Yeah this whole thread is about an accident in which someone died, a roll over accident. A rollover accident that was 9 times out of 10 caused by the operator himself by operating the mower in conditions that it the mower and operator shouldn't have been in and probably been avoided if the individual would have
( Read The Freaking Manual) just for clarification. The thing is and I can't believe I'm agreeing with Carscw but there are just some people who shouldn't be allowed to run a mower of any kind. If you want to avoid these type of things, accidents and Lawsuits it will not be done by the Lawn police, if your interested in making new laws start at the dealers and make a law that requires a sit down with an instructional video on the correct way to operate the mower of choice when purchased, The do's and Don't of a ZTR, a Stander, Lawn and garden Tractor and so on as well as driving the mower of choice in the lot before being sold. Covering ones butt starts at the manufacturer and the manual they provide and should continue with the dealer and then the operator and using common sense, if all that is neglected.......... STUPID IS AS STUPID DOES.