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Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2016
Uncle Vlad over in russia, the worlds most wealthy person estimated to be worth 350 billion .
He is the one who pays people to write the stuff that Ray & the other disciples of the orange jesus swallow hook line & sinker .
HE is the one who took over the 11,000 employees of the Wagner group who spend all day every day writing garbage to post on social media then getting the millions of web bots to like & share so the disinformation ends up in everyones feed so the Ray's of this world read the headlines and think they know what is going on and who is to blame for everything .
Apparently Vlad & the orange jesus are best buddies, well that is what the orange jesus keeps on posting and lazy fools believe it .
You know he will pop over there and tell uncle Vlad he should stop all this silliness in Ukraine and within 24 hours it will all be over .
I really find it hilarious just how gullible Americans really are, it has to be something in the water
Think about it.
In November the border was such a crisis that it had to be fixed then and there or America as we know it would end by christmas .
So there was a biapartisan debate in the Senate and a deal was produced that even the Border Guard Unions ( who staunchly hate democrats ) said is great pass it please but Speaker johnston decided that the crisis, that will end America as we know it if it is not fixed right now decided that GOD has spoken to him and told him not to allow a vote till after the elections.
So it appears that Speaker johnston has problems differentiating between the real God & the orange jesus
However there is a close parallel between the orange jesus & uncle Vlad .
Everything Uncle Vlad blames others for doing is exactly what he does himself and everything the orange jesus blames the current administration of doing, which they are not is exactly what he claims he will do when he becomes the next president
Vlad controls the entire legal system in russia & the orange jesus has stated he is going to sack all of the judges appointed by democrats & install his own in their place
Vlad controls the FSB and the orange jesus is going to defund the FBI, sack all of the head & install his own people so he controls it .
Vlad shot all of the free press so he has absolute control over the media & is about to take russia off the www and the orange jesus is going to close all of the media that have been spreading "fake news " Fake News = everything that he does not like .
I could go on but I won't because any one who can think can see that the orange jesus is going to set up a totally authoritarian state, just like those he admires, Putin , Xi & Jong-Un
Hey Bert, you might want to have your septic tank pumped. It's overflowing!


Lawn Royalty
Nov 29, 2014
So when did this change from a lawn mower forum to 'As the World SUCKS"?

Ya know if someone doesn't fix the boarder one will have to pay an armed guard to watch there home when you vaction to keep squatters from moving in. Who is paying taxes to see a city spend 53 million of their dollars to hand out to people that have never contributed one cent to the welfare of this nation and house illegals in the school gyms. How green is it to run diesel busses over night to provide heated spaces for people. Guess I live in a glass house. I hope you live in a perfect world on your side of the planet... Cheers, Ray
The difference between you & me Ray is I can think beyond what I am told to think
What happens to an illegal who gets caught committing a crime ?
Instant deportation or prison then deportation.Now I have worked with hundreds of illegals down here and they were the finest most law abiding people I had ever met , because they knew if caught for anything , it was an immigration detention camp & strait back to where ever they came from .
From your comments I imagine ( pure speculation ) that you do not even know an illegal .
But I will give you a hint, that house down the street with an Amrican flag flying proudly on the immaculate cared for front lawn with those really nice conservatively dressed people who never speak but wave & smile as you drive by, they are probably the illegals .
What the orange jesus has done is use the tried & true reality TV manipulation to get people sucked in .
The USA is producing more oil right now than any country on the planet
So your gas price is all about the gas companies gouging excessive profits and when the reporting season comes around have a look at them
If you looked at Jakes videos and I am sure you did not he clearly showed that border crossings is lock step with unemployment levels
So you selectively posted the border crossings but not the unemployment numbers because yu knew it would put the lie to what you are expousing.
in 2020 the US was doing it bad and unemployment was very high
So if there are no jobs then there is no incentive to cross the border , unless you are a genuine refugee .
Please do not insult my inteligence , I am not M T Greene
And you may have missed this bit, but there was a new border plan.
The border security patrol union endorsed it 100% and asked congress to pass it post haste
The senate voted it down & Speaker johnston had already said it was the worst bill ever for the border before it was drafted .
Why ?
Because orange jesus has made people like you terrified about the border and he wants another 1,500,000 to cross between now & the elections so he can say he will fix it.
No administration has "fixed the border " for over 100 years because the problems are economic not political, except for the 500,000 from the middle East & Central Asia that uncle Vlad has paid to cross the border , just like he is doing at the Lativan , Estonian & Finland borders .
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Well-Known Member
Sep 14, 2021
The difference between you & me Ray is I can think beyond what I am told to think
What happens to an illegal who gets caught committing a crime ?
Instant deportation or prison then deportation.Now I have worked with hundreds of illegals down here and they were the finest most law abiding people I had ever met , because they knew if caught for anything , it was an immigration detention camp & strait back to where ever they came from .
From your comments I imagine ( pure speculation ) that you do not even know an illegal .
But I will give you a hint, that house down the street with an Amrican flag flying proudly on the immaculate cared for front lawn with those really nice conservatively dressed people who never speak but wave & smile as you drive by, they are probably the illegals .
What the orange jesus has done is use the tried & true reality TV manipulation to get people sucked in .
The USA is producing more oil right now than any country on the planet
So your gas price is all about the gas companies gouging excessive profits and when the reporting season comes around have a look at them
If you looked at Jakes videos and I am sure you did not he clearly showed that border crossings is lock step with unemployment levels
So you selectively posted the border crossings but not the unemployment numbers because yu knew it would put the lie to what you are expousing.
in 2020 the US was doing it bad and unemployment was very high
So if there are no jobs then there is no incentive to cross the border , unless you are a genuine refugee .
Please do not insult my inteligence , I am not M T Greene
And you may have missed this bit, but there was a new border plan.
The border security patrol union endorsed it 100% and asked congress to pass it post haste
The senate voted it down & Speaker johnston had already said it was the worst bill ever for the border before it was drafted .
Why ?
Because orange jesus has made people like you terrified about the border and he wants another 1,500,000 to cross between now & the elections so he can say he will fix it.
No administration has "fixed the border " for over 100 years because the problems are economic not political, except for the 500,000 from the middle East & Central Asia that uncle Vlad has paid to cross the border , just like he is doing at the Lativan , Estonian & Finland borders .
Bert, it is sad you have such a narrow view of some one with a conservative view on the world. I spent 8 years in the Navy, traveled to many places in the world, come from a very humble start and have worked hard to improve myself over the years. I have no problem with folks from other place coming here if they are law abiding and are here to make a better life for oneself. This is not what I see happening here now and you are fooling yourself if that is what you see. One can see these folks being exploited in the work force and it is clear many are desperate. I for one don't want to encounter them in a univited way. It is rottening the core of this country and it will not end well. The so called sanctuary are busting at the seem already with no end in sight. There is not justifing cramping univited imigrants into public school facilities. r


Active Member
Apr 17, 2015
Here in MA, nearly every hotel along a major highway is jammed full of illegals. Now, they're stuffing them in Logan Airport. It's absolute INSANITY! What other country does this to itself?? What other country (Besides Canada) allows people who have ZERO desire to assimilate, stream over their borders unchecked? Go ahead and try that in Mexico ... or China & Russia, and let us know how it works out for you.

The leftists have such a lust for power that they'll risk tanking the entire country to create a new voter base.They know nobody with a functioning brain would vote for them again after all the damage they've done to this Nation, so they've got to import them. The fact that some jurisdictions want to allow them to become police officers tells me their end game is to deploy them militarily when they decide to do away with our Constitution and all its protections entirely. That explains the corporate media narrative of "It's families escaping tyranny", when video evidence shows it's a majority of young, military-aged men, and very few families.

Our Constitution, and our God Given RIGHT to keep and bear arms is the LAST barrier to the elitist's attempted unfurling of a one-world government. They know any American that takes an oath will defy orders to kick in doors of their brethren in their homeland. These imports will do whatever this government tells them, and the government will expect that.

They don't have the slightest clue the shitstorm of a hornet's nest they are screwing with, or else they wouldn't speak so freely of these things. They think they're one step away from taking over the entire globe. Kings and serfs all over again. They don't realize the hellstorm Americans will unleash to defend their families and way of life when pushed to the edge ... and they are pushing!


Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2016
Here in MA, nearly every hotel along a major highway is jammed full of illegals. Now, they're stuffing them in Logan Airport. It's absolute INSANITY! What other country does this to itself?? What other country (Besides Canada) allows people who have ZERO desire to assimilate, stream over their borders unchecked? Go ahead and try that in Mexico ... or China & Russia, and let us know how it works out for you.

The leftists have such a lust for power that they'll risk tanking the entire country to create a new voter base.They know nobody with a functioning brain would vote for them again after all the damage they've done to this Nation, so they've got to import them. The fact that some jurisdictions want to allow them to become police officers tells me their end game is to deploy them militarily when they decide to do away with our Constitution and all its protections entirely. That explains the corporate media narrative of "It's families escaping tyranny", when video evidence shows it's a majority of young, military-aged men, and very few families.

Our Constitution, and our God Given RIGHT to keep and bear arms is the LAST barrier to the elitist's attempted unfurling of a one-world government. They know any American that takes an oath will defy orders to kick in doors of their brethren in their homeland. These imports will do whatever this government tells them, and the government will expect that.

They don't have the slightest clue the shitstorm of a hornet's nest they are screwing with, or else they wouldn't speak so freely of these things. They think they're one step away from taking over the entire globe. Kings and serfs all over again. They don't realize the hellstorm Americans will unleash to defend their families and way of life when pushed to the edge ... and they are pushing!
Absolutely! I think it's hilarious that people posting from Australia think they know what is going on in OUR country, and KNOW what's best for us... That person is an idiot!


Lawn Royalty
Nov 29, 2014
Bert, it is sad you have such a narrow view of some one with a conservative view on the world. I spent 8 years in the Navy, traveled to many places in the world, come from a very humble start and have worked hard to improve myself over the years. I have no problem with folks from other place coming here if they are law abiding and are here to make a better life for oneself. This is not what I see happening here now and you are fooling yourself if that is what you see. One can see these folks being exploited in the work force and it is clear many are desperate. I for one don't want to encounter them in a univited way. It is rottening the core of this country and it will not end well. The so called sanctuary are busting at the seem already with no end in sight. There is not justifing cramping univited imigrants into public school facilities. r
I have nothing against conservatism Ray , I was born into a dirt poor family had to work after school & weekends to finish high school
In my final 2 years I worked in the bread room of a big bakery cutting & wrapping bread so I missed 2 hours of school on Thursday and all mornings on Friday and this is because "conservatives" forbid the baking of bread on Saturday & Sunday so on Thursday & Friday we baked the foil wrapped weekend loaves .
I then did 10 years of higher education working full time night shifts when ever they became available and I could write a 1000 page history on how the "nice" Australian businesses shamefully exploited desperate immigrants & refugees .Everything you say the border crossers are guilty of is exactly the same as what monopoly media claimes the refugees coming into Australia were doing and was total bull shit in Australia and it is total bull shit in the USA.
But it serves the political masters to stirr up emotions and create an "Invaison of thieves, rapists, drug smugglers, job stealers , etc, etc, etc " because it is easier for any population ( includes Australia ) to blame the "other" rather than look hard at themselves .
Prime example is home ownership, which down here has become critically short so the extreme right started a campaign claiming the "boat people" are combining their incomes and buying all of the properties preventing nice ( white ) Australians from buying property .
Truth of the matter is changes in the tax laws , particularly regarding superannuation meant that you got a 2:1 tax benefit by buying rental properties , so it was the very well paid who were amassing vast realestate portfolios who have pushed the house price up 150% in the past 10 years . Most premier league footballers have around 20 investment properties , not hard for a football "hero" on $ 5,000,000/pa + bonuses to pay $ 2,000,000 for an average house that 3 years ago was $ 600,000.
But it did not stop vigilantes burning down houses then preventing the fire brigade from putting the fires out .

I know it is hard to find the truth when you have people like M T Greene screaming at the top of her voice all sorts of exaggerations & total bull shit but just about everything you believe about your southern border is not true .
Yes there is a temporary holding facility problem, but there has been a bill that went through the senate in October 2022 to address that but the MAGAs will not bring it to the floor in the House because they do not want to fix the border, they want people like you to get mad & angry about it so you will vote for the orange jesus .
If you think rationally about it, and I understand that is hard to do when the BS flows fast & free every day & night , if you were a wanted international terrorist would you attempt to cross the Mexican border where you have a 90% chance of being detained by Border Force , recognised as a terrorist then sent back to where you will be shot at dawn, or would you rent a boat and try to sneak in via Florida ? Or perhaps sign on as a crew member of a ship at Panama , then jump ship at Long Beach ?
Terrorist are only google eyed idiots in Hollywood movies .
Same with drug smuggling an undocumented person has very little chance of getting over the order carrying drugs and if they did, how much could they be carrying , considering the bulk come across empty handed . Now I am sure there are opportunist in Mexico who take every cent refugees have in return for a bag of white powder on the guarantee that if they get to the USA side they will be paid $ 1,000,000 for that little bag and there will be people desperate enough or stupid enough to take up that offer .
But 99% of what comes in is done by Americans because they will not get searched as thoroughly as any illegal will get searched .
And the bulk comes in the same way as it does here, in shipping containers because the volume is so high that less than 1% get scanned and of those less than 5% end up being searched , this of course ignores the tip offs , often done so the DEA will find the drugs of you opponents cartel or as a diversion so the 10 kg is found but the 20 tons passes strait through .
Last year we had a spate of US grandmothers , being used as mules to bring drugs into Australia hidden in their motorhomes .
All kept very hush hush because the Aust Customs & the US DEA were trying to work out how Columbian drugs ended up in US & Canadian motorhomes and this was a big operation as the drugs had been in the motor homes from the day they were built as they were accounted for in the "Tare Weights" for the motorhomes and we are talking around 200kg of pure cocaine in each one .
And just by the way right now M T Greene has the "tragic story" of 2 families torn apart by fontanel which is true ,still on her web page, but the deaths happened in 2018 & 2019 when the orange jesus was in the white house "protecting America" and that so you know it, came from the Lincoln Project, which you probably do not know are the true conservatives from the republican party who have seen through the orange jesus for the despicable criminal but master con artist that he is .
The Lincoln Project and yes I am subscribed to it .
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