Hertz car rental is dropping 20,000 EV cars for gas powered.

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Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2016
  • / Hertz car rental is dropping 20,000 EV cars for gas powered.
PT the problem is most people have a faulty separator tube. (TV and CB Jargon) When it comes to politics I think common sense is thrown under the bus. There is so much BS being thrown out even I have a hard time ignoring it but I have to if I going to learn the truth.

But I personally avoid social media because of all the hateful attitude toward someone that has a different view point. Even here I get snapped at times for posting correct info based actual knowledge.

And when it comes to politics here if someone starts I just walk away; just like religion discussions. Both are nothing but trouble. Some folks are so into it they would just kill you if they could get by with it if you are of a different opinion.

And the quote you posted is very true for anything. But as you are probably aware some would argue with a sign without a letter on it.

But meanwhile I am dog hunting the next few days. I seen the culprit this morning attacking one my pet roosters. The boxer is dead meat for killing multiple chickens of mine. Sorry but it is has to be done. The owner should kept their dog under their supervision and control.
We also need to have our analoptic nerve cut, so we lose our $hitty outlook on life!!!


Lawn Pro
Sep 5, 2014
  • / Hertz car rental is dropping 20,000 EV cars for gas powered.
The world ain't what it used to be..


Lawn Royalty
Nov 29, 2014
  • / Hertz car rental is dropping 20,000 EV cars for gas powered.
Oh boy, Bert will be angry now! He may call you an Orange Jesus supporter now!
Davis .I do not get angry, well not very often
But the stockholders ARE the problem with just about every US listed company
Stock holders demanding ever increasing dividends is what destroys companies.
As I have mentioned on countless occasions, it is not the bum in the while house that is the problem it is Wall St
And it all boils down the the sacred document called the US constitution that like a bible is never allowed to be changed and now is jus about totally irrelevant
Add to that your absolutely idiotic election system and insanely short election terms and it is no wonder the US government is the laughing stock of the entire planet .
While the idea of primaries was good back in the 1800's when only the locals could be there and it was all word of mouth
They are totally outdated in the 21st century when the orange jesus can fly into every one throw piles of money at the biggest idiot in the room with the smallest IQ and they get voted in as the representative after slanging off at each other and trying to convince all and sundry that the other candidates are bigger criminals than they are .
I have no doubt back in the 1800's the candidates were all about what they could do for the state .
Then you have the electorial college that biases the presidential votes , the thing that the orange jesus faked and will go to prison for doing .
Now because congress is only for 2 years there is almost nothing a congress person can do in their term that will show a result before the end of that 2 years so it becomes a massive raffle of taxpayers dollars , which explains the real reason for the massive debt .
Now because you have the stupidly short congress cycles and because voting is voluntary the parties have to spend a fortune to encourage lazy American who would rather whine & cry than actually do something to get of their ever widening butts ( Americans are the most obese population on the planet ) and vote
Now these hundreds of millions have to come from some where and the bulk comes from Wall St and for them it is a INVESTMENT , not a donation and they want a dividend from which ever party gets the bums on seats .
So the US government really is the worst government money can buy and that goes for both coloured undies .
And this is why executive incomes have gone up by an average of 500 times, directors are in the thousands of times while workers are less than 1.5 times in the past 20 years .


Lawn Royalty
Nov 29, 2014
  • / Hertz car rental is dropping 20,000 EV cars for gas powered.
The world ain't what it used to be..
It is called the internet
And then there is search algorithms .
I use a VPN so my Google suggestions are all over the place
Most people do not so the algorithms feed you 2 types of news
1) stuff that you will believe without a second of thought because of your confirmation bias , the bulk of which will not be true.
2) a small amount that is 100% against your views , designed to provoke a reaction and make more money for Google, X , Instagram, Tic Toc etc etc etc
And it is big business
Wagner employed 300,000 mostly Africans in their two "communications" businesses .
Their sole job was to create discontent in the government of whatever country he got paid the most for doing it to .
That is where Prigozhin made most of his money from.
Then when violence errupted as happened in Jan 6th in small countries he then offered his mercenary forces to the government of the country to put down the uprising he had created , usually for a chunk of mineral resources like gold, diamonds, cobalt or molly .
According to French doco, in Chad there was a 10 story building devoted solely to spreading lies into America via social media .
So some one who appears outwardly to be exactly like Ray on a mower forum is actually a paid propaganda spreader .
So a lot of these "an illegal stole my house " story or "my daughter was gang raped by 20 illegals " etc etc etc are totally BS but people believe them , even Congress people, who should fact check everything before they open their mouths because AFAIK it is an indictable offence to knowingly lie to congress


Lawn Royalty
Nov 29, 2014
  • / Hertz car rental is dropping 20,000 EV cars for gas powered.
And apart from Putin paying people to spread lies in the USA , apparently some candidates are doing it as well
You will not find this reposted on fox


Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2016
  • / Hertz car rental is dropping 20,000 EV cars for gas powered.
Davis .I do not get angry, well not very often
But the stockholders ARE the problem with just about every US listed company
Stock holders demanding ever increasing dividends is what destroys companies.
As I have mentioned on countless occasions, it is not the bum in the while house that is the problem it is Wall St
And it all boils down the the sacred document called the US constitution that like a bible is never allowed to be changed and now is jus about totally irrelevant
Add to that your absolutely idiotic election system and insanely short election terms and it is no wonder the US government is the laughing stock of the entire planet .
While the idea of primaries was good back in the 1800's when only the locals could be there and it was all word of mouth
They are totally outdated in the 21st century when the orange jesus can fly into every one throw piles of money at the biggest idiot in the room with the smallest IQ and they get voted in as the representative after slanging off at each other and trying to convince all and sundry that the other candidates are bigger criminals than they are .
I have no doubt back in the 1800's the candidates were all about what they could do for the state .
Then you have the electorial college that biases the presidential votes , the thing that the orange jesus faked and will go to prison for doing .
Now because congress is only for 2 years there is almost nothing a congress person can do in their term that will show a result before the end of that 2 years so it becomes a massive raffle of taxpayers dollars , which explains the real reason for the massive debt .
Now because you have the stupidly short congress cycles and because voting is voluntary the parties have to spend a fortune to encourage lazy American who would rather whine & cry than actually do something to get of their ever widening butts ( Americans are the most obese population on the planet ) and vote
Now these hundreds of millions have to come from some where and the bulk comes from Wall St and for them it is a INVESTMENT , not a donation and they want a dividend from which ever party gets the bums on seats .
So the US government really is the worst government money can buy and that goes for both coloured undies .
And this is why executive incomes have gone up by an average of 500 times, directors are in the thousands of times while workers are less than 1.5 times in the past 20 years .
Bert, I didn't have the patience to read all of your post. You don't get the whole story in OZ. And I don't have enough knowledge of your government to critique it. So how about you stick to Aussie politics, and I'll worry about USA politics?
I will say our short terms benefit is, because anymore of Biden's douchency will kill us!


Lawn Addict
Jul 11, 2021
  • / Hertz car rental is dropping 20,000 EV cars for gas powered.
You got to remember everytime our presidents try to control the border with executive orders and our weak immigration laws they get sued and the courts rule against them. NAd can't build concentration camps due our humanitarian laws. So there is only so much room we have to put people awaiting processing.

And all those that are bitching about the foreigners really need to take a serious look into their own family histories. There virtually no native people of this country left. Nearly all of us are of foreign descent with quite a few coming here illegally to start with.

Although I have some Cherokee descent in my bloodline a good portion of it is from European descent. Either way I did not add to the current population other than myself.

I would think even the Great DJT has a lot foreign blood in his family history that he is so trying so hard to ignore. And I would put past it that some his distant relatives came here illegally too.

Just think the Europeans came here and just took over while slaughtering the American Indians and stealing their lands.

So what skeletons are hidden in all of our closets.
What you are saying may be true but those early people that came here were not getting the hand outs and living off the government, they paid their on way. They were not a burden on the government as these are.


Lawn Addict
Jul 11, 2021
  • / Hertz car rental is dropping 20,000 EV cars for gas powered.
Bert, I didn't have the patience to read all of your post. You don't get the whole story in OZ. And I don't have enough knowledge of your government to critique it. So how about you stick to Aussie politics, and I'll worry about USA politics?
I will say our short terms benefit is, because anymore of Biden's douchency will kill us!
Funny how someone from another country thinks they know more than some one who lives here and gets their news that has already been filter through the fake news media.


Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2016
  • / Hertz car rental is dropping 20,000 EV cars for gas powered.
Funny how someone from another country thinks they know more than some one who lives here and gets their news that has already been filter through the fake news media.
Absolutely! The media is part of the scam for some reason. I just can't figure out what...
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