USPS/Ebay delivery


Lawn Royalty
Nov 29, 2014
Every big transport company used the hub & spoke distribution system as it is the most efficient ( read least cost ).
In theory it goes from a spoke to a hub to another hub to the spoke to your door.
However modern computer manifesting can have it bouncing around hubs for ages utilizing vacant space so every truck is full every trip.
The pallet shortage has not helped this one little bit and the massive increase in online shopping has made it even worse.
The failure of the international mail conference ( which was the USA & UK's fault ) has made things even worse as it has become impossible to predict freight volumes and a console from ebay could contain 10 or 10,000 deliveries which will be done by the USPS for the depot to door bit because that is the most expensive sector .


Lawn Royalty
Top Poster Of Month
Feb 19, 2020
Been fighting to get my refunds from the IRS for over two years. I finally got a check Saturday. Guess what it was in an USPS envelop, ripped in half, and non cash-able. Can you hear me screaming at the top my lungs? Boy the IRS or like what I now calling them The Idiot Ran Service is really on the ball when it comes to collecting but can't do a simple refund. At least this time I didn't let it drive my BP thru the roof.

As for packages I still seeing some USPS package taking long vacations that I should be on. Other than that vendors are now stretching out parts deliveries to months instead a few days. I supposedly getting some chainsaw parts this coming week that I ordered three months ago.

And I ordered a couple starters from DB and they showed up across the street from my shop. Large sign next to road so obvious that the house across the street was not the right delivery point. UPS did this one. Is their drivers going blind? Or paid to deliver but not think.
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Lawn Royalty
Nov 29, 2014
Been fighting to get my refunds from the IRS for over two years. I finally got a check Saturday. Guess what it was in an USPS envelop, ripped in half, and non cash-able. Can you hear me screaming at the top my lungs? Boy the IRS or like what I now calling them The Idiot Ran Service is really on the ball when it comes to collecting but can't do a simple refund. At least this time I didn't let it drive my BP thru the roof.

As for packages I still seeing some USPS package taking long vacations that I should be on. Other than that vendors are now stretching out parts deliveries to months instead a few days. I supposedly getting some chainsaw parts this coming week that I ordered three months ago.

And I ordered a couple starters from DB and they showed up across the street from my shop. Large sign next to road so obvious that the house across the street was not the right delivery point. UPS did this one. Is their drivers going blind? Or paid to deliver but not think.
They are not really paid full stop so thinking is an optional extra
Drivers are simply taught how to scan items into their PDA's after which the PDA does all of the thinking.
Good chance the driver could not understand or even read English
There are only 4 or 5 base mapping systems that can be fed into a PDA and a lot of times my deliveries that are all marked ATL get delivered to a vacant lot 1/2 mile up the road regardless of the fact my street numbers are on the gate in 10" tall numbers.
But the particular ( probably very cheap ) map has me 40 numbers away.
Then the Google maps one has the far gate on the side street ( also 1/2 mile away ) as the property enterance so they toss the packages over the fence there .
The transport companies will not pay for quality staff who know to locations and the drivers who do know don't want to work for a company that treats them as brain dead & pays accordingly .


Lawn Royalty
Top Poster Of Month
Feb 19, 2020
The UPS drivers are well paid, even the new hires. And no excuse for using their brains; except, when they have no brains. It is very possible UPS hired a brainless guy.

I know when I first start delivering packages I was trained how street addresses were laid out. I still use that system today along with road maps. Even using a PDA a user should still use their brain as no map is 100%. There is no real excuse for laziness.

Since my package was not delivered to my place maybe I should just claim it wasn't delivered properly and let their insurance handle the claim. A couple free $100 starters would be nice.

Anyway I be here Tuesday to complain to my driver(s). Never know if I get my assigned driver or some funky.


Lawn Pro
Sep 5, 2014
I have gotten a few packages (UPS) left out in my driveway. Couldn't even throw it on the porch.


Lawn Royalty
Nov 29, 2014
The UPS drivers are well paid, even the new hires. And no excuse for using their brains; except, when they have no brains. It is very possible UPS hired a brainless guy.

I know when I first start delivering packages I was trained how street addresses were laid out. I still use that system today along with road maps. Even using a PDA a user should still use their brain as no map is 100%. There is no real excuse for laziness.

Since my package was not delivered to my place maybe I should just claim it wasn't delivered properly and let their insurance handle the claim. A couple free $100 starters would be nice.

Anyway I be here Tuesday to complain to my driver(s). Never know if I get my assigned driver or some funky.
Naw, UPS will send the driver back to pick them up from across the road & drop them off to you.
If he can't find them then he will pay for the replacement
Well that is how it works down here.
Basically some tech had sells the transport companies some "fool proof" system ( at massive costs ) based on the premise that they can then employ substantially lower grade drivers and in some cases the companies have actually gone to court to get a ruling that because the technology makes the drivers job easier and in the case of freight, removes the time taken to hand write a manifest then the pay rate can be reduced & to my horror the courts agreed so every time new tech gets introduced the rate drops .
Back in 1978 I was party to "the NSW Transport Drivers Contract Rate Determination" which for the first time set a minimum pay rate which was $ 700/ week for motorcyclist , $ 820 for 1 ton drivers & $ 850 for 2 toners , and these were owner driver rates.
In 2010 the rate on offer for my 1.5 ton van was $ 750 / week.
Note that this is a minimum, you can get paid more because nearly all delivery drivers here are owner driver sub contractors & are on a piece rate .
My actual running costs were over $ 500 / week ( just fuel & insurance ) so I gave up the idea of driving and went into management as a driver / manager on a salary .


Lawn Addict
Jan 10, 2020
My regular UPS driver is a pretty cool guy. He delivers to the back patio and puts packages under the cover out of any rain. Fedex and Amazon can't read a sign.