Almost certainly a warped head, but some of the methods being suggested here to flatten it are a good way to ruin a perfectly good head. Do not use sand paper or concrete both are far to coarse and inaccurate. The best way is to use fine valve grinding paste on a piece of glass, preferably 1/4" or thicker as that's flatter. Do not use a scrap double glazed panel as they're often slightly concave. oil the glass, then smear on some fine valve grinding paste. Place the head on it and move in a figure of eight motion, every dozen or so figures of eight stop, turn the head through 90 degrees and continue. Every so often lift up the head and check the lapped surface, low spots will be obvious. Continue, adding more grinding paste as necessary, until the whole surface is an even mat colour. Wash off, then refit using a new head gasket and torque down gradually, ie bring the bolts up together, do not torque down one fully then the next and so on. If the order is not known tightening diagonally is a good rule of thumb.
One other thing to check is to make sure the bolts (or one possibly) aren't bottoming out too early. Without the head try fitting them, and make sure when fully inserted the gaps between the block and the head of the bolt are all less than the thickness of the head. If they are bottoming out, even when torqued down they won't be squeezing the gasket correctly.