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Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2016
Why should we be the one who pays the bill for all the other countries?
People bitch about having to pay for the world, then in the next breath, bitch about Trump wanting the rest pay their share... I respect the man for saying what needs to be said. It may not be " nice" or " presidential" but still needs to be said. Whoever doesn't like it... Too Bad!


Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2016
We don't. It just some countries put in less than the suggested 2% GNP. With the attitude DJT has it is to put in the full 2% amount or to hell with you. OR he simply want to go it alone if Russia attacks US. Believe me when it comes to it DJT will be begging for the help but if he pisses everyone off they just may not even respond.

There no way we can fully defend ourselves conventionally especially with 50+ year old weapons. Yes our military needs a serious updating to modern weapons as a deterrent. Stop the bitching about sending places like Ukraine our 50+ yr old weapons as when we should replace them new modern weapons provide Congress gets off their dead backsides appropriate the funds. But the politicians are better at lying to all of us.

But with our non functioning Congress nothing will get done. They can't even decide which one is allowed to shit now. Just a lot infighting over politics and not working for the general public which they were elected to do. I know that my neither of my Congressional reps are not getting my vote the next they are up for re-election.
I doubt Russia worries Trump, they cannot even beat an undermanned and underfunded Ukraine. Wake up!


Lawn Royalty
Feb 19, 2020
That's why Nikki lost to " none of the above"!
It is very hard to be serving your country and be home supporting your wife or husband at the same.

So some of you are anti military too. May you that are anti military be over ran by terrorists...Vote back in Mr Bone Spurs. He would not even risk his life when his asked him to serve his country. He has absolutely no right to be complaining about the military, he didn't serve his time.


Lawn Royalty
Nov 29, 2014
The sadest thing about the whole mess is neither side has a straight up guy as a candidate to vote for, most of all I fear for our children. Let's call this done and go back to the mower forum, Cheers, r
The big worry Ray is that DJT wants to do to the USA what Putin did to Russia and Hitler did to Germany and I do not mean going to war
He has already destroyed the republican party , I know of ( through forums ) a lot of Regan Conservatives who will vote for Nikky but will not vote at all if trump is the candidate .
The man is unbelievably dangerous to democracy and he will do what he threatened , sack every judge , magistrate and prosecutor who has found against him .
This is what Putin did
He threatened to pull the licenses of every media organisation that has published "Fake News" which is of course anything that he did not say , and that is what Putin did .
He will defund the FBI & sack every person there involved in the cases against him , again what Putin did
He will defund & restructure the IRS , to who he owes millions because of fraudulent tax returns .
He is a vicious evil nasty & spiteful man that uses every one around him then discards them the second they are no longer useful, Gulliarni is the perfect example of this .
A man who defended trump to the bitter end the got tossed aside without a penny of the $ 4,500,000 in legal fees trump clocked up.
He wants to be president forever and has alread said on many occasions that 2 terms in not enough time to "Make America Great Again " so will be challengine the term limit of presidents . And of course if he does that after he has replaced all of the high court judges with his stooges , then that is what will happen which is how Xi became ruler of China for life .
He is a con man & a thief and has been grifting off his election campaign funds paid in by mum & dad Americans who he has besotted by his bull shit ( which is another reason why he wants to shut down the IRS because they have a case pending against him for fraud & tax evasion over those accounts, the same as LaPierre is currently in court over because he has been stealing from the smucks who pay their $ 45 / year to the NRA thinking it is going to further the cause of gun ownerships when it has been funding his lavish life style . Heck he even tried to donate $ 5,000,000 of US rifle owners money to the One Nation party down here in Australia and has funded various legal challenges to different guns being banned down here .
trump can not see the difference between his companies money , the GOP's money , government money & his money .
The man threatened every one who donated to Nikki with retribution and permanent banning from the GOP if they did not withdraw their funds
Then yesterday he told Taylor Swift that he owned her like he was a mobster boss and the GOP has been threatening her & went as far to raise a sanctions motion to prevent her endorsing Biden at the super bowl game yesterday .
So Swift reposted all of the threats she has been getting from the MAGAs on one of her social media accounts .
The man is deranged


Lawn Royalty
Feb 19, 2020
Bert. Very well put... DJT is a very dangerous man but the public will simply not use their brains and just be con into accepting him.

Personally I had a choice of voting for DJT or a pet rock; the rock would get the vote. At least I know what the rock would do day in and day out.

And what worst is that DJT keeps on sinking to new lows. Just a very very bitter old man.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2016
It is very hard to be serving your country and be home supporting your wife or husband at the same.

So some of you are anti military too. May you that are anti military be over ran by terrorists...Vote back in Mr Bone Spurs. He would not even risk his life when his asked him to serve his country. He has absolutely no right to be complaining about the military, he didn't serve his time.
Hold your ass on, son! I am NOT anti military, in fact, my family's known military history goes back to WW1. I have relatives that have served in EVERY BRANCH, including an active Navy Seal and an active Marine. If we choose Trump to run or country, that's OUR problem! So why don't you find something else to whine about...


Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2016
The big worry Ray is that DJT wants to do to the USA what Putin did to Russia and Hitler did to Germany and I do not mean going to war
He has already destroyed the republican party , I know of ( through forums ) a lot of Regan Conservatives who will vote for Nikky but will not vote at all if trump is the candidate .
The man is unbelievably dangerous to democracy and he will do what he threatened , sack every judge , magistrate and prosecutor who has found against him .
This is what Putin did
He threatened to pull the licenses of every media organisation that has published "Fake News" which is of course anything that he did not say , and that is what Putin did .
He will defund the FBI & sack every person there involved in the cases against him , again what Putin did
He will defund & restructure the IRS , to who he owes millions because of fraudulent tax returns .
He is a vicious evil nasty & spiteful man that uses every one around him then discards them the second they are no longer useful, Gulliarni is the perfect example of this .
A man who defended trump to the bitter end the got tossed aside without a penny of the $ 4,500,000 in legal fees trump clocked up.
He wants to be president forever and has alread said on many occasions that 2 terms in not enough time to "Make America Great Again " so will be challengine the term limit of presidents . And of course if he does that after he has replaced all of the high court judges with his stooges , then that is what will happen which is how Xi became ruler of China for life .
He is a con man & a thief and has been grifting off his election campaign funds paid in by mum & dad Americans who he has besotted by his bull shit ( which is another reason why he wants to shut down the IRS because they have a case pending against him for fraud & tax evasion over those accounts, the same as LaPierre is currently in court over because he has been stealing from the smucks who pay their $ 45 / year to the NRA thinking it is going to further the cause of gun ownerships when it has been funding his lavish life style . Heck he even tried to donate $ 5,000,000 of US rifle owners money to the One Nation party down here in Australia and has funded various legal challenges to different guns being banned down here .
trump can not see the difference between his companies money , the GOP's money , government money & his money .
The man threatened every one who donated to Nikki with retribution and permanent banning from the GOP if they did not withdraw their funds
Then yesterday he told Taylor Swift that he owned her like he was a mobster boss and the GOP has been threatening her & went as far to raise a sanctions motion to prevent her endorsing Biden at the super bowl game yesterday .
So Swift reposted all of the threats she has been getting from the MAGAs on one of her social media accounts .
The man is deranged
YOU ARE THE DERANGED ONE! You have so much crap, you need it pumped, it's overflowing here!!!


Lawn Royalty
Nov 29, 2014
YOU ARE THE DERANGED ONE! You have so much crap, you need it pumped, it's overflowing here!!!
You really need to listen to what the man says he will do
And if elected he will do it , every last threat to become president for life .
Mind you both parties have no one to blame but themselves and your idiot election system

Because of the need to finance massive election campaigns every 2 years to get people off their arse & out to vote both parties have been smooching up to the big end of town to get the big dollars to outspend each others because when it comes to politics, Americans are unbelievable dumb so easily swayed by a slick advertising campaign .
It was one of trumps advisers who mentioned that at their first nomination rally he could not believe the pent up anger of the middle working class who had been abandoned by both parties
So on the second rally trump played to their anger and invented the MAGA sloganand thus became the republican nominee .
These were the people who had their jobs outsourced to 3rd world countries, who had put every cent they had into a Low Doc loan that sent the banks down then watched as their home they were evicted from got bull dozed to become an Amazon car park but they still had to pay back the loan .
So they were angry and angry people need some one to vent their anger towards so trump invented the border crisis and made mexicans & hispanics the scape goats for every problem middle America was feeling and they lapped it up big time and trump knew he was on a winner .
This is not saying there is no problem at the border as there is and has been for over 100 years and no party has ever fixed it .
It is a lot worse now because russia is freighting people from all over the world who are abhorrent to Americans to make the border a much bigger problem than it would normally be and this is the real Russian interference in your elections, not envelopes full of $ 100 bills
To be fair I thought it would be a good thing to have a business man in the white house rather than professional politicians who were totally divorced from the people they were elected to serve . What I did not know was the man was a con artist who had been bankruped 6 times and could not even manage to run a casino profitably and had left a trail of financial ruin every where he had been . All I knew at the time was he had a TV show and sold real estate .

A republican judge in a republican court with a republican prosecuter in a republican state found trump guilty on 6 counts of election interfearance .The appealed that cace & lost 3:0 to the appeals court so then appealed that decision to the full bench and I think that was a 6:3 loss again so he went to the supreme court , then got that delayed because of the presidential immunity, which no president has , lost that case 3:0 to a split court & now wants that reheard by the full bench again .
Yet no one talks about that all they scream about is "stolen" election when 3 enquireys , including a republican congressional one could find not a single piece of evidence of an election mal practice by a democrat

And because I try to be objective I actually checked what the requirements for a postal vote were from this web site
"If you are registering to vote for the first time in yourjurisdiction and are mailing this registration application, Federal law requires you to show proof of identification the first time you vote. Proof of identificationincludes:• A current and valid photo identification or• A current utility bill, bank statement, governmentcheck, paycheck or government document thatshows your name and address.Voters may be exempt from this requirement if theysubmit a COPY of this identification with their mail invoter registration form. If you wish to submit a COPY,please keep the following in mind:• Your state may have additional identification requirements which may mandate you show identification at the polling place even if you meet theFederal proof of identification.• Do not submit original documents"

So once again you are spreading lies that some one told you and you were too lazy to check to see if it was true
Again , it would have been better if it was AND the second document and not OR the second document .
Most states required a social security number as well so very little chance of 20,000 dead people voting and yes I did check that all postal votes were validated against the births marriages & deaths register in most states
So you got another theory about where all these bogus votes came from ?

Thus again a case of what Simon & Garfunkle put so eloquently
"Still a man hears what he want to hear and disregards the rest "


Lawn Royalty
Feb 19, 2020
And yet Bert they prefer to listen and accept lies over the true.

Yes everytime I vote I got to show my ID and my registration is double checked before I am allowed to vote. And it has been this way in both states that have resided in for the last 30 yrs. No wonder it takes as long as it does to vote. The actual vote is just matter of minutes, it is all the security that takes so long to get through. And yes every vote is recorded electronically and and every vote as a paper ballot backup which is placed in sealed lock box so it can be double verified too if needed.


Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2016
Blah, blah, blah... We'll have to agree to disagree. Where did you get those posts from Bert? I've heard the same exact thing before. Is the Harvard broad selling plagiarized work?
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