Recent content by ILENGINE


    Craftsman DGS 6500 - needs carburetor

    Nobody would care if it is bypassed or not, but do keep in mind that the way the law is written, Joe Schmoe can also be on the hook for fines. The chances of that happening are almost nil, because they will focus more on the OEM, their distributors and dealers not the end user.

    Husqvarna LC19 idling rough unable to adjust carburettor

    Change the oil before running again. Gas in the oil will cause engine damage because it effects lubrication, but the fumes that are released and drawn through the breather system are drawn directly into the engine and will cause a rich running issue, which you are describing.

    b/s hard to start

    Your symptoms normally point to a choke that isn't closing all the way. Check and make sure the choke is actually fully closed when starting cold.

    weak spark

    I have come across a couple cases while working on LCT on Husqvarna were the authorized LCT distributor can't sell the part to an authorized LCT dealer, and have to purchase from Husqvarna only.

    Craftsman DGS 6500 - needs carburetor

    Not a common issue but I have had issues with Amazon Kohler carbs with faulty fuel solenoids. You maybe able to use the solenoid off of your old carb. If it doesn't click need to check to make sure there is battery voltage getting to the solenoid. Have seen a few key switches energize the...

    Craftsman DGS 6500 - needs carburetor

    Is the fuel solenoid on the bottom of the carb clicking or can you feel it click when the key is turns on and off. I am thinking there is an issue with the afterfire solenoid on your new carb.

    weak spark

    LCT kind of falls under the same type of agreement that Kawasaki and JD have with their engines when it comes to Husqvarna and Ariens. You can find part numbers under the LCT diagrams, but in some cases trying to order them has a note attached to see Husqvarna or see Ariens. LCT warranty and...

    weak spark

    Have you checked the oil to make sure the crankcase isn't full of gas if the carb is flooding that bad. Also LCT is part of Lauson/Tecumseh. So parts are basically Tecumseh parts, but Ariens and Husqvarna use LCT engines but claim they are an Ariens or Husqvarna engine and parts maybe only...

    725EX Governor problem?

    Thanks for letting us know what the solution was and it was that simple.

    725EX Governor problem?

    Here is a parts diagram for your engine I would start with removing any covers that restrict access to the top of the carb, and check to make sure that a sudden joit didn't jam the throttle control on the...

    Well it started.

    So Bradford Blackmon, a democrat, is now a right winger. Sounds like more leftist antics to blame the right.

    Repair shop needs advice

    Service only has its limits as far as carrying capacity. You maybe topped out at this point for your area. Need wholegoods retail sales to drive up revenue past a certain point that you may have reached.

    No fuel on cold start

    My first thought would be to make sure the choke is actually closing all the way. Doesn't take much gap to prevent start in some cases. And even if the fuel was leaking back into the lines, the carb should still be full, and even if it was draining back a few engine revolutions should refill...

    Poulan PP4218AVX Chainsaw sudden no-start issue after weeks of regular use

    Poulan Pro went to a 50:1 mix about 3 years ago. Don't know exactly when the change took place but all the new items come with a bottle of 50:1 mix in the box. The Poulan Pro canned gas mentions both the 40:1 and 50:1 on the can.

    Well it started.

    The problem is the left doesn't like the right playing by the lefts rules. Turn about is fair play at this point. Maybe we are tired of trying to play nice and then getting shafted in compromises.

    Where is the air intake?

    Reference item 335 in this diagram. Be aware that snow engines don't use an air filter. That have a cover over the carb to introduce heated air from the muffler to help prevent icing.

    Predator 9500 Generator backfiring on shutdown.

    The voltage will drop as the engine comes to a stop. Nothing can be done about that. In your first video it appears that the plunger is retracting after a few seconds even with power still applied. Other than that everything looks normal.

    B&S 10/12HP throttle repair

    It came from a picture on the other thread by this OP

    Broken Con Rod 44N677

    The only way to know for sure is to tear it down and have a look see. You can speculate about what damage there maybe internally, but without opening it up you will not know, and there is potential that the broken parts could cause more damage if continued to be run.

    Kawasaki FX 651 V

    Skippy, Correct. Briggs uses a restrictor plate in the intake to do the same things on some of there engines. Start your engine and go to full throttle with no load, and the throttle plate will be closed down to the point that is it just slightly wider than the idle position. Load...

    Kawasaki FX 651 V

    Skippy correct. But here is the thing. Engine rpm is maintained by the governor at a set speed. As the engine load increases causes a drop in engine rpm. The governor spring overcomes that rpm drop to return the engine to the set rpm. Now as the engine load keeps increasing it keeps...

    Kawasaki FX 651 V

    The screw limited the throttle butterfly to only open halfway. So the governor was set for the throttle butterfly to only open 50% not the full straight open 100%. And if not reset the governor couldn't take advantage of the full movement of the throttle butterfly plate since the governor gear...

    B/S Lawnmower - No spark

    Looks like you are missing some parts of the model number. I am going to guess and say 123K02-0258-E1 And with the ground wire disconnected from the coil and no spark is the test for the coil. No spark replace coil. Resistance readings are meaningless due to the fact you cannot property...

    B&S 950e series engine

    Some of the newer Briggs engines have the model number info etched into the side of the block opposite the carb side. Can be hard to see or read sometimes due to paint. Also some of the newer engines will have that info on a plate facing the front of the engine next to the carb.

    No more income taxes for 4 years

    This is posted in the Front porch which is for off topic discussions So doesn't have to be mower or equipment related.

    Kawasaki FX 651 V

    Didn't have to replace the screw just remove it The catch is you also had to reset te static governor setting and if the engine had a sudden unplanned disassembly it also voided the warranty if removed. We referred to that as the $130 screw because that was the difference in price between...

    Craftsman DGS 6500 - needs carburetor

    .004-006 intake and exhaust

    Craftsman DGS 6500 - needs carburetor

    That engine uses the 32 853 12-S carb. Not cheap so I would start with a carb rebuild, but also need to check to make sure there aren't other things going on also. Compression, valve clearances, spark. Also I would pull the blower housing and check the part numbers on the ignition modules...

    Kawasaki FD620D

    From the picture I would say he is already .010 or .25 mm over and will need .020 or .50mm to clean up.

    Confusion about control cable part number Model 11A-B2RQ711 TB130 XP

    I mistyped. It should of be 946-04670. I have corrected my previous post

    Mower bogs down too much

    1-2 cylinder air cooled engine will have a life expectancy of 1000-2000 hours. Water cooled 2 cylinder gas like some Kawasaki can be in the 2-3K hours. Multicylinder engines like a 3 cylinder Kubota gas can go 3-5K hours. And diesels can be in the 4-10K hour range.

    Confusion about control cable part number Model 11A-B2RQ711 TB130 XP

    From the MTD official dealer site it appears that the 946-04670(A)(B) wasn't used on any models post 2013

    eXmark Lazor Z CT steering vibrations.

    Belt slipping due to the extra torque needed to counteract the drives trying to do different things.

    Cub Cadet 122 starting issue

    You said it has a new spark plug. But is it actually producing spark. Remove the spark plug and connect it to the wire and then ground the spark threads to the engine block and crank to check for spark. If that pans out then reinstall and try putting gas into the carb intake and crank to see...

    Predator 9500 Generator backfires like a shotgun on shutdown

    The solenoid gets is power to block the carb jet with the exciter voltage when the switch is turned off. There is no power supplied by the battery or the charge system to close the valve. So the engine has to be running for it to work, which can't be done with it removed from the carb...

    Poulan Pro - gas leak

    You really can't tell most of the time if they are good or bad by looking. To do it right you need a small hand pump to pressurize the fuel inlet with the carb upside down, Needs to hold like 5 psi for 5 minutes. I suggestion would be to install a carb repair kit, but another option is...

    Poulan Pro - gas leak

    The float valve is inside of the carb. It works in combination with the float to stop the fuel from overfilling the carb bowl and flooding the engine.

    Can't Find Tire Leak

    That is not a Carlisle tire problem. That is a doesn't matter what brand of mower tire they all get cracks and leak in strange patterns, Even an outline of the letters. Some of the tires I have been seeing the last couple years have insides that looks like a net with all the string strands...

    Nagging Question About Tire Pressure

    Because the volume of the tire didn't change. The bottom of the tire deflected but the rest of the tire could grow in size to compensate.

    Poulan Pro - gas leak

    That would most likely a float valve not sealing allowing gas to overflow the carb. But could also be a fuel pump leaking depending on the setup. Either way you also need to check the oil level and to confirm the crankcase isn't also full of gas.

    Predator 9500 Generator backfires like a shotgun on shutdown

    I suspect that part of the issue is the afterfire solenoid on the bottom of the carb isn't working correctly. Either a solenoid issue or the control circuit that actuates it isn't working correctly. On generators, the afterfire solenoid is normally open and then is closed by the generator...

    troybilt sickle bar

    The 1770455 rim uses the 734-04163A tire which is a 13x5x6 tire But your 15003 uses a 4.80/4.00x8 tire and rim assembly And the 1770455 rim is a different setup than your existing tire wheel assembly

    Kawasaki FX 651 V

    Can be done with different carb jetting, or other carb changes, or changes in ignition. Let me describe another series of engine that I am more familiar with. The Kohler CV18-20-22 The CV18 has a screw in the carb that limits the throttle butterfly to open ony 50%. You still get 3600...

    B&S 675 Series Camshaft Problems? Overheat? What did I do?

    That picture reminds me of another person that claimed there was no model number on his engine, and to prove it posted a perfect crystal clear picture of the model number. And he still didn't realize that he had taken a picture of and posted the model number.

    B&S 675 Series Camshaft Problems? Overheat? What did I do?

    It may be my imagination but it looks like you second picture has numbers on that muffler shield. I can make out what looks like 126T0 and a 62 in the corner of the lighter area of rust and looks like a 0 to the left of your thumb.

    B&S 675 Series Camshaft Problems? Overheat? What did I do?

    Look at the metal cover. There is a metal flange that sticks out over the muffler. the model info is on that flat flange. You can see part of the model number sticking out from under the plastic cover in Star's picture. Looks like 128 of 12B

    Help needed with a B&S choke mechanism / Craftsman T130

    697887 doesn't appear to be a valid number possibly 698778

    Help needed with a B&S choke mechanism / Craftsman T130

    Like Star said. The OEM's won't supply even their dealer techs with needed info sometimes. MTD has been known to have incorrect part numbers listed on the diagrams, and I have even seen part numbers that are showing NLA on products for the current model year. And they don't ever go back and...

    Engine quits

    Post the model number information from the engine tag so we know what engine you have. And when you say doesn't turn over do you mean cranks but not start or not do anything.

    Help needed with a B&S choke mechanism / Craftsman T130

    Sometimes even the techs can look at a diagram to the point they get crosseyed, and still can't find the part. I have had times were I have had to call the OEM and say I am looking for such and such part, what diagram is it on. Or in your case the model number that you provided has the...

    oil leak

    Without the engine model number information we really don't have much to go on to give you direction.

    Help needed with a B&S choke mechanism / Craftsman T130

    I noticed that when I tried the model provided by the OP. So I crossed the choke solenoid to another model number to find the plastic choke lever.

    Help needed with a B&S choke mechanism / Craftsman T130

    Looks like it maybe a 593039 but don't see it being used on the model you posted even though it shows the solenoid But that solenoid is used on 309 other model numbers...

    Seized up??

    OK the 2825916331 serial number comes back to a CV18S-61533

    Please help me find this part!

    Simpson doesn't give me any issues as far as warranty. The issue I run into is getting Gardner to process the claim and issue the credit on the account without emailing the warranty department and basically say you are not doing your job. Simpson gave me fits this past summer on one of the...

    BR 600

    When was the last time the fuel filter was changed. Also there is a second filter screen inside the fuel inlet side of the carb that will collect debris

    Looking for 3011X5S air filter foam element

    That is for the 399806 air filter not the 393725 filter. the issue with the fact that it used one of 4 different air filters The 270843 oil foam filter, the 393725 without foam precleaner, the 393957 with 271794 precleaner, and the 399806 with 271962 prefilter.

    BR 600

    Ignition module warming up and loosing spark. May need to check for spark after it stalls

    So much dandruff

    The postal service claims the road in front of my house doesn't meet there delivery standards so claimed they couldn't deliver my mail today along with parts I have been waiting on since Tuesday. And just 15 minutes ago the snow plow drove by and wasn't even plowing what snow we got today.

    Looking for 3011X5S air filter foam element

    The 393725 doesn't use a foam wrap, or I have never seen one on that filter. What makes things confusing is that model type list 4 different filters with one being an oil type foam. One being a round cartridge filter with precleaner wrap. And 2 oblong cartridge filters with one using a foam...

    So much dandruff

    I working on adding 2-4 to the already 9 I got over the weekend. Snow is delaying my parts orders to the point I haven't even been to the shop in 3 days. Don't have enough parts to even complete a section of a repair. Like I have the new U joint but don't have the shaft seal to install when...

    Well no more fact checkers....

    So you prefer a president that is on video multiple times sniffing little girls, and his own daughter has made it public that her own father was inappropriate with her or a president that is technically not a convicted felon until sentencing which has a very good chance of being overturned and...

    Well no more fact checkers....

    I don't have any of those accounts either. Had a business facebook at one time and then Google decided my page was a grey account and locked me out and then deleted.

    Can't Find Tire Leak

    I don't have any comebacks with string plugs either, but run into cases where the side walls leak air to the point that soap looks like bubble strings on the side of tires. And the issue sometimes with just replacing the tire is coming up with a matching tread or in some cases matching brand...

    Can't Find Tire Leak

    I have seen more than my share of fix a flat corroded rims that look like they have been filled with hydrochloric acid.

    Hustler super z hyperdrive hydraulic oil leaking from fill cap

    Possibly water getting into the oil tank and forcing the oil out.

    Can't Find Tire Leak

    Never had any issues with using the string rubberized window sealing sticky strips that are commonly used for tire plugs. And if I later go back to install a tube just pull all the plugs out and put in the tube.

    Spark Plug question for those familiar with Echo Leaf Blowers

    Looks like the PB-201 serial range 02001001-02999999 used the hotter BPRM7Y were as the later 06001001-06999999 and 09001001-09999999 used the colder BPRM8Y And the kit that contained the BPRM7Y superceded to discontinued. So in the end if the colder plug is working properly then I wouldn't...

    Well no more fact checkers....

    Well you do know why they call it a medical practice right. They practice doctor until they either fix you or kill you.

    Well no more fact checkers....

    You mean the the social media companies that got caught conspiring with the FBI and DHS to censor the truth and push misinformation supplied by the outgoing adminstration. The truth is we were all lied to and the social media companies were the center of it. So no, I am not upset that...

    Can't Find Tire Leak

    With a leak that slow slime won't have much effect. Best option is while you have the tire off the mower. Just soap a small section say 1/4 of the tire and just keep an eye on that area to look for a small patch of bubbles. Then move to the next section. Really slow leaks can be hard to...

    Billy Goat KD512SP - Leaf Vacuum

    I will narrow the list down for you. Both the 487170 and the 698444 supercede to the 799868 carb so if you have a primer carb then that is the current part number for all date codes. The 498964 and the 497353 are both obsolete. So if you have a choke carb then not much recourse.