Great ethanol warning


Active Member
Jun 1, 2017
Many premix oils had trouble with ethanol in the early days. Didn't like staying mixed, had to shake it up. Guessing modern premix has learned how not to separate in the presence of ethanol.

Your 30 year old saw is likely to have vinyl and gasket materials which do not tolerate ethanol. Sometimes E0 is $1.00/gallon more than E10 but how many gallons do you use? Delightfully Buc-ee's is only 15 miles away and has 87AKI E0 for only $0.30/gallon more than E10.

The big problem with ethanol is that water dissolves in to solution then is carried in to the engine where both water and ethanol get to work on your carburetor guts. Water rolls off pure gasoline, you can decant the water out of the tank. There is no additive which can neutralize ethanol, most I have seen are more of exactly the same sort of thing as ethanol. They deal with the water problem by increasing the amount of water the fuel can carry... which is the problem in the first place.
I know a guy whose job it is to go around the county and test pump gas (E10) for ethanol content. (The legal maximum is 10%, but it may contain less than that.) How does he do it? Simple! He adds a measured volume of water to a measured volume of E10, shakes it up for a minute or two, and places it on a shelf. The next day, all the water and ethanol will have found one another and settled to the bottom of the flask.

Ray Charles could see the line between the two fluids, with the pure gasoline floating on top and the deadly ethanol/water mix lurking at the bottom -- as in the bottom of your fuel tank, where the fuel pickup tube is, or the bottom of your carburetor bowl, which feeds your venturis.

Ethanol and water truly love one another.


Lawn Royalty
Nov 29, 2014
I know a guy whose job it is to go around the county and test pump gas (E10) for ethanol content. (The legal maximum is 10%, but it may contain less than that.) How does he do it? Simple! He adds a measured volume of water to a measured volume of E10, shakes it up for a minute or two, and places it on a shelf. The next day, all the water and ethanol will have found one another and settled to the bottom of the flask.

Ray Charles could see the line between the two fluids, with the pure gasoline floating on top and the deadly ethanol/water mix lurking at the bottom -- as in the bottom of your fuel tank, where the fuel pickup tube is, or the bottom of your carburetor bowl, which feeds your venturis.

Ethanol and water truly love one another.
The standard fix for accumulated water in a fuel tank was to add ethanol to it , or methanol for that matter which was cheaper but not as effective
We used a paste that changed colour when it came into contact with water to test for water in fuel tanks and this included the tanks at the petrol station .
Now the petrol station I worked at would drop a suction line into the tank to remove the water at the bottom then add some ethanol to clean up the rest
This had to be done a couple of times a year when ever the water level got near the pick up level in the tank .


Lawn Royalty
Nov 29, 2014
Please do not put words in my mouth then argue against them
what I said was " World population growth rate is actually slowing "
And this is a recorded fact the RATE of increase is declining
It is increasing in some 3rd world countries but that is set against the decline in 1st world countries ( assuming that all of Europe is 1st world )
Migration does not alter the population rate it just redistributes those people
And from the time of your grandfather there have been 1 ( or 2 ) world wars plus a few very high casulty wars and a couple of revolutions
All of these had a massive effect on population
China alone had a recorded 20,000,000 deaths under Japanese occupation and another 5,000,000 during the Long March .
No one knows how may Soviet citizens Starlin slaughtered but it is popularly assumed to at least double what Hitler was responsible for
Up until the UN was up and running and had population research happening no one knew how many people were in most of Asia or Africa as they did not have reliable census's if at all .
Heck Australia's population had a massive jump in 1967 because in 1966 we added aboriginies to the census for the first time .
So a lot of those numbers are just the population in first world countries some times with & other times without estimates for the countries who did not count their population.
And even if the estimates were included these varied radically depending upon the political agenda of the authority doing the estimates .
The Germany was in control of the DRC their estimates of the native population was apparently around 10% of the actual numbers so they could justify the lack of spending upon social services while they raped & pillaged the natural resources
Same story with the Dutch & French in SE Asia ( and probably all the other colonizers )
The British did not count the Tamils they brought into Ceylon to work as virtual slaves on the coffee plantations because they were supposedly temporary ,
When the British pulled out the native Ceylonese did not count the Tamils either because they were forigners and I would imagine that most of the Carribean was similar
And you could take the population of India under British rule with a large lump of salt as well .

I do not disagree with your premise that people are populating themselves out of existance
However around half of the population on the planet are self supporting and live in harmony with the environment so are responsible for next to no pollution.
It is the wealthy , lazy & greedy Western 1st world countries who are destroying the planet and our numbers are either on a decline or a path to decline.

However it is very fashionable for racists to point the finger of blame at all of them black, brown or yellow people who are breeding like rabbits and not the nice white christian people who are squandering the planets resources at an exponentially increasing rate .
Dads first ( and only ) petrol powered 1966 lawn mower is still working fine and in use by my sister
I have a yard full of almost new mowers waiting for me to break them down for scrap metal because they can not be repaired
Last year I sent 4 skip bins full of scrap off to Simsmetal just about all of them were less than 10 years old and a goodly proportion were under 5 .
I have a 20' container load of string trimmers about to go off to Timor for refurbishment or break down for scrap
I am still using my Stihl gear I bought in 1984 , most of the stuff in the container is Ryobi, Homelight & store brands . All of it is under 10 years old
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Active Member
Jun 1, 2017
Please do not put words in my mouth then argue against them
what I said was " World population growth rate is actually slowing "
And this is a recorded fact the RATE of increase is declining
It is increasing in some 3rd world countries but that is set against the decline in 1st world countries ( assuming that all of Europe is 1st world )
Migration does not alter the population rate it just redistributes those people
And from the time of your grandfather there have been 1 ( or 2 ) world wars plus a few very high casulty wars and a couple of revolutions
All of these had a massive effect on population
China alone had a recorded 20,000,000 deaths under Japanese occupation and another 5,000,000 during the Long March .
No one knows how may Soviet citizens Starlin slaughtered but it is popularly assumed to at least double what Hitler was responsible for
Up until the UN was up and running and had population research happening no one knew how many people were in most of Asia or Africa as they did not have reliable census's if at all .
Heck Australia's population had a massive jump in 1967 because in 1966 we added aboriginies to the census for the first time .
So a lot of those numbers are just the population in first world countries some times with & other times without estimates for the countries who did not count their population.
And even if the estimates were included these varied radically depending upon the political agenda of the authority doing the estimates .
The Germany was in control of the DRC their estimates of the native population was apparently around 10% of the actual numbers so they could justify the lack of spending upon social services while they raped & pillaged the natural resources
Same story with the Dutch & French in SE Asia ( and probably all the other colonizers )
The British did not count the Tamils they brought into Ceylon to work as virtual slaves on the coffee plantations because they were supposedly temporary ,
When the British pulled out the native Ceylonese did not count the Tamils either because they were forigners and I would imagine that most of the Carribean was similar
And you could take the population of India under British rule with a large lump of salt as well .

I do not disagree with your premise that people are populating themselves out of existance
However around half of the population on the planet are self supporting and live in harmony with the environment so are responsible for next to no pollution.
It is the wealthy , lazy & greedy Western 1st world countries who are destroying the planet and our numbers are either on a decline or a path to decline.

However it is very fashionable for racists to point the finger of blame at all of them black, brown or yellow people who are breeding like rabbits and not the nice white christian people who are squandering the planets resources at an exponentially increasing rate .
I put no words in your mouth, bub. I quoted your post directly. Three times.

My point was that you posted extensively (and factually incorrectly) about population growth in various places. And when I called you out on it, you tried to change the subject to birth rates, which is tenuously related to population growth, but not even close to the same thing. It may be true that the RATE of world population growth is declining - slowly - but you cited specific (and incorrect) examples of "negative population growth" in places like "Korea" (wherever that is) and even the US. You claimed that Japan's population growth was "neutral" when it actually went negative a decade ago.

I think we're finished with this conversation.


Well-Known Member
May 6, 2023
I know a guy whose job it is to go around the county and test pump gas (E10) for ethanol content. (The legal maximum is 10%, but it may contain less than that.) How does he do it? Simple! He adds a measured volume of water to a measured volume of E10, shakes it up for a minute or two, and places it on a shelf. The next day, all the water and ethanol will have found one another and settled to the bottom of the flask.
I don't think it gets all the water but most. You have to oversaturate the fuel with water, up to a point the water stays suspended with ethanol in the gasoline then at some point it becomes too much.

The test you describe is an accurate measure of ethanol content. You can buy the kits yourself on Amazon and dozens of other places.


Lawn Royalty
Nov 29, 2014
  US 1900-2021.jpg
This particular graph is supposed to include estimates of illegal immigrants , visa overstayers & working visa holders
Perhaps USA maths are different to the rest of the world but a curve that has gone from 2 to.38 signifies a decline to me
Now I know this is a percentage chart so will vary according to the actual population at the time but 0.38 % of 350,000,000 is 1,330,000 which is still less than 2% of 77,000,000 which is 1,540,000

  Untitled 4.jpg
And here we have Korea where the growth rate is not only declining but has gone below zero which means that their population is actually reducing
Could not find published graph that overlaid birth rate with population growth rate so the ones that were shown a couple of months ago must have been an unpublished work or a pay to view thesis .
I do not watch TV much
I do go to a lot of public lectures if they are about science , history or law .
Very often I do not agree with what is being presented but because I have a mind I can & have changed it when presented with valid evidence
Down side is more & more seem to be BS , using cheap persuasion techniques and very selective data .

There was one just before covid hit that had charts of world migration including refugees and refugee return rates ( as distinct to deportation rates )

A police lecture that broke down crimes by race was even more interesting & showed that by and large illegal immigrants were the most law abiding citizens and it was white Australians , generally 2nd generation or older who were responsible for the bulk of violent crime , wife beating being the No 1 by a very long margin .

And yes I will own up to being wrong about Japan because I did not check before I posted