I’m a total newbie at small engines, and I’ve had a lot fun with this. I received the carb rebuild kit and cleaned/rebuilt the carburetor. I put all together, and as I was doing that, discovered there isn’t any air vane spring. That was most likely the issue all along. My inexperience kept me from knowing that. The spring wasn’t there when I took the carb off. I have no idea how it ever came off, when, or where.
This town/region stinks at service/supply, and the virus has nothing to do with never finding a spring. I ordered the spring and it is due to be here tomorrow.
However, I have another issue. The bowl will not stop leaking. I replaced the gasket to the jet, and have worked with the jet bolt, and no luck. The leak is clearly from the jet bolt, as I dry if off, and gas starts accumulating on the bolt, then drips.
Any advice?????