My much better half says she has FIVE old ones that she's been meaning to sell in garages sales!For carb cleaning, the crockpot should be better. Those cheap ultras are hit and miss. Have to put it back in for 1-4 more cleanings. Doesn't seem like they really work. ??? Yup rarely use an ultra wonder cleaner. Also a yard sale crock would be waaaaay cheaper.
Thanks for that info ;-) I've been considering returning our 3.2L for a 6L that's selling for only $21 more.Cleaning with ultrasonics works fine but the time required varies as does with any cleaning method. It is not a one time quickie for all carburetors. In my current unit which has four transducers (160W cleaning power some take a 30 minute cycles and others may take up to four cycles. Still a lot faster than doing a chemical dip overnight.
Even then there will be some carburetor problems that just can't be cleaned away such as a grain of sand or plastic stuck in one of the jets. By far it is still faster and safer than the old chemical dips.
I start with a 1.5L unit but quickly outgrew it so I stepped up the 6L size and sold the old unit. A year later I outgrew the 6L unit and now have 2 10L units. I found out that I needed a backup as one 10L failed under warranty and it took a few weeks to get it replaced which back me up for some time as it during the busy season.
I will try for longer than that as it is only a matter of turning it on & setting the timer on my phone so I can pull it out before the ultrasound stopsBeen using a 2L unit for the last 15 years. On the third one, but it is used just About every day. We’ve tried many cleaning agents, but have settled on Simple Green, mixed about 12/1. Solution gets changed about every three days. Most cleaning times are about 8 minutes, at 175 degrees. I know this seems short for most of you, buts 90% of the time we only need one cleaning. If the carb cannot be cleaned after two trit’s we replace the carb.
I don't know. My crock pot works pretty good. Just did a caked on oily mess of a carb. Came out with only minor tooth brush scrubbing. She was a surger before. Now she purrs like a kitty. To each his own I guess.Crock pot method is just as hit and miss as using an ultrasound unit, so don’t be placing any bets on it.
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