There is a very small spring that is parallel to the governor spring.It seems to do nothing,but it takes up the slack in the governor spring hole to prevent surging and hunting.It prevents what they call hysteresis.Hysteresis is good in some cases,like a pipe wrench for instance,the sloppy fit make it grab,but not good on a mower governor.If this spring fell off or was removed and not put back on,it can cause surging.
To clean a carb that is not totally clogged,I use Dextron ATF. A small amount, a couple of tablespoons in a gallon usually does it, given time.The engine will smoke some,but the very high amount of varnish and sludge removers in the ATF will break up and remove the same stuff from your mower carb.Run it for a couple of hours,then let it rest overnight..let the solvents do their job.Then run out the tank next day.That has solved many problems for me in the past,even on the older carbureted cars,before computer controls. It may not solve your problem,but it will certainly clean the carb.IMHO:Better than Sea Foam for this purpose.