Grumpy cat forgive me if you did not discuss the possibility of rust if it wasn't you then it was someone else but I thought about that too I can tell you in this house there's cast iron and after 70 years the rust went right through the cast iron so it created a small hole but if rush develops because of these compounds then I can't see it rusting through a rim or the rubber of the tire in anything less than say 10 years and then suppose it does at that point you get a new rim and a tire probably too.You are correct I used the slime product and that did not work and then I used that other product called road instant fixes flat tire.
And I thought about this after I made my original post and I was wondering if the slime product although it did not work acted as a primer in some way and helped the second product I used to truly stop air coming out of the tire and in the mowing season of say 2023 I can't recall a problem at all with a tire and then in the mowing season of 2024 is when that tire had a problem. Right now the air temperature outside is about 18° f and it's been very cold for several days in a row and I was thinking of going out in the next couple days and checking the tire pressure on that tire to see what it is.