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I was wondering if it were possible if you could you send me the ryobi repair manual for the riding mower? I am having issues with it not going in reverse and am trying to troubleshoot.
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You can't have any gap between the Internal Governor Plunger and the
Arm that comes to the outside of the engine and has the connection to
the throttle etc. When you set the governor the throttle is WIDE OPEN
and the Governor Arm has NO PLAY in it. When you move the GOV ARM
it will pull the throttle closed.
Have you checked the electrical kill switch? Sometimes they get loose or off.
Sounds like electrical rather than gas/carb.
This forum is being overrun with spammers. Is there any measures that can be taken to prevent it? Email confirmation of prospective new members? Installing a reCaptcha system for verification? Reject IP addresses from China, Ukraine, Russia, and Pakistan?
I’m willing to become a moderator in order to start blocking and banning the spam bots.
The spammers are back
Geofencing all the way.
I have a 2021 Hustler Raptor XD. If I bump a fencepost, even at low speed, the mower won't go straight. It happened tonight and now it wants to turn right. I have to push the right handle forward and the left handle backward to make it go straight, and then only very slowly. What did I do and how do I fix it?
I have a 2021 hustler rapter mower and when I put gas in it it leaks ok the overflow. What do you do to fix this issue
Probably have broken the hydro mounting brackets. Look and see you will have two front brackets two rear and one on each axle. May have a update kit to fix it but thought they would have fixed the problem by now. If that is the problem it should be warranty.
Open your hood and take off your fuse box cover lid, inside you will see two fuses and a relay. Pull the relay out and get a piece of Solid 14ga copper wire and make a U loop to stick in where the relay was as a jumper problem fixed!
I have an Honda hrx 217 that had a bent shaft. Replaced the crank shaft and put it back together and when you pull the cord without the sparkplug in it sounds good but with the sparkplug in it makes a metal tapping sound on the compression stroke. Can't quite locate the sound location. Any ideas. I really don't want to reopen the engine again. But I will if needed.