Gun Background checks

Are you for Gun Background Checks

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Well-Known Member
Sep 5, 2012
If you are not responsible enough to not drive drunk or not to hold up a store or not hit your wife or not smoke weed or do drugs them your not responsible enough to handle a gun.

Weed smoking is already legal in 17 states + DC and likely to increase to many more in the next 5 years. Are the folks in those states too dumb to own guns ? What do arbitrary federal laws that are stupid and have nothing to do with the commission of violent crimes have to do with the responsible exercise of a constitutionally granted right ?

I've got another fact for you. Twice as many gun deaths are due to suicide than homicide. Is suicide a responsible use of a firearm ?

Should background checks assess the metal stability of people and deny access to those prone to depression who might off themselves ?

Frankly, I'm a lot more worried by dumbass regular citizens with carry permits who get in shootouts over parking space disputes and neighbor's dogs crapping in their yards. Not to mention overzealous shopping mall guards who get in fights with shoplifters and end up shooting them when they get their fat assess whooped.


Lawn Royalty
Top Poster Of Month
May 6, 2010
Frankly said:
Sounds like more Wild West BS. Hasn't happened, and studies show concealed carriers are more law abiding than the average population. And shoplifters are not law abiding are they.


Lawn Pro
May 7, 2010
Sounds like more Wild West BS. Hasn't happened, and studies show concealed carriers are more law abiding than the average population. And shoplifters are not law abiding are they.

I think you'll find if you do a little research you'll find your right about concealed carriers being more law abiding than the average population. I think if you do a little research you would also find that the news media is also fabricating their facts about guns killing more people in this country than any other weapon. Their was a newspaper article a while back from the editor of one one the local papers about the media fabrications and his research showed and he listed the statistics and their locations and it proved that Knives were responsible for more deaths in this country than guns.

The Background Checks, weapons ban, clip or magazine restrictions is a load of BS. None will do a thing to prevent things like what happened in Conn. :thumbdown: The only thing our government has accomplished with all their talk is to drive up prices and increase gun sales like 800% and the problem is there to stupid to know the difference.


Well-Known Member
Sep 5, 2012
Sounds like more Wild West BS. Hasn't happened, and studies show concealed carriers are more law abiding than the average population. And shoplifters are not law abiding are they.

Around here there are road rage shootings all the time. Recently an armed mall cop got into a road rage confrontation with another motorist who was unarmed, and shot him dead. Remember Zimmerman ? Would he have stalked and shot Martin if he were unarmed ? Nope, he would have waited for the cops to arrive and nobody would have died. People get really big balls when they've got a gun on them. If you want to keep a gun or guns on your property for personal protection or just to play with them that's cool with me. But I'd rather that the general population not carry them off property and that only regular cops have them. If you want to shoot guns, then go to a shooting range. In Germany, there are gun registration laws, but people are still able to own and carry guns. The United States has 3.2 annual gun homicides per 100,000 people, whereas in Germany it is only 0.06, so you are over 50 times more likely to be murdered in the USA by gun than in Germany.

midnite rider

Lawn Addict
Nov 25, 2011
In Germany, there are gun registration laws, but people are still able to own and carry guns. The United States has 3.2 annual gun homicides per 100,000 people, whereas in Germany it is only 0.06, so you are over 50 times more likely to be murdered in the USA by gun than in Germany.

Yes, as I study history, Germany required registration and also took certain peoples guns away from them before WWII. Made for easier control of the people by the Nazis.


Well-Known Member
Sep 5, 2012
Yes, as I study history, Germany required registration and also took certain peoples guns away from them before WWII. Made for easier control of the people by the Nazis.

So are you trying to compare pre WWII Germany to today's USA ? I know that's the mantra of the gun lobby people and it's totally paranoid nuts.


Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2012
What about todays latest headline? At least 14 hurt in Lone Star College stabbings, should we now regulate knives and have background checks to own a knife? If only we can save one person then its worth it I say, Ya, right:thumbdown:

midnite rider

Lawn Addict
Nov 25, 2011
So are you trying to compare pre WWII Germany to today's USA ? I know that's the mantra of the gun lobby people and it's totally paranoid nuts.

The saying is those who don't follow history are prone to repeat it or something to that effect. Oh and by the way the gun lobby may be but I am not paranoid as maybe you can guess why.


Well-Known Member
Sep 5, 2012
What about todays latest headline? At least 14 hurt in Lone Star College stabbings, should we now regulate knives and have background checks to own a knife? If only we can save one person then its worth it I say, Ya, right:thumbdown:

Well, instead of 14 fatalities we have 14 survivable injuries. If the Sandy Hook nutjob had used knives instead of guns, do you think the outcome would be the same ? So, no your comparison of guns, which are very efficient weapons for killing people in large numbers to knives that are not is absurd. Guns allow you to kill someone at a safe distance, whereas knives you have to be close enough that a good self-defence trained victim can disarm you. This is one of these silly irrelevant arguments that anti gun control advocates pull out of their rear ends when they can't logically defend their extreme positions.


Lawn Royalty
Top Poster Of Month
May 6, 2010
Around here there are road rage shootings all the time. Recently an armed mall cop got into a road rage confrontation with another motorist who was unarmed, and shot him dead. Remember Zimmerman ? Would he have stalked and shot Martin if he were unarmed ? Nope, he would have waited for the cops to arrive and nobody would have died. People get really big balls when they've got a gun on them. If you want to keep a gun or guns on your property for personal protection or just to play with them that's cool with me. But I'd rather that the general population not carry them off property and that only regular cops have them. If you want to shoot guns, then go to a shooting range. In Germany, there are gun registration laws, but people are still able to own and carry guns. The United States has 3.2 annual gun homicides per 100,000 people, whereas in Germany it is only 0.06, so you are over 50 times more likely to be murdered in the USA by gun than in Germany.

Who started confrontation between the rent a cop and the other motorist. Was the other motorist trying to run down the cop with his vehicle, was the cop in fear for his life. If not then the cop committed murder, which is not law abiding.

How many of those 3.2 per 100,000 are committed by concealed carry permit holders. How many are committed by felons, which can't legally own a gun anyway.