Pete,sounds like you made youself one nice mower.did I miss it on what engine is in it?Also curious as how you did under the deck.I applied the recommened 2 coats of E-Zlide to the under deck of my Grasshopper right after I bought it this spring,even did the blades as suggested on the can.The blades were new and I checked them after the first mow and the graphite seemed to have wore off.I pulled the deck the other day and it appears the graphite is still on it but to what extant it helped is hard to tell.I do plan to clean and reaply the E-Zlide to the deck.I bought 2 Qts. of it at T.S.C. this spring and found that it goes a long way.I could do a whole swarm of grasshoppers with 2 qts. russ
Hi Russ,
The engine is a Kohler CH-25 Not a terrible engine I was very surprised to find things like roller lifters.
I wish it had about 50% more HP. The displacement 750cc is ok, but more torque would be nice. A friend has a turbo charger that came on a motorcycle that he wrecked a few years ago, it could easily add an additional 10 HP.
The deck was really trashed and required about 30% of it's steel to be replaced, while I was fixing it I reinforced all of the week areas and made it so water and moisture could not be trapped. All of the irregularities on the under side were smoothed out with Kevlar reinforced epoxy that was applied to the freshly sand blasted and acid treated steel. Then I gave it three full wet coats with KBS Rust seal. They turned out very glossy and should stay that way without top coating due to the lack of UV from the sun.
I used that stuff on a 150yr old cement mixer 6 years ago. After mixing almost 200 - 80lb bags of concrete in the thing, the paint is still perfect, although it has chalked some (I didn稚 top coat it) in addition, it has not even worn off the ring and pinion that turn the barrel.
As usual, time will tell. The reason I am so paranoid about rust, is the mower will be parked out side under my deck with little more than the protection of a good tarp.
I'm 74 and figure that if I'm lucky I will need the mower to last no more that 10 years.
Since I quit drag racing a 9 second car last year, I guess I'm looking for an "E" ticket lawn mower to keep my adrenalin flowing. Possibly, I should be looking for a 1000 cc motorcycle engine. Ha ha.
I have not heard of E-Zlide, sounds interesting, I知 going to look into it today.
Thanks Russ