Great ethanol warning


Active Member
Jun 1, 2017
Ethanol sucks but...... the white stuff is not lime from water absorbed from the air. There are no minerals in it. Water that evaporates from the ocean into the air does not contain any salt or minerals. Ground Water that enters the atmosphere from evapotranspiration also does not contain minerals. Ground water contains minerals not water absorbed from the atmosphere.
We can argue about what the crap in the carb is, but the essential point is that it doesn't belong there. Ethanol doesn't belong there. Water doesn't belong there. Fuel grade ethanol also contains methanol, which doesn't belong there. (Methanol -- the stuff in Sterno -- is shipped in and blended into the mix purposely to discourage ethanol plant workers from taking home water bottles and thermos jugs full of the moonshine they've been cooking up all day. I am not making this up.)


Lawn Addict
Jan 10, 2020
The local Cargill plant has 2 main products. High fructose corn syrup and pure ethyl alcohol. Used to go in there to do service. Biggest fear wasn't employees stealing the booze but rather an alcohol fire. Hard to put out and you can't see the flames in sunlight. They took no smoking very serious.

Don't know why ya'll hate on ethanol. Makes me money😜


Active Member
Apr 17, 2015
I made a ton of money off it for years. Just recently quit the biz - I was doing everything from weedwhackers to pickup trucks. Automotive crap burned me out quick.

But anyway, it's the principle of the government doing this to their own people. Making their lives miserable & costing them money that shouldn't need to be spent. Seems that's their modus operandi these days. It's only gonna get worse, as it has been every single day ... :sick:


Lawn Royalty
Nov 29, 2014
What you get inside the float bowl is concentrated tars that are not removed during refining, concentrated dye ( so we can tell the different grades ) and any other concentrated non volatile agents added to the fuel ( which is not petrol ) and that happens regardless of weather it is leaded or unleaded , ethanol or ethanol free .
Then if the carb bowl was run dry you can still get condensation from the air if the temperatures are low enough & the dir is humid enough ( note , lots of if's )
Now any two metals that are in contact with each other and also wet will allow a galvanic cell to be formed so you will get corrosion in a metal carb bowl where there is steel, zinc & brass
Finally the air we breathe s chockes with viruses , bacteria , pollen & spores of fungi & moulds .
If our eyes were able to see all of them we would not be able to see any of our hand if the outstretched palm placed against our nose , which by the way is why all of those wipes & sprays are mostly just a waste of money .
Now fuel is ORGANIC, it contains the same stuff you are made out of , carbon atoms bonded to mostly hydrogens ( and a host of other elements ) .
To some of the fungal spores & bacteria the fuel or the fuel saturated water or the ethanol phase is FOOD .
So they will grow and multiplay till they consume every drop
Then other fungii , moulds & bacteria will see the previously mentioned fungii, bacteria & moulds as their food, or their waste as food , that is how nature works so they will start to grow & reproduce .
What we see is jelly in a variety of colours


Active Member
Jun 1, 2017
The local Cargill plant has 2 main products. High fructose corn syrup and pure ethyl alcohol. Used to go in there to do service. Biggest fear wasn't employees stealing the booze but rather an alcohol fire. Hard to put out and you can't see the flames in sunlight. They took no smoking very serious.

Don't know why ya'll hate on ethanol. Makes me money😜
It's just hard not to see it as some sort of weird - and VERY costly - make-work project imposed by a completely inept government. If the earliest election primaries hadn't historically taken place in Iowa, I seriously wonder if corn-based ethanol (an astoundingly stupid and expensive additive) would be in our gasoline. The entire bulk corn ethanol industry was directly created by our national government, through mandates, tariffs, and direct tax subsidies. The subsidies have warped the market to the point where they could be phased out, but the tariffs and the mandates remain.

I know. It makes you money, and it makes me money too. I've already done the exact same carburetor service on the exact same weed-whackers and snowblowers and chainsaws year after year after year. I think I can rehab a Walbro carb in about five minutes while I'm asleep.

But back when it was straight gasoline, people didn't have these problems unless things sat for years on end.


Lawn Royalty
Nov 29, 2014
We got the same BS down here
Funny enough the brother of the Prime Minister was the manager & a major shareholder in the only plant that produces ethanol from sugar cane and the cane fields are all marginal electorates
Then it gets called "Environmentally friendly & lower emissions" but when you add all of the emissions from making the stuff & distributing the stuff then add the extra exhausts generated because you use more E10 than strait fuel then it is apparent to any one with a kindergarden understanding of arithmatic that is is a scam that makes things worse .


Active Member
Jun 1, 2017
We got the same BS down here
Funny enough the brother of the Prime Minister was the manager & a major shareholder in the only plant that produces ethanol from sugar cane and the cane fields are all marginal electorates
Then it gets called "Environmentally friendly & lower emissions" but when you add all of the emissions from making the stuff & distributing the stuff then add the extra exhausts generated because you use more E10 than strait fuel then it is apparent to any one with a kindergarden understanding of arithmatic that is is a scam that makes things worse .
The tariffs the US has placed on ethanol were designed specifically to keep ethanol made from sugarcane (or switchgrass, etc.) out of the country, and to make sure corn was the only feedstock available. Tariffs are just one of the fun ways government makes everything more expensive for everybody.


Lawn Royalty
Nov 29, 2014
Yes tariffs to protect the local industry from competition in the land of the FREE MARKET
I mean you would not want any of your money going to Brazil or Haitti would you.


Active Member
Jun 1, 2017
For perspective, I read not long ago that if all the corn grown in the US that ends up in our fuel tanks was planted in a single unbroken cornfield, the field would be larger than the entire state of Connecticut. More than 40% of all the field corn grown in the US is converted into ethanol. A single company, POET, consumes 7% of the US corn crop for ethanol. There are seven industrial-scale ethanol plants in my home state of Ohio, and roughly 190 nationwide. Almost all of them use field corn exclusively as a feedstock. Only two are capable of using sugar cane waste.