Buying Advice Harbour Freight


Well-Known Member
May 8, 2010
I have heard this my entire adult life. My view is that you should buy tools that have a true life time warrantee. The people who swear on Snap-on and MAC are merely a bunch of braggarts who think the high price of the tool will make them a super mechanic, that is just not true. Good mechanics learn every day and if they feel otherwise the they better go find a different career. I am 67 years young and still don't profess to know it all.


Well-Known Member
Mar 22, 2011
But what if you DON'T use tools every day for a living and WILL NEVER use tools everyday for a living? What if we're talking about a homeowner? Someone who is never going to rely on the tool for a living and who is never going to come close bringing the tool to the point of failure? Someone who would likely to ask about tools on a forum dedicated to lawnmowers? Not commercial grade tractors, but lawnmowers like homeowners would use?

Hasselblad makes fabulous camera equipment and I have several professional photographer friends who own and use them and swear by them. But if I were to ask one of those photographer friends for advice on purchasing a camera for my own casual use, I would not expect them to tell me that I should spend $10,000 on a Hasselblad when I can spend $200 on a Canon that will more than satisfy any needs I'll ever have. All my photographer friends seem to understand this. But none of my mechanic friends ever seem to get it. Any time you ask a mechanic about tools for a homeowner, they tell you snap on. And when you ask them why, they say 'when you use every day like I do....' Gee sparky, did you not hear me when I just said I was NEVER going to use them every day like you do? :rolleyes:

That's a bingo. But I'd go further and say there are a great many tools from HB that I would use to make a living turning wrenches, at least until I was at a point where I could afford Snap-On without going into debt. Snap-On is better. It's way better. That's not just hype, but you don't need that sleekness when you're an apprentice mechanic or a homeowner with more pressing demands on your wallet.


Active Member
Mar 22, 2011
Then my next recommendation would be Craftsman hand tools. They, for the most part, are top quality tools. However, I have had less than good experiences with their screw drivers, the tips will deform quickly.

I am retired, will never need my tools professionally again. My brother lost (or sold) about 60% of my tools I had acquired, but even now, on a fixed income, I am going to hunt down the snap on truck again, and buy a set of their screwdrivers.

I worked on transmissions in the late 60's and then went to work for Uncle Sam for three years. After that I went back to school and got into air conditioning and refrigeration, 6 1/2 yrs total of service and repair work, again using tools every day. using that little 1/4" drive set nearly every day of it, after that I got into Air Traffic Control, and was there for almost 27 years before being forced to retire (for max age).

When I worked for the AC company, he had a sign in the office that said something to the manner of, "You can always get your home heating and cooling system work done for less, and it may turn out to be quality work. then again, it may have to be redone, because the quality wasn't there and the system soon broke down again. You may spend, what you call, "too much" with us, but you will never have to spend it again. So, will you spend a little first, then a lot later, or spend a bit more up front, and never spend it again?"

Our company backed up every word of that statement, and back on topic, so does Snap On tools.

Each person has to decide how much they want to spend. If you're 70 years old and hang a few pictures now and then or fix a broken faucet ever so often, then it doesn't much matter. But if you're in your 30's or 40's and like to fix things yourself, you will be amazed how much easier a job becomes with the tools that fit. Ever struggle with a stuck phillips screw only to bugger up the opening inside the head? I can almost guarantee you that most of the damage came from a poor screwdriver tip.

I do a lot of hobby work at home and have a mix of tools, and I can tell you most of my frustrations with tools come from the cheap ones. I still repair my own tractor and mowers, and to a degree my vehicles. HF hand tools are mostly crap. I have some, and they do OK, but what a buyer has to think about, is, if I only use it once a month or so, but when I use it, if it breaks, will it be a BIG PITA to go replace it? If not then HF hand tools will most likely suffice. I have a fair number of their power tools, and do have to replace them, but they work pretty well most of the time.

My most frustrating power tool, has been the bench grinder (mounted on the stand they sell). The grinding wheel were so out of round that it will walk itself across my shop floor, unless I hold my foot on it.

So like anything, buyer beware. Money's not getting easier to come by, and with huge inflation right around the corner, spend wisely.


Active Member
Mar 22, 2011
Oh and by the way, the hassleblad and cannon comparison, in this case would be more like Snap On and craftsman, not HF. HF comes no where near the quality of Craftsman, much less snap on.

joe gremlin

Forum Newbie
Mar 22, 2011
Oh and by the way, the hassleblad and cannon comparison, in this case would be more like Snap On and craftsman, not HF. HF comes no where near the quality of Craftsman, much less snap on.

Agreed. As I said earlier in the thread, when it comes to common hand tools, (wrenches, pliers, screwdrivers etc) I don't buy them from HF unless I need something sacrificial or a spare for some other location than my toolbox in the shop. I have craftsmen stuff in my box in the shop and I've been satisfied with them.


Well-Known Member
Mar 22, 2011
Oh and by the way, the hassleblad and cannon comparison, in this case would be more like Snap On and craftsman, not HF. HF comes no where near the quality of Craftsman, much less snap on.

Too sweeping a generalization there. Not all HF tools are worth bringing home, and some are great finds. You have to be discerning. My HF combination wrenches are easily as good as my Craftsman wrenches, but I don't trust their screwdrivers. My HF 1/2 electric impact wrench has worked flawlessly for a decade, but I wouldn't want to deal with their welders.


Mar 22, 2011
I occasionally buy tools there, but only if they will be a one-project tool. I did buy their pneumatic floor nailer and have to say, it works great. If I were a contractor, I'd bite the bullet and purchase a high quality one like Bosch, etc. If you can't find a tool to do a job, HF does have a great selection, just be ware of how much work the tool will need to do.

They are great for small items, sand paper, etc. The one thing I did buy was one of their vibrating cutting tools, which I've used a lot. It does go through electrodes, but best of all, the attachments are inexpensive and can be used on my Rockwell tool (purchased at COSTCO). Recently I helped a friend re-do a bathroom and used the Harbor Freight and Rockwell for almost 5 hours, and they both worked fine. It was nice to be able to purchase the bits at HF (much cheaper and they worked just as well).


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2011
Hi all, I have a HF within 1 mile from my house and I must admit I do buy some of their tools. For example, I have both of the manuel tire machines, one is for the larger size rims up to 16 inches and the other is for smaller rims such as the 8 inch wheels on the front of garden and lawn tractors. I must admit the both have performed admirably. I have bought some of their wrenches and sockets. I keep them in my truck incase I break down. I use these rather than my Craftsman that way if the box is stolen I don't lose my good stuff. I do some machining and have bought a dial indicator which surprisingly is quite accurate. Another item I have bought that actually impressed me was a tool box. One of those red ones with 5 draws, a closing top and roll around wheels. I think that the draws are ball bearing and work great. Its a solid box and the price was right probably 30% of what a sears red would go for. For the most part you get what you pay for and you must be careful on what you buy. I agree with others if you need good quality for work buy tihe best you can afford ie: Craftsman, Snap-on etc...


Apr 21, 2011
I have bought quite a bit from them, mostly online until they opened a semi local store. Just don't expect anything you buy there to last forever like the tools your father has. So far the only thing I've had to return was a 220v welder. It lasted less than 10 minutes of welding, but they did give a complete refund. They are great for hand tools and oddball stuff you need once in a lifetime.


Mar 22, 2011
Regarding the comment about never getting under a car being supported by jacks, I sure agree. Regardless who manufactured the jack (especially a HF knock off), the only way I'd ever go under any vehicle, it would have to be supported with good quality jack stands and wood blocks. As a retired firefighter, I responded to several accidents where the vehicle fell on top of someone. In each case, the person did not survive.

Again for HF tools, if you subscribe to their e-mail newsletter and ads, you'll find there are great price break coupons all the time. I always wait to buy something until I've reached their best price. I am very cautious however on what type of tool I'll buy from them. You do get what you pay for.