The family, Wife, Me and two cats, had to go without pizza one night just to fund this large-scale research project. Now, you be the judge. On one hand we have eXmark paint part number 1-850337 Lazar Red, 12 oz can for $33.88 plus tax. On the other hand we have a can of Rust-Oleum in Regal Red, 15 Oz can for $ 10.99 plus tax. For the drill down investigators, the Original paint was $2.82 cents an oz; the Rust-Oleum was $.73 an oz. However, let's assume that cost is no object. We are all independently wealthy here on this forum (except for the wife, me and two cats) so the only thing that really matters is how does it look. Photos attached, you judge. To save you some time these two samples have been laid on the cutting deck, which is still in original condition and paint color, (as it should be since it's only been used once and was washed after that use).
Sorry about picture orientation. The first three are rotated clockwise 90 degrees, so look at them as if you are standing on the left side of those. If it says left side that would be top and right side would be bottom. The fourth is correctly oriented. If we had a bigger budget I would have fixed this rotation thing.