Nope, sounds like it works as it should. Just make sure the pedal and the safety switch adjustment height, if any, are adjusted proper.
Thanks very much for all your advise, slomo !;-) I will check it all, including the safety switch 'adjustment height'.
Again from what you wrote, the choke is working fine.
Okay thanks. ;-)
Normally the filter will have an air pocket. You would think it would be full especially with a pump on it. Just make sure you have good flow AT the carb.
It did fill back up eventually. I will check the flow at the carb; need to go buy a shutoff & some extra fuel line first. ;-)
You might of washed some trash or gum that made it past the filter into the carb. Or dislodged some trash in the tank. Dump the tank and super clean it. Install new fuel line, only a couple bucks. New filter would be nice and a shutoff while you are there.
Did install a new filter last autumn, and it still looks clean. Have been contemplating pulling the tank—to get it washed; a local place says they'll do it for $10~$20—but wasn't excited about doing so. Is it a big hassle, or is it no big deal to take off the fender deck & pull tank?
All correct. A hard line over the top of the engine. Yes mechanical pump.
Thanks ;-)
Just hook a new piece of fuel line up to the hard line that goes to the carb. On the right side of the engine. Run the hose into a jar. Crank it a couple times and watch the fuel flow. Should pulsate out of the pump if the pump is good.
Do you mean, hook the fuel line to the hard line on the left side (where our carb is located), or hook the new long piece of fuel line to the fuel pump outlet (which is on the right side), after disconnecting the hard line from fuel pump?
Don't waste your time on those gimmick toys. Take the carb apart. All the plastic and rubber items need to be out of the main body. Needle, bowl gasket, float and such. Boil clean it on your cooktop/stove. Bertsmobile1 has the recipe for that. I feel that boiling heat is the key to getting a good deep clean on these carbs. Those ultra cleaners don't get as hot as your stove top will.
Whoops! Well as mentioned, I ordered one yesterday. But it can be returned very easily, within 3.5 weeks.
I did rebuild a 4-barrel Carter carb in the 80's, on my Ford PU w/300 CID engine; took everything apart and cleaned it; replacing the rebuild parts; but I didn't know what I was doing, and I don't recall how I did it !;~\ Hope I'm not coming down with Some-timers !;~\
Btw, back in those days, we had a 47' Ford pickup restored to orig condition, in the Village Green & Tacoma Cream colors, and I also had a 48' Ford F-1, and a 51' Mercury M, and a 52' Ford F-2, all of which I purchased from the original owners whilst upland bird hunting—for Shaprtail Grouse, Sage Grouse, Hungarian Partridge & Chukar Partridge, and Mountain & Valley Quail &c.
Anyways, I didn't personally rebuild any of the other carbs, so thanks for explaining what not to boil and/or not put in the ultrasonic cleaner. ;-)