Used mower - high oil levels

Joe Kuhn

Active Member
Oct 14, 2018
Hah. Water in a mower. Why would they think that? Cars have radiators that take water. I suppose that's part of their thinking.


Lawn Pro
Jul 14, 2019
Thanks for your reminder. I better make that clear to the neighbor boy who is mowing for the family down the street with a girl that has cancer. I've been mowing their lawn for a month to help them out and just handed the task off to this boy who's looking for work. They gave him $20 last week.
Offer the girl's parents that the girl needs to be on dog wormer. It is very cheap, can't over dose and zero side effects. Wormer works by eliminating the food source for the cancer cells. Cancer cells die off, nothing to eat, that's it.

This has been know way back in the 1950's and probably before by the medical field. Doctors don't recommend it because all these new cancer centers like MD Anderson in Texas and MANY others are a BILLION DOLLAR BUSINESS. It's all about the mighty dollar and NOT helping the patient at all. Oh lets runs some more tests $$$$$$$

My sister had stage 4 liver cancer. Didn't tell her doctor she was on wormer. In 1.5 months she was and IS cancer free. She had a full body scan. The doctors were stunned. She was doing chemo and all the other s h i t, losing her hair that came back junk. She's all good now. Had another PET scan, all clear.



Lawn Pro
Jul 14, 2019
There was a story on the news. Guy was told to go home and say goodbye to his family. Cancer was in every organ he had. Dude was totally ate up with cancer. No treatment worked for him. Guy took dog wormer. He is 100% cancer free.

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Aug 25, 2020
Total, spontaneous remissions of every sort of cancer occur frequently enough that cures like de-wormer, krebiozen, or sitting in a uranium mine can gain credibility. None work.

If you have credible evidence that any physician or medical center is engaging in dishonest practices, kindly inform your state and local authorities.


Lawn Pro
Jul 14, 2019
Total, spontaneous remissions of every sort of cancer occur frequently enough that cures like de-wormer, krebiozen, or sitting in a uranium mine can gain credibility. None work.

If you have credible evidence that any physician or medical center is engaging in dishonest practices, kindly inform your state and local authorities.
When I hear "my scan was cancer free", what would you call it? Working or not working?

"None work". Tell that to my sister which is 100% cancer free.

I'm not selling anything here. Just thought it might help another forum member. I've seen it work for a family member. Interweb has a ton of other success stories. Do you own research.

State and local authorities? There is no such thing.



Lawn Royalty
Nov 29, 2014
Well actually right now you can buy worm eggs to consume to infest your gut with intestinal worms
There is strong evidence that the excreations of worms living in your gut actually protect you from some forms of cancer & gut ulcers .
The theory goes is we evolved with intestinal worms but it is only in recient years that western societies have rid their bodies of these worms where as the 3rd world still lives with them
Cancer is very much a first world problem and almost never heard of in third world countries .
Cause & effect or co-incidence ?
What it is easy to forget is cancer is not a disease you catch it is a malfunction of the bodies own metabolism which allows cells that should die & be carried away to continue to grow.
People die from cancer either because the growths prevent the body from performing vital functions or the immune system kills the person while trying to eradicate the cancer cells .
As such it is most like an auto immune disease where your own body is killing you .
And like a lot of auto immune conditions that suddenly flare up then go into remission, cancers can and do do the exact same thing.
Then when they go into remission people look around for reasons and of course end up attributing the remission to all sorts of silly things .

Now what we do know is a lot of cancers are genetic in origin and probably linked to the individuals Genome but it will take a lot more testing & number crunching to verify .
In reality we are nothing more than another animal on the planet but unlike all of the other species people with a mass of genetic defects do not die at or shortly after birth in 1st world countries.
They go on to thrive & propogate handing down the bad genes to future generations where as in 3rd world countries most would die so only the good strong gene lines survive.
My father had his appendix removed because it was highly inflamed. Mine burst while I was in casulty for a totally different reason & my sons have needed to have theirs removed as well.
Co-incidence or bad genes ?
I had a 1st cousin with severe asthma , she eventually died from lung cancer, she had 6 asthmatic children and 10 asthmatic grandchildren
Co-incidence or bad genes ?

Good thing about worming tablets is about the worst side effect you could get is colitis so they will probably do you no harm but I seriously doubt they will cure any bodies cancer.