USPS/Ebay delivery


Lawn Addict
Apr 16, 2018
I have been saying it for years
Buy from Alli-Baba or Alli-Express
In both of these platforms the sender does not get paid till you have recieved the goods .
I know it is a very bitter pill for Americans to swallow that one of those evil nasty child eating grandmother raping communist from China could actually provide a better on line platform than a flag waving capitalist American,,,,, but they did .

Down here we call it Evil Pay

I bought some 2 cycle rings from them. The product was fine. But it took forever to get them.


Lawn Addict
Apr 16, 2018
UPS in my area. ANYTHING that goes through UPS has to go to Little Rock to be put on a truck that goes to Pine Bluff (AR). Which is only about 45 miles. From there it get's off loaded and put on delivery trucks. Some items coming from Dallas, stop in Malvern AR, which is only about 45 miles from me. Put on another truck, then taken to Little Rock, then Pine Bluff, then to me. Which take an extra 2 days.


Lawn Royalty
Nov 29, 2014
I suppose it just depends upon the delivery path.
Way back in the 70's. Gordon & Thomas Barton set up Ipec transport & took it to Europe & the US
Their system of hubs & spokes meant that every hub despatched to every other hub every day .
It revolutionised internal delivery and made them millions
The cruxt of it was that high volume routes subsidised low volume routes.
All went well for a short while till competitors realised they could mimmick the system but if they ignored all of the low volume routes they could either make a massive profit or drop the costs
Ipec got packages anywhere in Europe , the US or OZ in 24 hours .
however once undercut the system broke down .
Times have changed & now days the most expensive thing to ship is empty space so an Ipec system where the truck did the run regardless of how much freight it has on board no longer works as well as it used to .
The shinny suited shinny bums took over management and for them productivity is one of the criteria that determines their bonuses.
having every truck with a full load ( or even overload ) will trigger a healthy bonus payment
No one seems to notice that often this means that an item of freight will actually travel 200 miles where the door to door distance is only 10 miles .


Aug 7, 2017
Yes sounds like you have it sorted
When I Google search, I go strait to page 2 because page 1 will all be listings , some times even for what I wanted that have expired on Evilpay or Ammozone pages where the item is "not currently available" then there are all the index sites which usually do not have the product at all but have so many meta tags that no matter what you search for they come up high on the list .
I really miss the old printed Yellow Pages which was about the only honest index of suppliers .
Really like the "Page 2" approach! Yes, The Yellow Pages are missed muchly.


Lawn Royalty
Top Poster Of Month
Feb 19, 2020
I reckon the USPS is still trying figure out if the want to accept the package of bearings I ordered. Shipping by Priority Mail means nothing.


Lawn Royalty
Top Poster Of Month
Feb 19, 2020
they need to get their bearings straight..
Oh I was thinking they were lost in the big city of Memphis. The last it took three day to get out Memphis and two days each to get out Nashville and Chattanooga for a total of two weeks delivery time. I wasn't needing these right away or I would insisted on UPS which is one day.
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Forum Newbie
Jan 13, 2023
Wow, it sounds like the Ipec transport system revolutionized the delivery industry back in the day! I can definitely see how the hub and spoke system would be efficient for high volume routes, but it seems like once competitors caught on and began cutting costs by ignoring low volume routes, the system wasn't as successful. It's interesting to see how times have changed and how now, the most expensive thing to ship is empty space. I can imagine how the focus on productivity and bonuses for management can also play a role in the current delivery systems. Speaking of which, have you ever had any experience with freight to Austria? I want to work with these guys so maybe someone here head about them. :)
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Lawn Royalty
Nov 29, 2014
Wow, it sounds like the Ipec transport system revolutionized the delivery industry back in the day!
Gordon Barton who kicked off Ipec revolutionized the transport industry with their "overnight everynight " transport model
Should I tell you he was an Aussie ?
Down here he started off by smuggeling produce overnight as we had regional trade restrictions and mandated quotas .
This was very profitable and he quickly realised that there was a lot of freight that could ( and should ) be moved overnight and no body doing it.
So he set up Interstate Parcel Express Company shortly after graduating from Sydney University much to the annoyance of the Transport Workers Union , all of the established transport companies who only drove during daylight hours and only despatched a truck if it was full ( usually over full ) plus the Australian Post Office and all of the east coast State owned railways so he made a lot of enemies as well as lots of money .
He was a slightly left of centre conservative , co-founded a split off of our Liberal party ( Republicans to the USA readers ) so made lots more political enemies .
His mantra was Capitalism with a Conscious which became the slogan for the Australia Party which the splinter party morphed into earning him even more enemies.
He was staunchly anti Vietnam War which made him more enemies in both Australia & the USA and used his money to fund a couple of newspapers where the journalist were free to persue any matter provided it was truthful and encouraged to do what the opposition party was supposed to do by critising & holding the governments to account.
Thus even more enemies .
President Johnson held him personally responsible for the egging during his Australian tour thus he probably had the most comprehensive CIA file of any Australian.
It is said the LBJ put a lot of pressure on the Australian Government to shut him down so yes more enemies again as our mantra at the time was "all the way with LBJ"
Thus he spent more days in court than in his office and finally gave up on Oz and took IPEC to Europe where it was a massive success but made little profits .
In OZ Ipec was being challenged by Comet , Main Nicholas & TNT who also adopted the overnight every night business model so income was being reduced and he was still regularly fronting the courts most of which was for trivial offences as he was not one to comply with very stupid regulations.
Eventually he gave up all together selling Ipec to Toll who destroyed the business in less than a year after his period of consultation was over .
So he went to Spain where he died a short while back .

All very dissapointing particularly the demise of the Australia Party which was the only actual unencumbered political party and had a very good portfolio of legislative reform but when you have both the major parties colluding to cause your demise it was never going to come into power although I did vote for them in every election.
Big business was never going to allow legislation that restricted the amount of money the executives & directors could stuff into their greedy pockets . Governments were never going to allow any body independent of them to investigate their malpractices although we did get ICAC on a state level some time latter and just now are getting a federal ICAC


Staff member
Sep 24, 2017
i currently have a package that a friend shipped from North Carolina, in the USPS system. it's been 13 days and it has not left the carolina's apparently, or just now has.
