Hi lilychef.Hi there! I am either missing a part on my mower, something is loose, broken, or detached, or something is out of adjustment. I've attached a picture of the throttle/governor linkage for you to see. I recently replaced the carburetor, and everything is hooked up exactly the way I found it. Nobody else has worked on this mower since we bought it. The engine will only either not start, or will start on full throttle, but the throttle control lever (the tortoise/hare lever) does absolutely nothing to control the engine speed. When it does start, it runs well, but only at full throttle. BTW - It ran before I changed the carb, too, but not as smoothly as now. That spring in the pic is VERY small and super-light, and doesn't seem to do anything. In all of the pics I've seen of similar B&S engines, there is another, much larger spring connecting the throttle lever to the throttle body. Could this be what I need? To makes things worse, B&S's own parts diagram doesn't completely match my engine, so they were no help on the phone and couldn't give me a part number for such a spring, if it exists. My engine model number is 10G902 0260 B1. Maybe I just don't understand how this all works, but it sure seems to me that the throttle lever should move the throttle plate, eh? Ha! Any advice would be greatly appreciated!
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I just joined the the Forum, and I just wanted to say hello from Michigan The Great Lakes State. I've been a mechanic for 40+ years. I have a Poulan PR45Y22SA 4.5 hp I don't know what the diff is between the two is. But looking at the governor linkage mine has a loop 2-3 inches from the throttle yours does not mine has one spring just like yours does Briggs part number 698719. After 10 years of service it finally started to act up rough idle, surging and blowing black smoke. I went out and bought a diaphragm kit part number 795083 also a primer bulb kit part number 694394 mite as well put it on while I have the carb off and get it over with. This is leading up to the spring. I read some of the other posts and here's another solution possibly. When I took the carb off I removed the spring first and when I did I must have pulled a little to hard on it and stretched it. 10 years of heat and weather and rust takes tension out of springs must have been time to replace it cause when I put it back on and started it up it run on full open throttle not good to run on OP you could blow a rod. You may want to check that. Check the linkage to make sure it's not binding in the throttle to. Where the spring hook on the bracket it's made in such a way that you can bend it ether way in or out to adjust the idle. Let me know how it goes. :smile: