Every one of the immigrants walking across the border today thinks someone owes them a living as well
Never heard so much tosh in my entire life
In my days in the metals industry I had a complete shift of illegals thats 240 men
Almost the entire yard and that was just over 1000 men were illegals about 1/2 were from Cyprus and the rest were a mix of Arabs from various regions in the Middle East .
They were to a man the finest bunch of men I have ever worked with.
None of them ever took a sick day they all arrived on time , never left their post till relieved by the following shift worked hard, did what was asked of them and produced a high quality product.
None os them had ever broken any law apart from either overstaying their visas or getting smuggled into Australia.
They paid 62% in income tax , sent their kids to a non government funded religious school and never went to a public hospital or claimed any benefit because of fear of being found & deported .
Their kids were polite & respectful and a delight to be with .
In short they were all model citizens
Now at the smelter , where every one was a documented Australia citizen by & large there were 2 groups .
Group one were the legal migrants who who again could be called model citizens & workers, they just wanted to get on with life, buy a house & raise their kids in peace.
Because of this they always went along with the others.
The others were 2nd , 3rd or 4th generation Aussies.
They were lazy, rarely ever had a full shift of them made sure they all took every paid sick day every year and found every loophole to slow down production .
They would argue & if asked to do anything that was not written into their contract refuse to do it and on top of that about 1/2 of that group was highly racist and would bash the homeless black fellas on their way to the railway station , which was how I managed to rid the plant of quite a few of them as I lived in a black fella area & got on well with them.
Your comments to me sound like the absolute tosh that spews from the mouths of menstural clots with a microphone masquerading as a human beings who have never even talked with an illegal immigrant let alone worked with one but fill the airwaves with racist steriotypes that only exist in their perverted demented minds .
I have worked with just about every nationality on the planet and by & larger the hardest working best behaves have always been the illegals, after that come the legal imigrants and a long way bag in last place were the locals and it is always the locals who have the sense of entitlement as they have lived all their life in a community that has social security where as most migrants have come from some where that has no social security were yet to learn how to rort the system .