The Daily Yardman Thread


Lawn Pro
Apr 26, 2012
Re: MTD Yardman Transaxle Rebuild

No post on the entire forum in between 9:38 pm CST and 4:00 am CST. That is odd


Lawn Pro
Feb 15, 2015
Re: MTD Yardman Transaxle Rebuild

No post on the entire forum in between 9:38 pm CST and 4:00 am CST. That is odd

Yeah Chuck, and the forum is really not getting a lot of visitors lately, but OUR view count seems to be holding fairly steady, that's a good thing, It usually picks up on the week-end, we'll wait N see what happens.
ANYWAY ..Good Mornin gang !!



Lawn Pro
Feb 15, 2015
Re: MTD Yardman Transaxle Rebuild

well I guess I can put on a Christmas time funny ....



Lawn Pro
Feb 15, 2015
Re: MTD Yardman Transaxle Rebuild

TEN-HUT !! ... Captain's aboard !!

Good Mornin Ma"am, .. enjoying your coffee and crumpet today ..??? Grievous news this morning, it seems as the days go by, it appears we have more of the "crew" abandoning ship ! Could it be the Holidays have something to do with it, ?? HMmmm ??

Roger B

Lawn Addict
Oct 19, 2016
Re: MTD Yardman Transaxle Rebuild

NO R--- , No Ride Home.
And you could not be further from reality even allowing for your tired old failing eyes or was that mind ?:confused2:
Women were generally treated badly when I was young and they hated it.
That funny little pill that catholics were not allowed to know about let alone touch had just hit the market and women were on the move.
So even a dirt poor ugly average height male with a missing tooth could do quite well in the woman world if he treated them like people.
The average Aussie night out was grab yer shelia go down to the pub where yer male mates were, drink too much beer while standing in a circle of your male mates then expect sex on the way home.

If you can find a copy of "Their A Weird Mob" watch it and in particular note the opening & closing tracks.
A very funny movie down here cause it was just like a 2 hr stand up comic routine and was a mirror on the truth as seen by an imigrant who by the way lived near my wifes childhood home .
Women were suppose to sit down, shut up & pay for your drinks, get you home if you were leglessly drunk & attend to your wounds should you have picked a fight with some one you should not have.

Finding some one who treated them as equal, took them somewhere that they were interested in going, and showed some respect was something a bit rare and I quickly got a reputation with the women who wanted something more than to snare ( become pregnant to ) a wealthy hunk to make their girlfriends jealous.

To avoid being beaten to a pulp by the other blokes who just did not get it , so they did not get any, I rode with a bunch of nasty bastards, you know the type that brake peoples arms cause they like the sound it makes. A couple of them moved in next door so they allowed me to hang around with them as I was good with spanners.

Bert - Let's see.. First there is the question of: "No R---" . . . I realize that it somehow goes along with the old "If you aren't here after with I'm here after, then you'll be here after I'm gone!" (No ride home) - - - But "R"?? I haven't a clue..

As you may or may not know, US Submarines were stationed at Fremantle during WWII. (I believe that we lost 11 of the boats that had served out of Fremantle, but there is no need to go there.) Anyway even 20 years later when I joined the Sub Service, the experiences the crews had ashore in Australia were still the basis for some great sea stories! That was one of the main reasons I was so disappointed when we blew up Number One engine and lost our bid to include a side trip to Australia when we were prowling the East China Sea. We had heard some very exciting stories regarding Aussie Sheilas and were interested in finding out if they were true or not!

OH!! And I thought a "mob" was a gang of kangaroos!


Roger B

Lawn Addict
Oct 19, 2016
Re: MTD Yardman Transaxle Rebuild

TEN-HUT !! ... Captain's aboard !!

Good Mornin Ma"am, .. enjoying your coffee and crumpet today ..??? Grievous news this morning, it seems as the days go by, it appears we have more of the "crew" abandoning ship ! Could it be the Holidays have something to do with it, ?? HMmmm ??

G'Day ya ol' fart, how the hell are ya??

Colder than a well diggers arse here this mornin'... Single digits and more snow by mid day.. I jus' luv it!!

I dunno where everybody has gone, but yes I expect it has to do with the Holidays... We're all busy as a one-legged man in an arse kicking contest. Only old duffers like us have enough spare time to sit around dickin' with a computer all day.

Enjoy the warmth down there while you can, I may get chased by a load of cold when I head your way.. (I'll try to lose it somewhere around Doc's place..)



Lawn Pro
Feb 15, 2015
Re: MTD Yardman Transaxle Rebuild

G'Day ya ol' fart, how the hell are ya??

Colder than a well diggers arse here this mornin'... Single digits and more snow by mid day.. I jus' luv it!!

I dunno where everybody has gone, but yes I expect it has to do with the Holidays... We're all busy as a one-legged man in an arse kicking contest. Only old duffers like us have enough spare time to sit around dickin' with a computer all day.

Enjoy the warmth down there while you can, I may get chased by a load of cold when I head your way.. (I'll try to lose it somewhere around Doc's place..)


Aye Cap'n , by all means leave the cold up where the blaggards can handle it, everytime it gets below 70deg. , I have trouble findin "it" to relieve myself at the "necessary room" it almost crawls up me arse ya know !! ..:laughing:..:laughing:

Roger B

Lawn Addict
Oct 19, 2016
Re: MTD Yardman Transaxle Rebuild

Aye Cap'n , by all means leave the cold up where the blaggards can handle it, everytime it gets below 70deg. , I have trouble findin "it" to relieve myself at the "necessary room" it almost crawls up me arse ya know !! ..:laughing:..:laughing:

That's really more personal information than I need!

A beauty day today! It's four below zero in Caribou, Maine this morning and yesterday the Weather Channel reported that they have more snow on the ground than anywhere else in New England. Lucky sods...

We've got another snow storm that's supposed to hit us around noon time and go all night, but then it's supposed to turn into freezing rain by Saturday morning (must be a warm front sliding over us from down your way) . Then a quiet day on Sunday so we can go out on the roads and sort out the dead that didn't stay home during the ice storm. But then more snow is expected for Monday, nothing like nice slippery snow on top of slick ice! Driving conditions ought to be fabulous! Maybe I'll break out the dog team..

Stay warm and eat an orange for me, will ya?
