 702 (warrantless spying on Americans.) He assaulted our 2A with his bump stock ban. And publicly supported red flag laws, saying "I like taking the guns first. Then do due process later." <<<<An actual quote.

He started the first covid mandates. And may very well have done more, but he was on his way out of office. After all, he bashed DeSantis and Kemp for opening up their states sooner than he wanted.
Then he even had the nerve to give Fauci an commendation on his last day in office.

To say that we're not ruled under one party now, makes me think you're not paying close enough attention to what they're actually doing.

As far as the border goes.... (with this last immigration bill) If Biden could so easily secure the border, without any more money, without some new law, then why didn't Trump do it on his own authority. Why was he always begging Pelosi for the money for border security? His own Department of Homeland Security never went without billions in all those CR's.

It's just smoke and mirrors, designed by the uniparty, to keep people voting, donating and divided.

Free speech got us 148 posts on this thread! America Strong.
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