Hi again! The mower seemed to be doing well when I started it today. I put the new blades on and decided to try to mow. I noticed a knocking noise developing. I am having a hard time figuring out if it is coming from inside the engine or outside. It is definitely around the engine though. I have tried to look for anything that might be hitting or rubbing, but don't see anything obvious. Everything feels like it is still tightly bolted on. Here is a video of the noise...
I started to hear what almost sounds like something rattling around inside the engine, but only when I accelerate. It is random and makes me envision something floating around in the engine in the oil. I could be wrong, but that is what it sounds like. I am concerned something else broke in there or I somehow missed a broken piece of the timing gear or camshaft. Ugh. I will have to try to get that noise on video tomorrow.
The grass has grown pretty tall since the mower has been down for a while. I set the deck to 3" (what I normally use) but the mower struggled and vibrated pretty hard through thick patches. I raised it up to 4" which made it a bit easier on the mower, but it still struggled through thick patches, just not as bad. I doesn't seem to do as well as it did before hitting the stump and working on it.