As an engineer you should appreciate the different air flow requirements of the different types of decks
As I have been trying to make people understand "universal" generally means "just as bad at everything" .
But Joe Public would rather save $ 100 and get a universal deck than buy a product that actually works properly .
So the mower companies stopped making them .
As for quality again you should know that good is never cheap and cheap is seldom good .
But while he bulk of the buying public continue to buy trash then factories will make cheaper trash every year.
If you visit this site frequently you will regularly see cheapskates posting the question along the lines of
"Which tractor under $ 1000 is the better "
"my budget is $ 2000 & I need a 60" deck to mw my x acres what should I buy "
Give them an honest answer will generally result in abuse either on the forum or via a PM .
In the USA as far as I can see from the limited ones we get down here it is either Toro or JD for tractors everything else is land fill temporarily diverted to your grass .