Thanks for that. I was thinking about putting a sign out front. BUT, also thought about the tax collector seeing it. LOL..
And the labor rate thing, that's pretty smart. If I noted it at $60hr, doesn't necessarily mean I'm gonna charge that much. Like right now, I'm running a winter special of $15 oil change and blade sharpening. That's labor only. Trying to coax some folks to get their mowers out a little early. The weeds are green & growing.
Oil changes aren't going to actually take more than about 10 to 15 minutes. That includes sharpening the (2) blades. Unless King Kong installed the blades.
Valve adjustments are usually about $35. Unless the valve covers come off clean.
I usually only get into the full labor rate when I'm having to chase wires, weld decks, valve jobs and things of that nature that takes an actual hour or more to do.
It is a perception thing you right down $ 35 / hr and most are going to think you have no idea what you are doing.
I have a couple of old scheduled fee service books ( warranty work ) and regardless of how long a job takes, in most cases the customer gets the scheduled hours @ $ 60/ hr
I do not sharpen blades, except for the commercial customers who drop off a 1/2 dozen sets every week.
Min fee is $ 30
Fitting fee of parts supplied by customer is $ 20
Chain saw prices are about the same as Hammer adjusted for Aus $ / USA $.
Commercial customers get them done for $ 5,00 a hit if they drop them off on their peg.
I sharpen then then put them back on the peg & they toss the cash in the letterbox.
Same as Hammer, I hit the gear with cheap spray degreaser, followed by a pressure wash and a finish off with Innox or silicon spray.
Innox & WD 40 get bought in 5 gallon drums & i use a triger sprayer, pressure sprayer & oil can to apply it depending upon the job at hand.
The local cheap car parts retailers regularly sell degreaser for $ 1.00 / can so I buy a couple of cartons at that price.
For hand helds a spray with the degreaser followed by a rinse from a pump up sprayer works wonders & costs next to nothing .
If foam prefilters are not falling apart they get a run through the ultrasonic cleaner then returned to the customer with instruction to swap & wash them monthly.