California law bans small off-road gas engines, including lawnmowers and chainsaws


Active Member
Aug 16, 2021
  • / California law bans small off-road gas engines, including lawnmowers and chainsaws
Honest folks still live in CA?


Lawn Pro
Jul 14, 2019
  • / California law bans small off-road gas engines, including lawnmowers and chainsaws
Haven't read all this. Is Cali pushing battery gear and corded electric yard tools now?

Isn't their power grid failing slash over taxed like Texas? So everyone use electric stuff when they can't support it LOL.


Lawn Addict
Sep 27, 2017
  • / California law bans small off-road gas engines, including lawnmowers and chainsaws
Haven't read all this. Is Cali pushing battery gear and corded electric yard tools now?

Isn't their power grid failing slash over taxed like Texas? So everyone use electric stuff when they can't support it LOL.
yes. That is how utopian dreams are made. First you have a dream, then you take a pill, next you go down a deep rabbit hole to find the magical key that makes it all happen. Their thinking right now is that they will put fuel injection, computers and catalytic converters on all small mowers, chain saws etc that can't be replaced with battery. I've been waiting a year on a replacement computer for an Acura. It isn't going to happen but it will be mandated anyway. Expect the FBI to raid your home too if you try to hide a gasoline engine from them past the day they say you can use it. We were going to move out of CA but now the whole US and Canada are crazy, or so our friends all over these places tell us. The 1% has an agenda and they are implementing it all over the western world.


Lawn Royalty
Nov 29, 2014
  • / California law bans small off-road gas engines, including lawnmowers and chainsaws
yes. That is how utopian dreams are made. First you have a dream, then you take a pill, next you go down a deep rabbit hole to find the magical key that makes it all happen. Their thinking right now is that they will put fuel injection, computers and catalytic converters on all small mowers, chain saws etc that can't be replaced with battery. I've been waiting a year on a replacement computer for an Acura. It isn't going to happen but it will be mandated anyway. Expect the FBI to raid your home too if you try to hide a gasoline engine from them past the day they say you can use it. We were going to move out of CA but now the whole US and Canada are crazy, or so our friends all over these places tell us. The 1% has an agenda and they are implementing it all over the western world.
There is a problem caused by atmospheric pollution that is compounded by deforestation and the massive volume of hard heat retaining surfaces we build .
However virtue signalling by making legislation that skirts the problem and will have next to zero effect on the problem will not solve it .
Actually there are two problems
The big one is plain over population .
There are simply more people on the planet than the planet can support and those who gain wealth by having even more people are manipulating the laws ( and minds of those too stupid to think ) to make sure the population continues to grow at an unsustainable rate, except of course China whose one child policy has done more to avert pollution than every law & regulation passed by every other government on the planet added together & multiplied by 2 if not 3 .
One would have thought that after acid rain caused famine in Europe and CFC's burned a hole in the ozone layer that intelligent thinking people would have has a long hard look at atmospheric pollution, but we chose to ignore it and some even made it into pollitical weapon to divide nations like the USA , The UK & Aust where the population would rather believe the rantings of stooges on radio & TV paid millions by those who benefited financially from unregulated atmospheric pollution than to look objectively at what creditable scientists were saying & have been saying for over 50 years .

As for battery powered mowers, they are a moot point because after a couple of years when average summer temperatures are well over 100 F no one will have any grass to mow it will all be dead, for a very long time if not for good .
In Central USA tornadoes will have ripped up most of the grass so again no need to mow .
The only good thing about the extreme heat is it will probably kill a couple of million then add the thousands that will die from the extreme cold each winter and nature might just regulate the population excess for us .
Europe is seeing temperatures that have not been seen for over 25,000 years but of course it is not real it is all the 1% trying to make your life difficult and curtail your "freedoms" till of course your concrete drive cracks up & the tar on the road out front melts or there is no water coming from your tap or the ground your house is built on becomes so dry it shrinks so much that your house cracks up & falls apart .
Then suddenly it will be real but of course too late, if it is not too late already
Four floods here in 18 months. each one bigger than the last and first major flood for over 20 years
Floods in Europe that washed away complete towns that have never flooded before
Bushfires in the middle of winter and heavy snow falls in the middle of summer
Heaviest winter snow falls in may places ever recorded .
The Danube River is so low that it will become un-navigaible by shipping, some thing that has never been recorded since us ignorant ape derrivaties worked out how to write . And heaven only knows what is happening in China or Russia where news is regulated by the government .
Hail storms so heavy they are causing roofs to collapse under the weight of the hail.
these are becoming just about daily events yet there are those who would rather scream "fake news" and walk away .
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