This season, I bought a bottle of Sta-Bil 360. It's ethanol treatment and stabilizer.
Does anyone have any opinions on it?
90% of the time it does nothing
I can never understand peoples facination with fuel preservers
There is a fuel station on just about every street corner
Most people go to work every day
Just get it as you need it so it is always fresh then when you are not going to use the tool for more than 1 month, empty the fuel out & use it in something else .
Buy whatever fuel that the station sells the most of because that will always be the freshest, it really makes no difference to the mowers what fuel you use because they are primative engines .
stop conflaiting your mower & hand helds with your very high performance motor vehicles the only real simalarity is they both have exhaust pipes.
Putting 2 stroke in your 4 stroke mower or car will not do any long term damage to anything .
I run a repair business and use a lot of fuel
I buy it 2 or 3 times a week , usually in 1 or 2 gallon lots
The residual fuel in hand helds goes into the lawnmowers as I have the priveledge of using 2 stroke walk behinds and have enough mowers to last me till the year 3000 and enough parts to keep them running till the year 4000 .