Used oil

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Mar 26, 2019
What do you guys do with your used oil? We have ours picked up by Safety Kleen. They use to pay for it but now charge to pick it up. Was talking to the guy that picked it up and he said a lot of the major oil companies bought from them and reprossed it. Like Mobile One, Valvoline to name a few. Said it cost less to process and was better than the crude. Don't know if this is true or not does anyone here know for sure.
This one is easy. I turn it in a my local Auto Zone. My local NAPA doesn't.


Lawn Royalty
Nov 29, 2014
Bert, I for one have never said that Trump is not without faults, but I for one know this country was far better off under the leadership of Trump than it is today under the third term of Obama... Cheers, r.

We will have to agree to disagree...
No argument about Obama.
A very disappointing president , so much potential to bring the country together on a racial level and on a financial level but he actually made the divides far worse than they were when he came into office and his bailing out of Wall St while throwing low income mortgagees to the wolves was absolutely disgusting .
Even worse was he spent 3 times the amount of money doing that as it would have cost to let the banks fail , which is the whole basis of a capitalist economy , and underwrite all of the bad loans, particularly when the lowest income people are the actual ones who do honour their debts regardless of their hardships .
And at this point I should mention that trump has stiffed his creditors for over $ 2,000,000,000,000 by doing a chapter 11 at least 4 times .
Like many , trump fooled me as well initially . I did not do any due diligence and thought he was a successful business man and it would be good for the USA to have an outsider in the white house . Little did I know that he was a lying thief, fraudster, embezzler , tax cheat & con man who had filed 4 chapter 11's and managed to loose money running a Casino . And now he has managed to generate a cult following that would do the likes of Charles Manson, Jim Jones, David Koresh, Marshall Applewhite, and Nxivm's Keith Raniere proud .
Down here we were having a run of similar "old party hacks " who had never done a days work in their life apart from taking money from the public purse .
And a lot of them were actual office staff of the party or of a sitting member .
But after 2 elections where the choice was tweedle dum or tweedle dumber , a pile of independents ran & took blue ribbon safe seats from both major parties .
So that was the end of them presenting us with the likes of M T Greene .


Lawn Royalty
Top Poster Of Month
Feb 19, 2020
And now DJT is saying screw you to Nato members if they don't pay up to his blackmail. He wanting to pull us out of Nato so we will have no one to help us if Russia attacks the USA. We may have a very good military but even if can use the help when needed.

From the BBC headlines.

I beginning to believe DJT hates democracy and prefers to be a dictator.

And I got a good laugh out Major Haley comment after DJT attacked him for being on active duty.

"The difference between humans and animals? Animals would never allow the dumbest ones to lead the pack."
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Jul 30, 2022
I just take it to one of the auto parts stores and dump it in the recycling bin. Or sometimes I’ll take it to work and dump it too.


Well-Known Member
Sep 14, 2021
No argument about Obama.
A very disappointing president , so much potential to bring the country together on a racial level and on a financial level but he actually made the divides far worse than they were when he came into office and his bailing out of Wall St while throwing low income mortgagees to the wolves was absolutely disgusting .
Even worse was he spent 3 times the amount of money doing that as it would have cost to let the banks fail , which is the whole basis of a capitalist economy , and underwrite all of the bad loans, particularly when the lowest income people are the actual ones who do honour their debts regardless of their hardships .
And at this point I should mention that trump has stiffed his creditors for over $ 2,000,000,000,000 by doing a chapter 11 at least 4 times .
Like many , trump fooled me as well initially . I did not do any due diligence and thought he was a successful business man and it would be good for the USA to have an outsider in the white house . Little did I know that he was a lying thief, fraudster, embezzler , tax cheat & con man who had filed 4 chapter 11's and managed to loose money running a Casino . And now he has managed to generate a cult following that would do the likes of Charles Manson, Jim Jones, David Koresh, Marshall Applewhite, and Nxivm's Keith Raniere proud .
Down here we were having a run of similar "old party hacks " who had never done a days work in their life apart from taking money from the public purse .
And a lot of them were actual office staff of the party or of a sitting member .
But after 2 elections where the choice was tweedle dum or tweedle dumber , a pile of independents ran & took blue ribbon safe seats from both major parties .
So that was the end of them presenting us with the likes of M T Greene .
The sadest thing about the whole mess is neither side has a straight up guy as a candidate to vote for, most of all I fear for our children. Let's call this done and go back to the mower forum, Cheers, r


Lawn Royalty
Top Poster Of Month
Feb 19, 2020
To all that does recycle the used oil a BIG THANK YOU for not polluting the environment. I just wish everyone would just put their trash otherwise in the trash can for the landfills.


Lawn Royalty
Top Poster Of Month
Feb 19, 2020
Why should we be the one who pays the bill for all the other countries?
We don't. It just some countries put in less than the suggested 2% GNP. With the attitude DJT has it is to put in the full 2% amount or to hell with you. OR he simply want to go it alone if Russia attacks US. Believe me when it comes to it DJT will be begging for the help but if he pisses everyone off they just may not even respond.

There no way we can fully defend ourselves conventionally especially with 50+ year old weapons. Yes our military needs a serious updating to modern weapons as a deterrent. Stop the bitching about sending places like Ukraine our 50+ yr old weapons as when we should replace them new modern weapons provide Congress gets off their dead backsides appropriate the funds. But the politicians are better at lying to all of us.

But with our non functioning Congress nothing will get done. They can't even decide which one is allowed to shit now. Just a lot infighting over politics and not working for the general public which they were elected to do. I know that my neither of my Congressional reps are not getting my vote the next they are up for re-election.


Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2016
I have nothing against conservatism Ray , I was born into a dirt poor family had to work after school & weekends to finish high school
In my final 2 years I worked in the bread room of a big bakery cutting & wrapping bread so I missed 2 hours of school on Thursday and all mornings on Friday and this is because "conservatives" forbid the baking of bread on Saturday & Sunday so on Thursday & Friday we baked the foil wrapped weekend loaves .
I then did 10 years of higher education working full time night shifts when ever they became available and I could write a 1000 page history on how the "nice" Australian businesses shamefully exploited desperate immigrants & refugees .Everything you say the border crossers are guilty of is exactly the same as what monopoly media claimes the refugees coming into Australia were doing and was total bull shit in Australia and it is total bull shit in the USA.
But it serves the political masters to stirr up emotions and create an "Invaison of thieves, rapists, drug smugglers, job stealers , etc, etc, etc " because it is easier for any population ( includes Australia ) to blame the "other" rather than look hard at themselves .
Prime example is home ownership, which down here has become critically short so the extreme right started a campaign claiming the "boat people" are combining their incomes and buying all of the properties preventing nice ( white ) Australians from buying property .
Truth of the matter is changes in the tax laws , particularly regarding superannuation meant that you got a 2:1 tax benefit by buying rental properties , so it was the very well paid who were amassing vast realestate portfolios who have pushed the house price up 150% in the past 10 years . Most premier league footballers have around 20 investment properties , not hard for a football "hero" on $ 5,000,000/pa + bonuses to pay $ 2,000,000 for an average house that 3 years ago was $ 600,000.
But it did not stop vigilantes burning down houses then preventing the fire brigade from putting the fires out .

I know it is hard to find the truth when you have people like M T Greene screaming at the top of her voice all sorts of exaggerations & total bull shit but just about everything you believe about your southern border is not true .
Yes there is a temporary holding facility problem, but there has been a bill that went through the senate in October 2022 to address that but the MAGAs will not bring it to the floor in the House because they do not want to fix the border, they want people like you to get mad & angry about it so you will vote for the orange jesus .
If you think rationally about it, and I understand that is hard to do when the BS flows fast & free every day & night , if you were a wanted international terrorist would you attempt to cross the Mexican border where you have a 90% chance of being detained by Border Force , recognised as a terrorist then sent back to where you will be shot at dawn, or would you rent a boat and try to sneak in via Florida ? Or perhaps sign on as a crew member of a ship at Panama , then jump ship at Long Beach ?
Terrorist are only google eyed idiots in Hollywood movies .
Same with drug smuggling an undocumented person has very little chance of getting over the order carrying drugs and if they did, how much could they be carrying , considering the bulk come across empty handed . Now I am sure there are opportunist in Mexico who take every cent refugees have in return for a bag of white powder on the guarantee that if they get to the USA side they will be paid $ 1,000,000 for that little bag and there will be people desperate enough or stupid enough to take up that offer .
But 99% of what comes in is done by Americans because they will not get searched as thoroughly as any illegal will get searched .
And the bulk comes in the same way as it does here, in shipping containers because the volume is so high that less than 1% get scanned and of those less than 5% end up being searched , this of course ignores the tip offs , often done so the DEA will find the drugs of you opponents cartel or as a diversion so the 10 kg is found but the 20 tons passes strait through .
Last year we had a spate of US grandmothers , being used as mules to bring drugs into Australia hidden in their motorhomes .
All kept very hush hush because the Aust Customs & the US DEA were trying to work out how Columbian drugs ended up in US & Canadian motorhomes and this was a big operation as the drugs had been in the motor homes from the day they were built as they were accounted for in the "Tare Weights" for the motorhomes and we are talking around 200kg of pure cocaine in each one .
And just by the way right now M T Greene has the "tragic story" of 2 families torn apart by fontanel which is true ,still on her web page, but the deaths happened in 2018 & 2019 when the orange jesus was in the white house "protecting America" and that so you know it, came from the Lincoln Project, which you probably do not know are the true conservatives from the republican party who have seen through the orange jesus for the despicable criminal but master con artist that he is .
The Lincoln Project and yes I am subscribed to it .
So your long winded posts are all derived from a media who have lied to the American public for years with their slanted news coverage? Besides, you don't live in the US, sho mind your own goddamn business!


Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2016
And now DJT is saying screw you to Nato members if they don't pay up to his blackmail. He wanting to pull us out of Nato so we will have no one to help us if Russia attacks the USA. We may have a very good military but even if can use the help when needed.

From the BBC headlines.
View attachment 67771

I beginning to believe DJT hates democracy and prefers to be a dictator.

And I got a good laugh out Major Haley comment after DJT attacked him for being on active duty.

"The difference between humans and animals? Animals would never allow the dumbest ones to lead the pack."
That's why Nikki lost to " none of the above"!
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