I suggest you find out for a fact. Take two coffee cups, place the diaphragms and the rest of the carb in the cups. Fill one with forty dollar a gallon "true fuel" and the other with pump gas and allow both to fully evaporate. let set for a week, repeat the process for a year and then see if there is any difference between the components in each cup. We inquiring minds want to know. Alternately, you can watch YouTube videos and you decide. Hint: Gasoline turns to varnish and leaves behind said on components, ethanol does not. But being that it is only 10% ethanol, which leaves zero varnish, there will be zero difference. Using Sta-Bil WILL make a dramatic difference, period. As you see in the picture, I have a "couple" of restored or original machines around. Ethenol hasn't sent them to the heap yard yet.