The Daily Yardman Thread

Roger B

Lawn Addict
Oct 19, 2016
Re: Anvil

Replies follow Bert's comments after three of these - - -

Drop tests are not really good. - - - But they do indicate a degree of hardness, or even more importantly, a lack thereof!

Two distinct types of anvils.
Blacksmiths Anvils - - - This was a blacksmith's anvil
Tool makers Anvils

A smiths anvil does not need to be particularly hard as you work red hot metal on it and any hardness or tempering gets locally destroyed.
What is important is it is the same hardness from one end to the other and flat.
Smiths anvils are generally wide and very heavy.
Typically they are made from malleable iron ( SG iron to some ) - - - Agreed, for the most part. Although I'm not sure that beating red hot metal on the face of an anvil would have much effect on it's 'temper' or hardness. Maybe over a long period of time.

If it had been outside in a forest fire it may just have gotten hot enough to change the microstructure but you need a lot of heat to get it up to 900 C then hold it there for long enough for the heat to soak through .
Remember it was in a barn where animals piss & poo and pissing on an iron or steel item will cause rust to accelerate. - - - The smithing shop was usually a separate part of the barn if not a separate building, for safety if nothing else. The barns I'm talking about were very large and constructed of huge timbers and when one burns, and the floor collapses into the cellar the resulting coals will burn for days if not completely extinguished. It would definitely create enough heat, long enough to change the micro structure of the iron.

If you want hard face, take it to a welding shop and get some hardfacing laid on the top then get it ground flat. - - - I have seen anvils with a hard face welded to the top, I'm not sure how that welding is accomplished without effecting the hardness of the applied piece, but I have seen it done. I would need to have the existing face milled flat first.

When finished, dip it in a tub of molassas for a week to passivate the surface - - - I have never heard of that process before! As usual I always learn something when you post something. I will research that.

Get a grade 5 bolt and flatten the head..If it leaves an impression then the face is too soft.. If you just ruined the bolt the face is quit hard enough. - - - Makes sense

Remember the anvil needs to be softer than the hammers you use on it but harder than what is between them. - - - Makes even more sense


Roger B

Lawn Addict
Oct 19, 2016
Re: MTD Yardman Transaxle Rebuild

Thread relocation and the effect on total views.

I am concerned that having the thread relocated from the MTD forum to the Transmissions & Transaxles forum, may initially have an adverse effect on the number of views it receives. It was an unforeseen change of events and at this point even it's long term effects are unknown.

Those who intend to speculate on how many views the thread will accumulate by it's one year anniversary on the 31st day of October, may need to revise their calculations. The average of 1,000 views every three days has been disrupted and higher math may now need to be applied in order to compensate.

We may need to hire some ten year old to write an algorithmic program or some other set of unambiguous instructions, or complex mathematical models that will compute a reasonable estimation of the number of views we can expect to receive... it's way over my head..



Lawn Royalty
Nov 29, 2014
Re: Anvil

Boo - Bert ain't "Google", Google just searches for stuff... Bert is WIKI!! Wiki knows everything!!!

(Of course we admire him, but you shouldn't call him "Sir", he'll get all huffy on you and reply: "Sir? . . . Sir my arse!! I'm as good as you are any day!!") At least that's what we did in the Navy when some newbie - non-qual, made a mistake and called an enlisted-swine, "Sir"....

Bert is GOOD!! - - - Bert is GREAT!! - - - Yea BERT!!!


Will you blokes stop that.
You make my inferiority complex even worse as I battle with this !#*!@%!! concrete saw.
Three weeks & I still can't get it to run for longer than 3 minutes.
Mind you it is running stronger than it was and accelerating smoother, but you aint gonna cut much concrete in 3 minutes.


Lawn Addict
Nov 3, 2014
Re: MTD Yardman Transaxle Rebuild

I'm going to fix this.

First, please post the make and model, along with what you've done to it so far. If you'd prefer to PM me, that's fine as well.



Lawn Pro
Feb 15, 2015
Re: MTD Yardman Transaxle Rebuild

I'm going to fix this.

First, please post the make and model, along with what you've done to it so far. If you'd prefer to PM me, that's fine as well.


OH BROTHER.... THIS is gonna be GOOD ...NO WILD !!! Clyde you my friend just opened a Pandora's BOX , Bert is gonna come un-hinged , ballistic, bombastic, unruly, and outraged ... on the other hand ....??? ..:mur: ..:cool2:


Lawn Pro
Feb 15, 2015
WHAT the HELL..???

AUGUST 7, 2017 Don't know whats happening but we have OVER 4500 users online at 12:20 P.M. Eastern ..????

Roger B

Lawn Addict
Oct 19, 2016
Re: MTD Yardman Transaxle Rebuild

I'm going to fix this.

First, please post the make and model, along with what you've done to it so far. If you'd prefer to PM me, that's fine as well.


Oh boy Clyde, that was a good one!! I'm still laughing!!


Roger B

Lawn Addict
Oct 19, 2016
New Toy

We were over to Ichi Bon Son San's today, had to pick up (that means "buy" and transport to their home - for you who are not yet grandparents) a new bed for the middle grand daughter. She decided that at 15 she was to old to sleep in a bunk bed anymore. So we brought it in the house and set it all up, Becky put on new sheets, tucked in all nice and pretty and while she was doing that I went out and checked the garden, picked a bunch of cukes for pickles and crook neck summer squash for supper. The off by the barn I noticed a rotted out self propelled lawn mower. It was a White.. Must be by the consortium that had White/Westinghouse appliances, White tractors and I guess White lawn mowers back in the day. The body of the mower was completely rotted out with large holes through it. It did have a 6.75 HP Tecumseh vertical shaft engine and the engine is free. (I was able to turn it slightly with the blade.) So when #1 step son showed up I asked if he wanted me to take it to the dump for him. (Where he lives the town dump charges him for everything, my dump does not.) He was tickled to death that I'd get rid of it for him, so I loaded it into the trailer we'd brought the new bed in.

I salvaged the rear wheels - (quite large, I'll use them for something, some day) and then I took the engine off.

It is a model number - LV195EA

SPEC: 362048C

Eng. Family - 5TPXS.1951BC

What's the verdict? Is it worth messing with? I have the recoil starter soaking in Kroil and it should be fine by tomorrow. A new cord will fix it up. I removed the spark plug and filled the cylinder with Kroil too and left it laying on it's side so the oil can fully penetrate everything in the engine. If it makes a spark, it should be worth messing with, shouldn't it?



Lawn Pro
Feb 15, 2015
Re: MTD Yardman Transaxle Rebuild

Oh boy Clyde, that was a good one!! I'm still laughing!!


I wanna be around when the schitt hits the fan, ...this should be a gut-buster if Bert jumps on his case !!!


Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2014
Re: New Toy

We were over to Ichi Bon Son San's today, had to pick up (that means "buy" and transport to their home - for you who are not yet grandparents) a new bed for the middle grand daughter. She decided that at 15 she was to old to sleep in a bunk bed anymore. So we brought it in the house and set it all up, Becky put on new sheets, tucked in all nice and pretty and while she was doing that I went out and checked the garden, picked a bunch of cukes for pickles and crook neck summer squash for supper. The off by the barn I noticed a rotted out self propelled lawn mower. It was a White.. Must be by the consortium that had White/Westinghouse appliances, White tractors and I guess White lawn mowers back in the day. The body of the mower was completely rotted out with large holes through it. It did have a 6.75 HP Tecumseh vertical shaft engine and the engine is free. (I was able to turn it slightly with the blade.) So when #1 step son showed up I asked if he wanted me to take it to the dump for him. (Where he lives the town dump charges him for everything, my dump does not.) He was tickled to death that I'd get rid of it for him, so I loaded it into the trailer we'd brought the new bed in.

I salvaged the rear wheels - (quite large, I'll use them for something, some day) and then I took the engine off.

It is a model number - LV195EA

SPEC: 362048C

Eng. Family - 5TPXS.1951BC

What's the verdict? Is it worth messing with? I have the recoil starter soaking in Kroil and it should be fine by tomorrow. A new cord will fix it up. I removed the spark plug and filled the cylinder with Kroil too and left it laying on it's side so the oil can fully penetrate everything in the engine. If it makes a spark, it should be worth messing with, shouldn't it?


What's the verdict?
You have a problem and we can help you with it. First you have to stand before the group and say Hello my name is Roger and I am a lawn mower addict.