Used oil

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Lawn Royalty
Top Poster Of Month
Feb 19, 2020
Bert you got to remember too that there is still a Flat Earth Society group that believes whole heartily that the Earth is flat.

As helpful as the internet has been in one sense it has been, it is just as destructive in another sense.

I think people should stop paying so much attention to all the chat forums and to be a recluse as they call me and at lot of the problems would simply go away as it won't be in the back of their minds. Yes I am recluse in the sense I avoid a lot social gatherings and stay out the social media forums.

The Right here is bitching about indoctrination but has no problem the churches doing it. I got a neighbor family next door that has gone completely bonkers over religion. You churches that have ministers that teach don't commit adultery but they go out and do the same thing.

And personally if I know I could make it outside the US I would leave too. I am fed up with all the BS I see everyday. Sometimes living as a hermit on some remote island sound great.

And those that think Trump is paying for all his legal fees out his own pocket are nuts. It just been reported that more than $27M has paid by his political fund raising group in the last six months of 2023 (with about $50M for the 2023 year) so many poor suckers are paying his legal bills while they are barely able to put food on the table.
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Lawn Royalty
Nov 29, 2014
And those that think Trump is paying for all his legal fees out his own pocket are nuts. It just been reported that more than $27M has paid by his political fund raising group in the last six months of 2023 (with about $50M for the 2023 year) so many poor suckers are paying his legal bills while they are barely able to put food on the table.
According to one of the legal channels I have been following due to the Ukraine war , 11 republican states have paid in from $ 1.4 to 3.2 mil a piece from their party funds into trumps legal grift funds .
And of corse this is against donation laws unless the republican parties or trump declares it as taxable income and pays tax on it , which of course will be at the top tax rate .
So when the IRS files yet another suit agains trump he will play the "innocent persecuted me card " again and his cult disciples will all line up to open their wallets even more and they will be the exact same people blaming Biden for the cost of living increases . I do like a good joke .
Greene posted on her page the details of 2 families torn apart by fentanyl smuggled across Bidens open border , however they died in 2019 & 2020. when asked for comments their answer was Go F Yourself . This stuff is so funny it is becoming addictive .
You can not legislate against stupidity nor breed it out as the Eugenics society found out .
However as Jim Jones followers found out Darwin was right all along and now they are dead .
Trump followers will end up like Rudy Giuliani , tossed aside like yesterdays fish wrappers and bankrupt or spending 20 years in the slammer if they are stupid enough ( and a lot are ) to take up arms on his behalf .
And of course even better once convicted that can never vote for their hero again in most states .
If you changed all the names and made a movie about it no one would believe it was all facts .


Lawn Royalty
Top Poster Of Month
Feb 19, 2020
Our lives were much better under Trump. No more needs to be said.
I reckon you think just because most of the world was at peace during that time means nothing. Since Covid19 hit and many dictators decided that DJT was on their side.

Russia attacked Ukraine just because they want Ukraine back under Putin's thumb. Now the Middle East is bed of warring fractions, China wanting to attack Taiwan, North Korea (with DJT blessing) building up their Military wanting to attack South Korea and the USA. On top of that there is the major immigration issue is going on now too.

All terrorists groups should never been allowed to build up like they did. Yes many non involved civilians will end losing their lives just because the A holes were allowed to get such a foothold.

And if you think Russia will stop with Ukraine you are kidding yourself. The only reason Putin has not attack other countries is the fact Ukraine has put a much bigger fight then he counted on. He wanting to fully restore the former Soviet Union. Yes he has said that.

BTW DJT only cares about one thing and that is himself. He will throw anyone under the bus that don't kiss his big fat A. Look at just how DJT has done those under him that didn't agree with him. He even threw Giuliani under the bus as Giuliani has lost everything because DJT would not stand behind him when Giuliani need him.

But you should be careful what you wish for. Sometimes when you get what you want you will regret it later.

And the House Republicans are not willing to even work on fixing our border problem; although, the Senate are finally willing the work it. The House Republicans are just kissing DJT A so he can use it a campaign issue even though they it is very good bill that will allow things to finally get done. Yes it is not perfect but it better than not doing anything.


Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2017
And for all of us that thought 2020 election year was bad wait till we get farther into 2024. Its going to be something like we've never seen before because of DJT. It will get ugly. Will make 2020 look like a birthday party..


May 1, 2021
The only Bidencuck/Trumptard talk in this thread should be how their buddies are oiling us with used motor oil. Mods should smack you long-ranting guys in the face in person, spank your mother in front of you, and delete your posts.



Lawn Addict
Aug 28, 2010
Russia attacked Ukraine just because they want Ukraine back under Putin's thumb .
Russia wants the sea port the Ukraine has . They didn't even have one until the U.S.A awarded them one in the sea of Japan at the end of WW ll.


Lawn Royalty
Nov 29, 2014
Trump is broke and when the courts are done with him he will be around $ 1,000,000,000 broker
When the courts have finished with him the IRS wants some answers because testimonies in curt do not concur with tax returns
This is why defunding the IRS has suddenly become a MAGA policy .
Russia is behind trump but mostly by trolling social media to divide the USA and turn the citizens against each other and they have done a pretty good job of it from what I can see at a distance
Trump thinks that uncle Vlad will slip him a lazy billion from the 350 that uncle Vlad has stolen for the Russian people.
And Vlad probably will stump up the money if it looks like it will lead to armed conflict in the USA , and it very well could.
All the polls show that trump only just barely has 1/2 of the republicans behind him
And 1/2 of half is 1/4 and that will not be enough to get him into the white house but it will be bad enough t convince the brainwashed that all of the voting machines were altered to give Biden every vote and some one was printing postal votes at home and mailing them in , despite the tight security over postal votes then of course there will be claims of Biden votes in boxes under the tables being swapped for trump votes during the count .
And we know this because trump has said this repeatedly so the idiots will grab their rifles and march on their town halls, IRS offices, governors office , every court house & of course Washington ,
Then uncle Vlad will write poor old donald a cheque to cover all of his legals & fines plus a bonus billion for a job well done .

As for the reasons Vlad entered Ukraine. Yes primary one was to start rebuilding the USSR .
Timing is interesting.
Ukraine had just held a conference of the Caspian Sea & Caucasian republics / oblast about leaving Russia & forming a new federation and this included Siberia which is 1/4 of russian income
Next Zelenskyy nationalised the Bank of Ukraine and the coal industry, both of which uncle Vlad had gifted to a couple of his mates who were now oligarchs and paying their dues to uncle vald to the order of around $ 100,000,000 / year .
Like most politicians, even dictators lie so the myth of joining the EU was born which I have no doubt did come into the decision as a lot of russian military equipment was made in Ukraine as was the bulk of their jet engines and around 60 % of the steel used in russia
Plus Ukraine has significant rare earth minerals that uncle vlad needed for his military production that he had failed to secure when he invaded Afghanistan, which is the real reason why the USA was also in Afghanistan and are now being mined by the Chinese & funding the major capital works being done by the Taliban.
Who are total bastards but have done more for Afghanistan to aid the average Afghani than all the other governments since WW I .
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Lawn Royalty
Top Poster Of Month
Feb 19, 2020
Bert you are going to need to enlighten me a little here. Who is Vlad? I have heard that name before but like research the guy some so I know what is going on here.
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