Used oil

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Lawn Royalty
Nov 29, 2014
Absolutely! I think it's hilarious that people posting from Australia think they know what is going on in OUR country, and KNOW what's best for us... That person is an idiot!
Businesses bring in consultants from outside to fix problems that usually could be fixed by the workers on the grounds that a clean pair of eyes can asses the problem better than a set tainted from within.
So from a distance I do not get Fox every night polluting my brain.
One of the best days in Australia was when Murdoch rescinded his Australian birth right to become an American
And the day he left we all cheered , but shed a tear for Americans & he has been even more destructive over there than he was down here , although we still have SKY here, a slightly less outrageous BS peddler than Fox is , although you can get Fox on subscription if you are really desperate to be lied to & deceived .
As such we can be far more objective than you can, as we do not have any skin in the game nor are we subject to the same amount of manipulation as Americans are, particularly from Russia who is trying, and succeeding to a large extent to destroy the USA from within.
While the likes of M T Greene will tell you that gender diversity creates school shooters , although she still says Sandy Hollow did not happen & is a total fabrication to attempt too reduce fire arms ownership , the truth of it is ( apparently ) is that russians had befriended several of the mass shooters via chat rooms and stoked their paranoia in order to get them to take actions .They do this knowing that after every mass shooting there will be massive social upheavals gun owners on one side , fire arm restrictions on the the other with the poor old cops stuck in the middle . Maximum social disruption for minimum costs .
Now according to a French documentary the Wagner has a 10 story building staffed by over 1000 IT gurus in Chad devoted 100% to infiltrating US social media in order to spread russian propaganda and create as much social unrest as possible and apparently when Putin took it over, he threw even more money at it .

Americans think they are all great & the envy of the entire planet , which is true if your only goal is to amass the maximum amount of cash in the shortest time possible.
Outside of America you are the laughing stock of the planet , universally hated by just about every country on the planet but tolerated because of the massive military spending .
America was great country, but it went down hill very fast and the biggest problem you have is the electoral system, which was fine when the Constitution was written but is totally out of date since the end of WW II . Like religious zealots you cling to it as the absolute truth , never to be changed in the same way as a bible .
Way back then a 2 year term was fine & dandy because you could get a lot done in 2 years , particularly when the candidates debated about what they could do to make things better . Now days they just slag each other off .
When the Constitution was written it was carefully done to prevent any one group ever having absolute power which is a good thing.
Down here is is very rare for either party to have both the reps & the senate and of course you go one further with the 3 way split of reps, senate & president .
However your voluntary voting & 2 party system has ultimately divided the country and the last president who made a genuine effort to unite the USA was JFK & he got a bullet for his efforts .
So the 2 year cycle in the reps means that they are forever in election mode, bribing which ever section did not vote for them last time to vote for them this time .
Thus it is constant bribing either with money ( spending & tax cuts ) or legislation ( Row vs Wade ) in a never ending auction to get votes to the ultimate detriment of the country .
How many school shooing did the USA have last year ?
Australia has never had a single one , in fact except for some (dis) organised crime wars there are virtually no shooting in Australia at all and no mass shootings since Port Arthur in 1996 and the biggest shooting was last year and that was 2 idiots , 2 police + one neighbour and I might add that the shooters were members of a USA extreme religious cult with extreme anti police beliefs .

Back to politics, google "Election Spending" and see just how much money each party spends every 2 or 4 years to get you lot off your backsides and vote, unless you look like you might vote for the "other side" where each state makes it as difficult as possible to register and even harder to vote .
Well some one pays for all the rallys, bunting , signs, rosettes , flags, posters and ultimately it is you.
While the bulk of the cash that is pissed up against a wall is provided by big business, for them is is not a donation, it is an INVSETMENT for which they expect to be paid back with interest .This is why Wall St is totally out of control , Banks are ripping ordinary people off left right & centre , all done with the blessing of which ever party is in power at the time .

Even worse, the strongest motivators are anger & fear, hence the over playing of the border , but that aside, both sides want their voters to be terrified of the other side getting in and hate any one who votes for them to the point that they will blow their brains out for voting for the wrong party .
And to back that up I know 2 people , one was beaten to near death because he walked past a group of loyalist but was wearing the wrong cloths and another who had his house fire bombed because he put the "wrong' parties poster on his car .

Right now the magas want to impeach Britney Spears for the crime of encouraging young people to register to vote .
Now if you think that is great or even sane then you are in big trouble.


Lawn Royalty
Nov 29, 2014
So are we ready to give up rooting for the nice old man that can't remember shit that is fixing the U.S.A
What I do not get Ray is as a proud ex navy man how you could vote for a person who disrespects all sections of the military who is the only President who reused to lay a wreath at the Suresnes war cemetery when in France, called all the deceased soldiers losers tried to defund the US Marines , skipped out of national service with a bogus health claim and equates dating is just like serving in Vietnam .
Again from a CONSERVATIVE group of Regan Republicans, not some left wing communist .


Well-Known Member
Apr 3, 2014
Absolutely! I think it's hilarious that people posting from Australia think they know what is going on in OUR country, and KNOW what's best for us... That person is an idiot!
Your opinion of him is higher than mine !!


Nov 23, 2018
Way back in the day a "magazine tip" was to dig a 3ft hole next to the your house foundation,fill about 6in with gravel, 3ft PVC pipe to pour old oil. They claimed "will water proof & bug proof foundation", go figure" ????


May 19, 2014
What do you guys do with your used oil? We have ours picked up by Safety Kleen. They use to pay for it but now charge to pick it up. Was talking to the guy that picked it up and he said a lot of the major oil companies bought from them and reprossed it. Like Mobile One, Valvoline to name a few. Said it cost less to process and was better than the crude. Don't know if this is true or not does anyone here know for sure.


May 19, 2014
Some recycling depots, ie. were they take your pop cans, batteries, old paint and light bulbs will show signage that mentions accept it ours.


Sep 12, 2021
I took 33 gallons to my local Walmart and dumped it into their waste tank yesterday. Bring a pair of disposable gloves.


Well-Known Member
Sep 14, 2021
What I do not get Ray is as a proud ex navy man how you could vote for a person who disrespects all sections of the military who is the only President who reused to lay a wreath at the Suresnes war cemetery when in France, called all the deceased soldiers losers tried to defund the US Marines , skipped out of national service with a bogus health claim and equates dating is just like serving in Vietnam .
Again from a CONSERVATIVE group of Regan Republicans, not some left wing communist .
Bert, I for one have never said that Trump is not without faults, but I for one know this country was far better off under the leadership of Trump than it is today under the third term of Obama... Cheers, r.

We will have to agree to disagree...


Lawn Royalty
Feb 19, 2020
Personally I can't support someone that is constantly poking at people in the military. Just like DJT just with Nikki Haley's husband that serving active duty over in Africa. He is doing something DJT would not do himself.

Now yes I did not volunteer myself either but in my own way I supported the military by repairing their equipment here in North Alabama.
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