I voted yes, simply because I believe a background check will "slow down" the ability of a criminally-inclined(with that type of background) person with the intent of using said weapon to purport a future crime. I agree with most that this will not prevent that person from obtaining one illegally, but they just can't walk into a Bass Pro Shop, buy a gun, go out in the parking lot and load it and go back in and hold up the Bass Pro Shop cashiers. That's just making it way too easy!!! And indeed, background checks are not always a fair thing since some people who have absolutely no crimiinal intent, but have something in their background that is not allowed, cannot own a gun(I can't seem to equate DUI with what a person, even if intoxicated, is capable of doing with a gun). All of the recent/past examples of random shootings is NOT, in my opinion, going to be stopped by the measures currently being considered by the government for tighter gun restrictions. We live in a violent world(ever since Cain killed Able) and nothing....I repeat nothing is going to change that. My inclinations are to agree with the statement above by user MowerMike that law-abiding citizens should be allowed to legally own and keep a gun on their private property(home, RV, boat, automobile) but I do not agree that they should be able to carry that gun in public on their person. My wife "wanted" a handgun for her birthday for our protection, took the gun safety course, passed the background check, was issued a carry permit and purchased a handgun. That gun only goes in the "private properies" I mentioned previously for our protection. She(and I) are both "intimidated AND nervous", when we are sitting in a restaurant and a person(who apparently is not a police officer) comes in with a handgun displayed on their hip. That may have been the way that things were in the days of Wyatt Earp, but it is not the right thing anymore for the society that we live in. If a robber comes into that restaurant and the guy eating there that is carrying decides to intervene...innocent people are likely to be shot in the crossfire. Armed "security guards" in all of the schools....I don't know, with the recent incidents maybe but I'm glad it wasn't like that when I went to school.