So much for watching the Stupid Bowl


Well-Known Member
Dec 8, 2022
IF you think it was bad over there , just imagine what it is like over here
Apparently there was an Aussie import on one of the teams so of course that was what filled every news broadcast for the whole week.
As if he outcome of a football game in the USA will make a difference to players in Australia.
even worse they get a local big mouth to add comentry over the top of the USA ones and naturally none of them have the feintest idea about how the game is played.
But doing this allows the TV station to add the broadcast to their "Aussie list" to fill the local content mandate.
Bert, I wish I could get some TV channel, station, or whatever that aired Australian rugby. I think I could really enjoy watching that.

As for the player from Australia being on one of the teams. That tidbit was apparently not a very big deal here. I don't recall seeing or hearing anything about him. I guess our sports reporters don't much care about him. LOL! Now, if you can get an Aboriginal Australian that plays football in the US of A, he'll have all the attention and headlines he can handle.


Well-Known Member
Dec 8, 2022
HAH! My wife just now told me that there was some minor rioting in Philly after the loss in the Super Bowl. It's just another thing wrong with sports in this country. Although not a lot, there were reports of damage to city signs and other property and a small amount of looting to a few stores. There is only one question. Why? What turns people into a wild pack of animals over a simple loss by their favorite team in a sporting event?


Lawn Royalty
Mar 11, 2012
Google search. Jordan Mailata and Jesse Williams. Both Aussie rugby players who made the NFL


Lawn Royalty
Nov 29, 2014
Bert, I wish I could get some TV channel, station, or whatever that aired Australian rugby. I think I could really enjoy watching that.

As for the player from Australia being on one of the teams. That tidbit was apparently not a very big deal here. I don't recall seeing or hearing anything about him. I guess our sports reporters don't much care about him. LOL! Now, if you can get an Aboriginal Australian that plays football in the US of A, he'll have all the attention and headlines he can handle.
Nothing much about anything other than the USA seems to make it to US television apart from anti Russia & anti China stories.
When the Halls Gap BSA international was on we shares a cabin with 2 Americans.
it was a couple of weeks out from an election and they were astounded about how much tv news time was devoted to the US elections.
Both said that it was more than they would get at home.
Another American was sharing a cabin with our club President & said the same thing.
And all of them said it was the least biased coverage they had ever seen.
Your last 2 Presidential elections were live broadcast over here from near 100 tally rooms.
Apparently that was not available to US citizens .
As for the Super bowls contestants the local media has interviewed just about every one who had ever been within 2 yards from either of them from the day they were born .
ets very tedious listening to some one who knew them in kindergarden & hasn't seen them for over 20 years , but that is the state of Aust TV journalism
There are a lot of Aussies playing in all major USA sports .
We eat a lot better than Americans do in general with a much higher iron & protein content due the the large amount of red meat & the fact that Australian grain crops have very high protein content ( which causes a lot of kidney damage ) to the point that now days we strip proteins out of baking flours .
Black fellas tend to be tall & lean genetically so favour sports like NFL ( sort of like grid iron without the tackling ) baseball & basket ball rather than heavy contact sports which are often filled with Mauri ( brick dunnies with legs ) who are genetically tall & heavy .
A lot of black fellas get invited to go to the USA after playing with & against US troops stationed here .
Most would not make a premier division team locally ( because they are black & we are really a bit racist ) but can get a chance at major leagues in the USA .
Four football codes down here Rugby Union as played in the UK & France , Rugby league , a slightly less violent form of rugby, AFL , previously called Aussie Rules & only played in Australia + Football


Lawn Addict
Apr 16, 2018
HAH! My wife just now told me that there was some minor rioting in Philly after the loss in the Super Bowl. It's just another thing wrong with sports in this country. Although not a lot, there were reports of damage to city signs and other property and a small amount of looting to a few stores. There is only one question. Why? What turns people into a wild pack of animals over a simple loss by their favorite team in a sporting event?

Some folks are just that way, and just need an excuse to express it. Ever seen "The Purge?"


Well-Known Member
Dec 8, 2022
And all of them said it was the least biased coverage they had ever seen.
That's something that doesn't exist here in the States. There hasn't been an unbiased news report in over 25 years, and probably more than that. Now days, they don't even attempt to hide or disguise it. 80% to 90% of TV news, Internet news, and the few remaining printed newspapers are terribly liberal. Fox News and a couple other places try to balance the scale, but they go overboard with their conservatism so they aren't unbiased either.

I recently tried searching for the least biased news agencies in the US. I found a report on and thought maybe I had found a way to find truly unbiased news reports. I was immediately discouraged when I saw what the "general public" thought was the most biased news agency in the US of A. Fox news was at the top of the list as being the most biased. That seemed off until I found where they had done their surveying. The majority of people they surveyed were in or near the big cities on the east coast and on the west coast. Yeah, sure. That's a truly unbiased crowd if ever there was one. LOL! They might as well have just called the article "Which news sources are the most biased according to Democrats". LOL!

My wife and I are neither Republican nor Democrat. We're both Constitutionalists, and we are constantly being told that we are Independents. We both argue with the dip sticks that call us that. We actually are card carrying members of The Constitution Party. We don't vote for a "party". We vote for the man. The problem is that it's really hard to find ANYONE that still holds to the principles of The Constitution of The United States. They all just go on the attack against the opposing party and don't really ever provide the voting public with their personal platform and beliefs. I guess those things just no longer matter in the US of A.

Maybe I should try to find a way to see news from Australia. LOL!


Well-Known Member
Dec 8, 2022
Some folks are just that way, and just need an excuse to express it. Ever seen "The Purge?"
Yep, I have seen three different Purge movies. Crap. Now I'm trying to decide of I've seen three, or two, or four, or,,,,, I love not having a mind anymore. LOL!

And you're right. There are way too many people that are just looking for a reason to act that way. I guess I'm just different, or old, or something.

My wife and I have been in conversations with lots of people about the difference between the "hijinks" of my day and what the kids of today do. We never caused any permanent property damage when we went on a spree. Our fun was creative, but never damaging.

We bought this house in June of 2016. There was quite a bit of remodeling we wanted done before we moved in so had a contractor here for a couple of months. We'd come and do some of the smaller jobs ourselves. We drove up one day the week before the 4th of July and found the fire department still putting out a few hot spots after a fire had nearly completely destroyed the house next door. We found out later that kids had thrown a handful of some kind of fireworks into a box sitting in the driveway of that house. The weird thing was that it wasn't just firecrackers. They had thrown mortars, rockets, and flaming tubes in the box. The box caught fire, then set the garage door on fire, then the whole house went up. Turns out that the "kids" that did it were in the 16 to 18 year old range and two of them just happened to be the sons of another family that was having a small feud with the family that owned the house. Long story short, the officials determined it was "probably" intentional, but there wasn't enough evidence to find them guilty in court, so nothing was ever done about it. The young family that owned the house then had to find a place to rent while the house was completely remodeled.

The following year kids broke into a local house with historical relevance and completely trashed the place. The damage was so extensive that it was decided to call on the State of Illinois and other government agencies to find the funds to completely gut the place and do a remodel. Sure, it'll look like an old, historically significant house, but in fact, you won't be seeing any of the original house. It'll all be new products made to look old. And for what? What the hell did those little turds get out of destroying that place?



Lawn Royalty
Nov 29, 2014
That's something that doesn't exist here in the States. There hasn't been an unbiased news report in over 25 years, and probably more than that. Now days, they don't even attempt to hide or disguise it. 80% to 90% of TV news, Internet news, and the few remaining printed newspapers are terribly liberal. Fox News and a couple other places try to balance the scale, but they go overboard with their conservatism so they aren't unbiased either.

I recently tried searching for the least biased news agencies in the US. I found a report on and thought maybe I had found a way to find truly unbiased news reports. I was immediately discouraged when I saw what the "general public" thought was the most biased news agency in the US of A. Fox news was at the top of the list as being the most biased. That seemed off until I found where they had done their surveying. The majority of people they surveyed were in or near the big cities on the east coast and on the west coast. Yeah, sure. That's a truly unbiased crowd if ever there was one. LOL! They might as well have just called the article "Which news sources are the most biased according to Democrats". LOL!

My wife and I are neither Republican nor Democrat. We're both Constitutionalists, and we are constantly being told that we are Independents. We both argue with the dip sticks that call us that. We actually are card carrying members of The Constitution Party. We don't vote for a "party". We vote for the man. The problem is that it's really hard to find ANYONE that still holds to the principles of The Constitution of The United States. They all just go on the attack against the opposing party and don't really ever provide the voting public with their personal platform and beliefs. I guess those things just no longer matter in the US of A.

Maybe I should try to find a way to see news from Australia. LOL!
They are all available on line if you really want to but I would not bother .
It would appear that every Australian news team all went to the same college & work off the same textbook so they present virtually identical stories poorly.
There is an over representation of observant jewish people in the media & in news rooms in particular so broadcasts are highly pro-Israel so a soilder who gets hit with a rock gets 5 minutes of news time while 80 DRC cobalt miners trapped & dieing underground is found on page 33 of the web after the stories of sports peoples strained muscles .
the government run station used to be good but now they are jus click bait fishers as well.
SBS, a multicultural government partially funded station seems to have the least biased coverage which is sort of expected as they have 3000 employees who speak 450 different languages & come from 90 different countries so you don't have the privledeged white christian male gaze .
The ABC is stuffed with reactionary idiots so groups like PEDA & Animals Australia & GreenPeace get way too much air time .
I listen to the PNN ( Parliamentry News Network ) now most of the day which is interesting as I hear the full days question time or right now the full days inquirey into Robo-Debt and what I hear on the news at night does not resemble what I heard during the day.
The words are perfect quotes but done out of context to give an implied meaning according t the agenda of the news room who preparred it .
There is also a disproportinate number of members of Opus Day and Free Masionary in executive management as well .

OTOH, bias is like beauty it is in the eyes of the beholder .
What I consider hard right wing you could consider middle of the road & visa versa.
Al-Gyzera actually presents a truer picture of Australian news than any of the Australian media does but the right wing government parties had it banned from any radio or TV network apart from SBS & they are limited to the middle east coverage broadcast in
Arabic .

A housemate had a rather sound attitude to news & current affairs
unless it affects him personally, his work or the local community then he has better things to occupy his mind upon.
His regular reply was, very interesting so what do you expect me to do about it ?

Does it make a difference to Australians who sits in the White House - No


Well-Known Member
Dec 8, 2022
so you don't have the privledeged white christian male gaze
I keep hearing about this privileged white male stuff and I'm wondering just where these guys are. I sure don't seem to be enjoying any special privileges. LOL!

But I do get your meaning. I believe I see you saying that no matter where you are, and no matter what you watch or read, you will no longer be able to enjoy a newscast of any kind that isn't biased in some way. Guys my age and older will remember Walter Cronkite very well. Maybe I was too young to see it, and maybe the hundreds of thousands of guys like me that say the same thing I say are wrong, but I just can NOT recall him ever doing a news story where he was overly biased. I know there were other news anchors that were very much like him, but he sticks out because the local, if you can call it that, TV station that we picked up the best was a CBS affiliate. So every night my folks watched the local news on that station, then watched Walter for world news. About the closest I can recall him to being biased was near the end of the Vietnam conflict. As I recall, he managed to walk the fence as closely as he could, but he was letting a little personal opinion against the war seep out in his reports. Not that he was wrong, but it sure wasn't the pure fact filled reports he did a few years earlier.

It's a real shame we can't go back to that.


Lawn Royalty
Nov 29, 2014
MEdia is measured by surveys that are generally carefully managed to give the results that the purchaser wanted to get.
Right now one of the measures is click through and calls to the station
Thus what is said is designed to evoke a reaction rather than allow the observer to make an informed decision .
Privledeged white christian gaze
Well for a start we now get 5 minute of finance news which is basically a couple of shares that went up or down , the market indicies in the USA, EU , UK , Japan , Singapore & OZ plus the value of the $Aus against the $ US , £ , Euro , Yen none of which are as important as against the RMB being China is 75% of Aust exports and 60 of our imports .
A footballer who had a heart attack on the field in the USA got 5 minutes every night for over 3 weeks .

Where as a militia slaughtering 3 complete villages in PNG to free up land for mining never got a mention because black people don't exist or it might make white people feel guilty about throwing away last years smart phone .
A baby that was killed in a Portuguese bus accident made every news broadcast for over a week where as the same thing in India which is almost a daily event is never mentioned .( wrong religion wrong skin colour )
The floods in Europe last year were on the news every might for months
The floods in Pakistan got a couple of minutes for 2 or 3 nights then forgotten ( brown people do not matter unless they are carrying a bomb amongst white people )

And of course every fart in Palestine/Israel will be the headline story that night .
South America & South Africa do not exist unless there has been a military coup or a white person has been injured/kidnapped .

Delays in getting new cars gets a mention at least once a week where as only 1/4 of the worlds population owns a car and only reasonably well off people buy new ones.

When Interplod smashed the biggest child porn ring on the planet 8 Australians were arrested .
6 of them were MD's CEO's or Directors of public companies , their names were surpressed on the grounds of the effect it might have on the share market where as the poor iron worker who had his computer zombied ( like he could afford $ 100,000 video clips & $ 20,000 still images ) got his name & suburb mentioned which of course meant that the brain dead burned his house down .