For winter storage I wholeheartedly agree with the advice given by user possum. Being a boat owner(bought a 1999 Sprint Fish n' Ski with a 125 Merc outboard new and has been garage kept ever since the purchase), before 10% Ethanol gas was forced down our throats by the EPA I ran nothing but Premium grade gasoline in everything I owned that was gasoline-powered(car, truck, boat, lawn/small engine equipment). Never used any stabilizer and NEVER had any fuel-related problems with anything stored over the winter(I just disconnected fuel lines and ran the boat & other small engine equipment until they ran out of gas to empty the lines and carbs). But things have CHANGED with the Ethanol(including engine design to accomodate 10%). When I replaced my 1993 Lawn Chief lawn tractor(16hp B & S Vanguard-best 4cycle engine I've ever owned) with a 2006 Craftsman(Husqvarna) with a 24hp B & S Intek and put Premium(w/Ethanol) gas in it the thing would barely run, backfired, hesitated and generally ran ragged. I switched to Regular grade and it ran MUCH better. IMHO, that had to be a "design change" by B & S between 1993 & 2006 to "accomodate" Ethanol. And as pointed out by user possum, the Owner Manual for my new Gravely has in bold print on the front cover "any gasoline with a greater than 10% Ethanol mixture will VOID THE WARRANTY". If that doesn't tell you that Ethanol is for all intents & purposes "bad for gasoline combustion engines" I don't know what does!!! The manual also "recommends" the use of stabilizers in the gas. So I, like many others, have become sensitive to protecting all of my gasoline powered equipment. For my car & truck I still use premium grade 10% Ethanol gas(the non-ethanol is cost prohibitive) and treat every other tankful with Lucas Ethanol treatment(BTW, I just replaced the electric fuel pump in my wife's 2001 Lincoln LS costing about $550...."requires" Premium and basically designed by Jaguar "pre-Ethanol" at that time) and had not used the Ethanol treatment since 10% Ethanol gas became predominent. For my boat, lawn equipment and all small engine equipment(especially my brand new Gravely) I run NOTHING but Regular grade non-Ethanol gasoline even though it is a LOT more expensive that the 10% Ethanol gas(and as of right now is still readily available in my area of Middle Tennessee). I will continue to do that as long as it is available and if the EPA shuts down the few "mom & pop markets" that carry it and force them to sell 10% Ethanol I will begin the Lucal Ethanol treatment additive in every tankful in that equipment. Have I told you how much I hate the EPA for mandating Ethanol in gasoline???? If there was a Preidential candidate that had a platform that stated he/she would make the EPA stop forcing Ethanol on us they would get my vote I don't care what party they represented!!!!! Anyway, as it stands I agree with user Possum & others that fuel stabilizers(and possibly Ethanol treatment additives) are all we can do to protect our investments!!!