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Gravely/Ariens Owner Check-In --- Read This First!




GREETINGS to all Gravely & Ariens mower owners! :thumbsup:

If you're new to the forum, please reply to this thread and introduce yourself and your mower (that is, if your mower have a name :laughing:). maybe attach a photo or two of your mower and show off your pride and joy.

Also, if you haven't done so already you can upload a user avatar (picture under your user name). You can do so by clicking on settings and "edit avatar" or just click here.

Please be helpful and friendly to all other Gravely/Ariens owners (how could you not, right?) and if you like this forum, tell your friends about it. :biggrin:

We want to make this the best resource for Gravely/Ariens mower owners, and to do that we need your help! Questions? Experiences? Stories? Data? Photos? Articles? Links? Cool Gravely/Ariens stuff? Post it here!

Last but not least, please let me know if you have any suggestions for the site. We'd love to hear them.




GREETINGS to all Gravely & Ariens mower owners! :thumbsup:

If you're new to the forum, please reply to this thread and introduce yourself and your mower (that is, if your mower have a name :laughing:). maybe attach a photo or two of your mower and show off your pride and joy.

Also, if you haven't done so already you can upload a user avatar (picture under your user name). You can do so by clicking on settings and "edit avatar" or just click here.

Please be helpful and friendly to all other Gravely/Ariens owners (how could you not, right?) and if you like this forum, tell your friends about it. :biggrin:

We want to make this the best resource for Gravely/Ariens mower owners, and to do that we need your help! Questions? Experiences? Stories? Data? Photos? Articles? Links? Cool Gravely/Ariens stuff? Post it here!

Last but not least, please let me know if you have any suggestions for the site. We'd love to hear them.
First off, is there a way to reply w/o a quote? I can't find it. Anyhow, new here and just last weeked brought home a 68 C-12 that has been sitting for a while now. So far, I've rotted out the carb and kitted it and replaced the key switch trying to get the thing to fire. I made it run before I bought it but it was showing signs of lossing fire then but when it fired up and ran, boy was it strong. Got fire to the coil but nothing coming out to the plug. I got a conversion kit (electronic to points) coming from GravelyShop.com and think that'll fix it right up.


Heres some pics;





First off, nice machine.

Second off, to your first off, to the extreem left of where you found the 'reply with quote' button, is a button that says '+Reply to Thread' (green box)

Last off, I think you made a wise move. Sounds like a bad condenser.





Hey all, I'm obviously new to the forum and made a post for help before I introduced myself. Sorry bout that. I have a 2006 Gravely ZT 2348. I look forward to getting a lot of use out of this forum and contributing when I can help.




I have to love ... Studebaker, I had several all through high school... Cars not mowers...

lonestarmojo... Welcome to this fun place, LMF... Good to have you here. :smile:KennyV





Hi everyone! I'm new to this forum thing. I just bought my mower a few months ago. It's a brand new gravely zt xl 48. Sry don't have any pics yet. But I need some help. Don't know much about engines. Everything has been great with the mower since I purchased it. I've really been satisfied. But all of the sudden the other day I went to start it like I always do and it started idoling really rough. It smooths out when I keep it about half choke or turn the speed up all the way. I've cleaned out the air filter, brushed off the spark plugs, and changed the oil. I need to know if I should spray carburetor cleaner in the carburetor and if so how, or if I need to drain the fuel lines and gas tank, or if there are any other options.




Re: Question

Hi everyone! I'm new to this forum
...new gravely zt xl 48.
... I need to know if I should spray carburetor cleaner in the carburetor and if so how, or if I need to drain the fuel lines and gas tank, or if there are any other options.


I think you will enjoy this place & your new mower...

On a new engine, you likely will not need to spray any cleaners into the carb... it is more likely you have a contaminate in the fuel, probably water... If that's the case the easiest method will involve taking the bolt(main fuel jet) out of the bottom of the carb bowel ... allow the fuel to run out for several seconds, and then replace the bolt and washer... :smile:KennyV




Greetings: Newbie to this site, have been shopping for the past 6 months for a new ZTR machine, have apprximatey 2.5 to 3.0 acres with several large pine trees. Currently haveJD GX 34 w/54" deck, has been a great unit, just want to upgrade, have had the JD for 12 years. Looking for any thoughtso opinions on Gravey ZT HD 52 or ExMark unit. All comments wil be appreciated.




Re: Took The Plunge

Well, I did it, got that brand new HD ZT - 52 Gravley home this past Saturday, traded in my 10 yr old
JD GX 345 w/ 54" deck and 458 hrs. Somewhat of a learning curve on the first ZT I have operated, but all I can say is Wow ! Outstanding product, course got it stuck twice already much heavier than the JD. had my grandson help pull me out with the Tacoma.




Congrats.. You will get to Love it...
When towing drive the wheel motors with the pumps... or disengage the hydro bypass valve...
You will soon wonder how you ever mowed without a ZT...
Post some pictures when you get the chance.... :smile:KennyV





Thanks for the reminder, I read the owners manual cover to cover, and my dealer was great
on the explanation and operation of the unit when I picked it up. That is the very first thing
I did, get under the back of the unit, and pull the release leavers on the drives

Thanks again, can't wait until the weekend so I can Use it again.




Another Newbie here.... just bought a barely used (only 40 hours) ZT HD60 and Wowwwwww !!!!
Had a Cub Cadet 42 inch that finally quit on me, and after trying this thing out, I'm kinda glad it quit. :laughing: Now I have a place that can help me keep this new bad boy in top running shape. I'm looking forward to reading the other posts. Thanks for letting me in and I'll see you later.......





You will have to tell us about your new mower + post some pictures... :smile:KennyV




Hey all, I'm new to the forum but made a post for help before I introduced myself. Sorry about that. My machine is a new Gravely ZT XL48. I look forward to gaining a lot of information from this forum and contributing when I can.




GREETINGS to all Gravely & Ariens mower owners! :thumbsup:

If you're new to the forum, please reply to this thread and introduce yourself and your mower (that is, if your mower have a name :laughing:). maybe attach a photo or two of your mower and show off your pride and joy.

Also, if you haven't done so already you can upload a user avatar (picture under your user name). You can do so by clicking on settings and "edit avatar" or just click here.

Please be helpful and friendly to all other Gravely/Ariens owners (how could you not, right?) and if you like this forum, tell your friends about it. :biggrin:

We want to make this the best resource for Gravely/Ariens mower owners, and to do that we need your help! Questions? Experiences? Stories? Data? Photos? Articles? Links? Cool Gravely/Ariens stuff? Post it here!

Last but not least, please let me know if you have any suggestions for the site. We'd love to hear them.


Jim here in Florida, I own an Ariens rear engine rider, model 927069. I've used it on my small 1/4 acre lot for the last 6 years. Mice got into the wires winter before last & did some damage to the wiring harness, so things aren't working like they're supposed to. Maybe I can get some pointers on what to do to get things working right again.




Hello Jim.... & WELCOME to LMF....
Here is a wiring lay out for your mower... Post back with your exact problems, start a new thread so it won't get lost in this one...
Ariens 927069 Parts List and Diagram - (000101) : eReplacementParts.com




Howdy All,
I don't know how you feel, but I think they sure do make the wiring harness for lawn mowers complicated. To make things worse the mice like to get in my ariens rear engine rider there with all the wiring and make a nest, if they get hungary they styart chewing on the wire insulation. I fixed it once, but now I'm having trouble with the engine not starting right off if the mower sits for about 2 weeks, when I turn the ignition the solenoid just clicks, sometimes it will catch and start. I wonder if the charging system is working? Next time I get it started I'll check to see what battery voltage is when running, I'll have to disconnect the seat safety switch and jumper the wires to do that.

Next thing is the pto clutch is working on and off, humid weather seems to be a factor. Guess I'll have to dismantle more of the mower and do a better job at inspecting the wiring and make necessary repairs. I was told by one dealer that the clutch was bad, but I disconnected the wiring down there yesterday and connected a 15 vdc 1 amp tranformer and it locked up the blade right now with a definite click, I wasn't able to spin the blade by hand until I disconnected the transformer. I guess the dealer just took my word for it that maybe the clutch was bad, so all he did even after I took the mower in to him, was to price out a new clutch and advise me that due to the high price I might consider not replacing the clutch. After I got home and a couple of days later, I started it up just for kicks, wouldn't you know the blades engaged and I mowed a small area in the back yard. Next morning I started it, check blade engagement okay. moved mower to front yard, decide to put air in tires and grease the front wheel and axle, I had to jack up front end and take wheels off and grease by hand. When I put mower back down I figured I'm ready to mow front yard, the mower would start but blades wouldn't engage again.

My Ariens is model 927069 rear engine rider, 14.5 hp 32". I have found the wiring diagrams and wonder why all this for a lawn mower, anyway all I know so far is that something isn't right, I read some where that problems like this can be rectified by simply charging the battery, so that's what I'm doing now. I also read that some relays are touchy and give the on again off again problems, How do I check the relays? Can I check the diodes too?





Hello Everyone,
My name is Scott and like some of you I am very new to forums. I currently own a craftsman l1000 but have been advised to go to commercial grade Zero Turn. I posted a new thread for advice between the Pro 260 and the 160 before I saw this. Sorry for doing things out of order. If anyone could check out my situation with the specific Pro's I am looking at and give me their opinion. I would truly appreciate it. I look forward to your input.




New to Ariens forum
Have an Ariens Mini-Zoom 1534 that I purchased new 6 years ago. Good mower that I have taken good care of and kept serviced. Ran great the last time I mowed but when I tried to start it Friday it would not turn over..has good battery charge but I think the key switch may be the problem..initially key would turn
but now key goes in and appears locked and won't turn. When I had key turned on and follow the positive battery cable back and uncover the posts by starter and touch with screwdriver I have spark or arc. Any help appreciated. Thank you.


Browns Lawn Service

Browns Lawn Service

Gravely 44Z here... bought it used a month ago...

loving it !!!





Do I look like a proud Gravely owner or what???? Pro-Turn 152 XDZ with 4.5 hours as of today.




lawn mower fanatic

lawn mower fanatic

Do I look like a proud Gravely owner or what???? Pro-Turn 152 XDZ with 4.5 hours as of today.


Yes you do...I am jealous! :laughing:




Great picture! Congrats on your purchase.




It looks WAY too warm there for October....
I'm liking your weather.
Very nice machine.... :smile:KennyV




It looks WAY too warm there for October....
I'm liking your weather.
Very nice machine.... :smile:KennyV

Yeah, here in Middle Tennessee it's usually "short sleeve weather" until after Thanksgiving. We only get a few rounds of snow, mostly frozen rain/ice which is actually worse to drive in than snow. And a normal winter delivers most incement weather in January or February, then spring sets in. Born & raised here and absolutely love visiting parts of the country with other climates but really wouldn't want to live anywhere else. Bought an RV and gonna be retiring in about a year and looking forward to traveling the country to take in all the beauty this country has to offer(man it sure is "flat" in Kansas, versus all the hills & mountains here...there's so much sky there it makes you feel kinda small)!!




Do I look like a proud Gravely owner or what???? Pro-Turn 152 XDZ with 4.5 hours as of today.


You look like I did when I got this one on 2-13-13. I love mine as well.



lawn mower fanatic

lawn mower fanatic

You look like I did when I got this one on 2-13-13. I love mine as well.

Nice mower!! :thumbsup::thumbsup:




djdicetn... that also looks like a great cup of coffee (starbucks) riding with you... :smile:KennyV




Thank you LMF:thumbsup: Good eye Kenny.




You look like I did when I got this one on 2-13-13. I love mine as well.

That's a fine-looking Gravely and doesn't look a lot different than the Pro-Turn 152(doesn't appear to have the suspension seat). What engine did you get on it? Bet you can't wait to start mowing with it(didn't notice where you live, but assume it's still too cold there in mid-February). I've purchased the Gravely sunshade for mine(my wife got it for me for Christmas) and have it installed on the ROPS. I also bought a set of Off-Road Halogen Driving Lights, complete wiring kit that attaches to the battery terminal and an LED rocker switch that I can just drill a hole through the metal plate where all the contols are at for mounting it(my birthday present). Got the whole shebang at AutoZone for around $40(Gravely wanted $120 for their light kit and I thought that was a bit pricey for as much as I would use it). I plan on playing around with it this weekend to make sure about the mounting location to illuminate in front of the mower, but also ensure that both cutting edges of the deck are lit well. When I've got it completed I'll post a picture. If you are interested in getting one I'll be glad to share the details for the kit including part#'s. I can't wait for a hot July day so I can mow while enjoying the sunshade keeping the hot sun off me while I enjoy a nice cold Michelob Ultra and then mowing late one afternoon to try out my new driving lights:0)

OK, noticed your location as SWFL(which I assume is Southwest Florida). Soooooo, you may indeed be mowing your lawn while I am writing this response:0)




Thanks Djdicetn, I am in South West Florida. Its been really nice but I have yet to mow this season. :rolleyes: Your right about it looking like the PT152, the only difference I guess is the seat and the size of the tires and trans. Mine has the 3200 and the 152 has the 3400 transaxle, I think. I am more interested in your light kit:wink: The fact that I could mow at night and not have to deal with Florida's July and August sun is very cool. My first time using a Gravely back in 06 sold me on Gravely. My wife had one to use on her 3 acres when we met. The rest as they say is history. Her dad has one (1940's orange colored one) that you walk behind that he still uses to cut down the garden at the end of season. Cheers




Thanks Djdicetn, I am in South West Florida. Its been really nice but I have yet to mow this season. :rolleyes: Your right about it looking like the PT152, the only difference I guess is the seat and the size of the tires and trans. Mine has the 3200 and the 152 has the 3400 transaxle, I think. I am more interested in your light kit:wink: The fact that I could mow at night and not have to deal with Florida's July and August sun is very cool. My first time using a Gravely back in 06 sold me on Gravely. My wife had one to use on her 3 acres when we met. The rest as they say is history. Her dad has one (1940's orange colored one) that you walk behind that he still uses to cut down the garden at the end of season. Cheers

I'm in the process of measuring, etc. and should get the light kit installed in the next couple of weeks. I'll be sure to post back and share the experience(and the make/model#/part# details I used).




Gravely makes a light kit, part number 79202700. List price is $125.




Gravely makes a light kit, part number 79202700. List price is $125.


Yeah, I knew about the Gravely light kit, but I have spent about $45 thus far on a 55watt halogen automotive off-road light kit, wiring kit, LED rocker switch and mounting hardware. And the light kit came with wiring so I think I will be taking the $14.99 wiring kit back(although it's real nice and includes a relay, which the light kit didn't...th light kit just included an in-line fuse). I won't be sure until I get into the installation. For as much as I will mow after dark $125 was just a bit pricey.





Yeah, I knew about the Gravely light kit, but I have spent about $45 thus far on a 55watt halogen automotive off-road light kit, wiring kit, LED rocker switch and mounting hardware. And the light kit came with wiring so I think I will be taking the $14.99 wiring kit back(although it's real nice and includes a relay, which the light kit didn't...th light kit just included an in-line fuse). I won't be sure until I get into the installation. For as much as I will mow after dark $125 was just a bit pricey.

I look forward to your pics and report. I think I am going to set mine up with one as well.:biggrin:




I look forward to your pics and report. I think I am going to set mine up with one as well.:biggrin:


Well, I goterdun!!! Ended up costing me a total of $36.72 plus tax and some misc materials for wire routing & securing(nylon wire clamps & screws and nylon cable ties). I'll post pictures of the light kit and rocker switch below and here are the details of the materials, including the installation materials:
1)Blazer "Baja Tough" Driving Light Kit(55watt Halogen) Part#DF1088B-$19.99 which includes the necessary wiring and hardware for installation.
2)AutoCraft 30amp Rocker Switch(Red LED) Part#84840-$8.49
Both of the above purchased at Advance Auto Parts
3)Scotch(3M) Outdoor Mounting Tape(Two-sided adhesive tape holds up to 5lbs)-$4.27
4)Liquid Nails Adhesive(Home Projects For Extreme Temperature And Conditions) Part#LN-201-$3.97
Both of the above purchased at WalMart. The light kit came with mounting screws, but the best place to mount these lights was on the front of the gas tanks on each side just above the rear tires. Even though the plastic gas tanks are pretty thick I didn't want to take any chances. I cut the Scotch Adhesive tape to fit the inside of the light bracket(two pieces and two layers) and applied a small amount of the Liquid Nails on the light bracket, mounted the first two tape pieces to the bracket, applied a small amount of the Liquid Nail to that and applied the second set of pieces to the first pieces. Then I applied a small amount of Liquid Nail to the second layer of tape and pressed/mounted to the mower. I know this may sound a little strange....but it looks GREAT and it would take a crowbar to get those lights off my Gravely!!!!! I will post pics below of the light kit & rocker switch(drilled a hole in the plate where alll of the controls are at for the mower and it mounted easily).
Once I have a chance, I will take some pictures of the Gravely with the lights mounted and post them. I think you'll agree it looks like a professional installation!!





I've got a problem with my Gravely1640. I bought used a few years back and i had to replace the battery, starter solenoid, ignition switch ,fuel pump, both draw straws ,all fuel lines and cleaned the carburetor several times. Then was dependable for a while . Last year i had to replace the spindles and blades, installed new belts too. Last year near the end of season i started to have trouble with the right side hydro drive unit. The longer that i mowed the less the right side would keep up with the left, until finally would not back up and barely go forward. Next day would start off great for a while then like crap again. I have searched till i am cross eyed and haven't found out how to fix( other than spend $$$). I do my own repairs, always have, and will this time too. I just need to talk to someone who has done this repair before and can offer some helpful insight,a parts breakdown, and a source of parts.I hope someone can at least point me in the right direction....




Hello boilermaker & WELCOME to LMF...
That is a hydro gear transaxle, get the numbers off the main assembly and you can get a LOT of information directly from HydroGear...
It looks like you have replaced a lot of parts & pieces on that mower, I hope your only replacing bad parts... :smile:KennyV




When i went to look at the Gravely the first time, it had to be started with jumper cables and a screwdriver across the solenoid. I got it at a good price, but it took a while to get all the bugs out. I even had to slime the tires, had to remove wheels and turn on there sides so the slime would reach all the tires inside. After i got it dependable and while cutting grass the brush and shrubs would make the left side gas cap unscrew itself. Cured that problem by drilling a small hole in the side of the cap and tying it off with a safety wire. It turned out i should have bought a new mower(less down time but more money). I have the drive unit out, oil drained and the covers off now. The old oil looks milky but there was no signs of any leaks. I have cleaned the filter and the covers and tomorrow i will examine it some more.If you or anyone has any ideas, please let me know.





Well, I goterdun!!! Ended up costing me a total of $36.72 plus tax and some misc materials for wire routing & securing(nylon wire clamps & screws and nylon cable ties). I'll post pictures of the light kit and rocker switch below and here are the details of the materials, including the installation materials:
1)Blazer "Baja Tough" Driving Light Kit(55watt Halogen) Part#DF1088B-$19.99 which includes the necessary wiring and hardware for installation.
2)AutoCraft 30amp Rocker Switch(Red LED) Part#84840-$8.49
Both of the above purchased at Advance Auto Parts
3)Scotch(3M) Outdoor Mounting Tape(Two-sided adhesive tape holds up to 5lbs)-$4.27
4)Liquid Nails Adhesive(Home Projects For Extreme Temperature And Conditions) Part#LN-201-$3.97
Both of the above purchased at WalMart. The light kit came with mounting screws, but the best place to mount these lights was on the front of the gas tanks on each side just above the rear tires. Even though the plastic gas tanks are pretty thick I didn't want to take any chances. I cut the Scotch Adhesive tape to fit the inside of the light bracket(two pieces and two layers) and applied a small amount of the Liquid Nails on the light bracket, mounted the first two tape pieces to the bracket, applied a small amount of the Liquid Nail to that and applied the second set of pieces to the first pieces. Then I applied a small amount of Liquid Nail to the second layer of tape and pressed/mounted to the mower. I know this may sound a little strange....but it looks GREAT and it would take a crowbar to get those lights off my Gravely!!!!! I will post pics below of the light kit & rocker switch(drilled a hole in the plate where alll of the controls are at for the mower and it mounted easily).
Once I have a chance, I will take some pictures of the Gravely with the lights mounted and post them. I think you'll agree it looks like a professional installation!!

I think thats pretty awesome that you did that for under 50.00. Can't wait to see her in action. "Goterdun," lol. I wonder what the deer would think about that on our spread in Roan Mountain? Thanks for the update Dj.




I can't figure out how to put this with my original post,or even if original post was in the wrong place, but i fell that i need to tell all of you that i took of the drive units and removed the covers and cleaned the oil and gunk out. The filters were partially stopped up so cleaned and blew them out several times, then put the covers and oil back in. Reinstalling the drive units proved very hard for this old man, but" i got er done".I have cut my yard, my neighbors and the Museum's 1 1/2 acre and no problems(except i need to adjust neutral ). I didn't measure old oil and couldn't find the amount anywhere, so i just dumped oil in and put the covers on and when i test drove it sounded like a car power steering pump thats low on oil. I removed the vent tops and added oil to almost running over. Works great again!! I have a Gravely 1640, don't know how old...Thanks for listening.


lawn mower fanatic

lawn mower fanatic

I can't figure out how to put this with my original post,or even if original post was in the wrong place, but i fell that i need to tell all of you that i took of the drive units and removed the covers and cleaned the oil and gunk out. The filters were partially stopped up so cleaned and blew them out several times, then put the covers and oil back in. Reinstalling the drive units proved very hard for this old man, but" i got er done".I have cut my yard, my neighbors and the Museum's 1 1/2 acre and no problems(except i need to adjust neutral ). I didn't measure old oil and couldn't find the amount anywhere, so i just dumped oil in and put the covers on and when i test drove it sounded like a car power steering pump thats low on oil. I removed the vent tops and added oil to almost running over. Works great again!! I have a Gravely 1640, don't know how old...Thanks for listening.

Glad you got it working! :thumbsup::thumbsup:




I can't figure out how to put this with my original post,or even if original post was in the wrong place, but i fell that i need to tell all of you that i took of the drive units and removed the covers and cleaned the oil and gunk out. The filters were partially stopped up so cleaned and blew them out several times, then put the covers and oil back in. Reinstalling the drive units proved very hard for this old man, but" i got er done".I have cut my yard, my neighbors and the Museum's 1 1/2 acre and no problems(except i need to adjust neutral ). I didn't measure old oil and couldn't find the amount anywhere, so i just dumped oil in and put the covers on and when i test drove it sounded like a car power steering pump thats low on oil. I removed the vent tops and added oil to almost running over. Works great again!! I have a Gravely 1640, don't know how old...Thanks for listening.

That's great! Love hearing stuff like that. Love to see a couple of pics of your Gravely.





Well, I goterdun!!! Ended up costing me a total of $36.72 plus tax and some misc materials for wire routing & securing(nylon wire clamps & screws and nylon cable ties). I'll post pictures of the light kit and rocker switch below and here are the details of the materials, including the installation materials:
1)Blazer "Baja Tough" Driving Light Kit(55watt Halogen) Part#DF1088B-$19.99 which includes the necessary wiring and hardware for installation.
2)AutoCraft 30amp Rocker Switch(Red LED) Part#84840-$8.49
Both of the above purchased at Advance Auto Parts
3)Scotch(3M) Outdoor Mounting Tape(Two-sided adhesive tape holds up to 5lbs)-$4.27
4)Liquid Nails Adhesive(Home Projects For Extreme Temperature And Conditions) Part#LN-201-$3.97
Both of the above purchased at WalMart. The light kit came with mounting screws, but the best place to mount these lights was on the front of the gas tanks on each side just above the rear tires. Even though the plastic gas tanks are pretty thick I didn't want to take any chances. I cut the Scotch Adhesive tape to fit the inside of the light bracket(two pieces and two layers) and applied a small amount of the Liquid Nails on the light bracket, mounted the first two tape pieces to the bracket, applied a small amount of the Liquid Nail to that and applied the second set of pieces to the first pieces. Then I applied a small amount of Liquid Nail to the second layer of tape and pressed/mounted to the mower. I know this may sound a little strange....but it looks GREAT and it would take a crowbar to get those lights off my Gravely!!!!! I will post pics below of the light kit & rocker switch(drilled a hole in the plate where alll of the controls are at for the mower and it mounted easily).
Once I have a chance, I will take some pictures of the Gravely with the lights mounted and post them. I think you'll agree it looks like a professional installation!!

As promised, I finally have some pictures of the Gravely Sunshade and the Advance Autoparts driving light kit I installed over the winter. The weather here in Middle TN has "forgotten it is Spring" the last few weeks but yesterday was sunny and 62 degrees(we had some mid-70's end-of February/beginning of March) and the ground had dried enough from the rain(and snow flurries) over the last two weeks so I took advantage of the break(rain again off and on today and all Easter weekend) to get the Gravely out, mow and take some pictures(see attachments).
To describe the pics I am posting in order, they are as follows:
1)Wire routing for left Driving Light.
2)Close-up of right Driving Light.
3)Close-up of left Driving Light.
4)Front view of Gravely with Sunshade and Driving Lights.

It appears that the forum has a maximum size limit for jpeg attachments as the 5th picture I tried to upload hung up? So I will post the remaining pictures and their descriptions in separate thread posts following this one.



lawn mower fanatic

lawn mower fanatic

As promised, I finally have some pictures of the Gravely Sunshade and the Advance Autoparts driving light kit I installed over the winter. The weather here in Middle TN has "forgotten it is Spring" the last few weeks but yesterday was sunny and 62 degrees(we had some mid-70's end-of February/beginning of March) and the ground had dried enough from the rain(and snow flurries) over the last two weeks so I took advantage of the break(rain again off and on today and all Easter weekend) to get the Gravely out, mow and take some pictures(see attachments).
To describe the pics I am posting in order, they are as follows:
1)Wire routing for left Driving Light.
2)Close-up of right Driving Light.
3)Close-up of left Driving Light.
4)Front view of Gravely with Sunshade and Driving Lights.

It appears that the forum has a maximum size limit for jpeg attachments as the 5th picture I tried to upload hung up? So I will post the remaining pictures and their descriptions in separate thread posts following this one.

That looks amazing!! The lights, the sunshade, the MOWER IN GENERAL...it all looks SO good! :thumbsup::thumbsup:




To describe the pics I am posting in order, they are as follows:
Post#2 from above:
1&4)Gravely at dusk with Driving Lights on(NOTE:Location of discharge chute for storing when not mowing).
2)LED Rocker Switch installed for Driving Lights.
3Wire routing for right Driving Light.
5)Wiring of Driving Light kit to battery.





To describe the pics I am posting in order, they are as follows:
Post#3 from above:
1&2)Gravely with Driving Lights on after dark(NOTE:Right side partially blocked by discharge chute storage on top of deck..see #1 & 4 in Post#2 above-lighting path will be similar to left side when mowing and the discharge chute is in the mowing position). Also, NOTE how well the car & RV parked on each side of the ZTR are well lit.
3)Bag of charcoal sitting 16 feet in front of mower with Driving Lights on after dark(I can actually see an area about twice that far fairly well-approx. 30 feet).
4)Zoomed close-up of that charcoal bag 16 feet in front of mower-label easily read.

I think you will agree with my earlier statements that for ~ $40 the Driving Light kit and mounting accessories was a very good option for my Gravely and took about 2 hours to meticulousy install it. I made the final "aiming" adjustments of the lights when taking the pictures last night and am VERY pleased with the results this kit gave. I don't believe the $125 Gravely kit could have been any better. What do you think??? I highly recommend you install this on your Pro-Turn 52!!!!!





That looks amazing!! The lights, the sunshade, the MOWER IN GENERAL...it all looks SO good! :thumbsup::thumbsup:

Thanks...that was "painful"...seems like the picture upload feature "has a mind of it's own". The pics(except for my last one) don't appear to always show up in the same sequence you upload them in, so getting the descriptions of the pics in sequence was a "challenge". You're right though I'm pretty proud of that Gravely and so far it's performance is worth every penny I paid for it.
I posted the specs of all the materials in this thread in several other threads discussing light attachments, but I think I'll just post a simple "look here link" in the others and not try this many jpeg attachments again. To "toot my own horn", I still think the light installation looks like a dealer/pro installed it:0)




To describe the pics I am posting in order, they are as follows:
Post#3 from above:
1&2)Gravely with Driving Lights on after dark(NOTE:Right side partially blocked by discharge chute storage on top of deck..see #1 & 4 in Post#2 above-lighting path will be similar to left side when mowing and the discharge chute is in the mowing position). Also, NOTE how well the car & RV parked on each side of the ZTR are well lit.
3)Bag of charcoal sitting 16 feet in front of mower with Driving Lights on after dark(I can actually see an area about twice that far fairly well-approx. 30 feet).
4)Zoomed close-up of that charcoal bag 16 feet in front of mower-label easily read.

I think you will agree with my earlier statements that for ~ $40 the Driving Light kit and mounting accessories was a very good option for my Gravely and took about 2 hours to meticulousy install it. I made the final "aiming" adjustments of the lights when taking the pictures last night and am VERY pleased with the results this kit gave. I don't believe the $125 Gravely kit could have been any better. What do you think??? I highly recommend you install this on your Pro-Turn 52!!!!!

WOW!:thumbsup: That turned out really well. I will see if I can get mine to turn out as nice as yours did. I can assure you that the 2 hour time allotment that you have given me might be a little tricky, lol. Okay, now take it all apart and redo it, capture it on video for all of us simpletons haha:laughing: Alas, I request too much. You did a fine job and I am a little jealous of your cat like speed in which you accomplished it. It is muggy as h*&@ here in Florida and the sun is relentless during the July-Sept months so I'm thinking this set up would suit me well down here. Kudos, Dj, it looks great and very functional, one could easily say it was "professionally done".




WOW!:thumbsup: That turned out really well. I will see if I can get mine to turn out as nice as yours did. I can assure you that the 2 hour time allotment that you have given me might be a little tricky, lol. Okay, now take it all apart and redo it, capture it on video for all of us simpletons haha:laughing: Alas, I request too much. You did a fine job and I am a little jealous of your cat like speed in which you accomplished it. It is muggy as h*&@ here in Florida and the sun is relentless during the July-Sept months so I'm thinking this set up would suit me well down here. Kudos, Dj, it looks great and very functional, one could easily say it was "professionally done".

Well....I may have stretched the truth a bit about the "2 hours". I'm pretty good with my hands and VERY analytical(from over 40 years of being a mainfame computer programmer/analyst:0) but it could have been more like 3-4 counting taking the the control plate off, drilling the hole in it for the switch and routing the wires. If you take your time, follow the "vague" instructions I gave in my first post where I described all of the materials and procedures and refer back to the pictures I'm sure yours will turn out just as good. The "hardest task" of the installation was drilling a small hole in the side of the Gravely just under the seat for attaching the wire clip for routing the wires on the left side. I broke the screw off in the first hole(that''s really hard steel:0) and drilled a second a little larger and got it to work. In hindsight I wished I had just figured out a different way, like applying a small square of velcro to the frame, run the wires across it and then put the other side if the velcro strip to secure the wire. It's always easier to figure out an easier way to do something AFTER you've done it the hard way:0) If you get into it and need any help at all just let me know and I'll help however I can.




Hi all!

My name is John and I picked up a new Gravely Zero-Turn last April. I was sick of throwing money at my Craftsman tractor so we made a major upgrade.

I've got about an acre and a half, but about half of it is wooded so I cut about 3/4 of an acre. But I get TON of leaves in the fall. I used to use a Craftsman lawn tractor and a Trac Vac to do the fall cleanup. I was hesitant to get rid of the Trac Vac and go to a ZTR mulcher. But I have several friends who are landscape contractors and they assured me that if I got a decent machine, I could mulch the leaves. I didn't believe them but took a leap of faith. I put a set of Gator blades on the Gravely and it worked BEAUTIFULLY last Fall!

I got a Gravely ZT52 HD and it is a BEAST! It's a beautiful machine and I LOVE it. Here are some shots from the day I brought it home.





Hi all!

My name is John and I picked up a new Gravely Zero-Turn last April. I was sick of throwing money at my Craftsman tractor so we made a major upgrade.

I've got about an acre and a half, but about half of it is wooded so I cut about 3/4 of an acre. But I get TON of leaves in the fall. I used to use a Craftsman lawn tractor and a Trac Vac to do the fall cleanup. I was hesitant to get rid of the Trac Vac and go to a ZTR mulcher. But I have several friends who are landscape contractors and they assured me that if I got a decent machine, I could mulch the leaves. I didn't believe them but took a leap of faith. I put a set of Gator blades on the Gravely and it worked BEAUTIFULLY last Fall!

I got a Gravely ZT52 HD and it is a BEAST! It's a beautiful machine and I LOVE it. Here are some shots from the day I brought it home.

View attachment 13825View attachment 13826View attachment 13827

That's a fine looking ZTR and welcome to the Gravely owner family!!!! I too am a new proud owner of a 2012 52" Pro-Turn 100XDZ(bought last September). Only got 8 hours on it, but am VERY pleased. Do you use the Gator blades all the time or just for mulching leaves in the fall? How much did 3 Gator blades for a 52" set you back? I'm thinking about getting some and also experimenting with re-leveling the deck and changing the blade pitch to be lower in the back than in the front(referred to as "heeling the deck"...gives a better quality cut than the factory/normal pitch with the front lower, but requires more engine power...which I think is no problem for our Kawasaki's). This blade setting is described in my Gravely manual as an option....does your ZT HD manual mention it??? I've recommended the ZT HD to several users that were shopping for a high-end Residential ZTR and considered the very same model you got before I decided to go up one step to the entry level Commercial. I think we are going to be happy with our choices for many, many years to come!!!




Hi all!

My name is John and I picked up a new Gravely Zero-Turn last April. I was sick of throwing money at my Craftsman tractor so we made a major upgrade.

I've got about an acre and a half, but about half of it is wooded so I cut about 3/4 of an acre. But I get TON of leaves in the fall. I used to use a Craftsman lawn tractor and a Trac Vac to do the fall cleanup. I was hesitant to get rid of the Trac Vac and go to a ZTR mulcher. But I have several friends who are landscape contractors and they assured me that if I got a decent machine, I could mulch the leaves. I didn't believe them but took a leap of faith. I put a set of Gator blades on the Gravely and it worked BEAUTIFULLY last Fall!

I got a Gravely ZT52 HD and it is a BEAST! It's a beautiful machine and I LOVE it. Here are some shots from the day I brought it home.

View attachment 13825View attachment 13826View attachment 13827

Hi John, welcome to the club!:biggrin: I just have 3.2 hrs on mine. I love it. DjDice, it's time for your first oil change right? I'm sure you already knew that. Congratulations on your new Gravely John, they sure are good machines.:thumbsup:




Hi guys!
I can't remember exactly, but I think my Gators were less than $50 for a set of three. I'm pretty sure that I picked them up at my local Gravely dealer and I'm pretty sure that they were roughly $15 a piece. They work very well! I used the factory blades for about half the cutting season last summer and they worked pretty well, but I knew that I wanted a set of Gators for fall cleanup. They work AWESOME for mulching leaves, but they do and excellent job on grass too. I'm just going to use them exclusively from now on.




Hi John, welcome to the club!:biggrin: I just have 3.2 hrs on mine. I love it. DjDice, it's time for your first oil change right? I'm sure you already knew that. Congratulations on your new Gravely John, they sure are good machines.:thumbsup:

yeah the Kawasaki manual says 8 hours and the Gravely manual(and hour meter reminder) says 25 hours for the first oil change. The dealer mechanic told me 10, and since that's kinda in the middle(leaned towards the earlier) I think I'll cut a couple more times and do it at 10.

That sounds pretty reasonable for the Gator blades and I always like to have two sets to keep one sharpened and swap them back-and-forth. I'll see how the cut changes when I swap them and decide if I want a third set to use for the best cut and keep the odd set for emergency backup in case I hit something and bend one. Thanks!!




I have an opportunity to purchase an one owner Ariens 2003 2048 mower for $1200 delivered.
Not having ( and now I wish I did have a truck) makes a world of difference...or an automobile with trailer.
Anyway, its a 0.4 acre rough lawn...and its aways wet, it seems.
I am now 73, and as much as the exercise is good for me, pushing the 2006 LawnBoy takes too much time.
Yes, I think that a 48" ZTR riding mower is an over kill , the only alternative is the 30" Toro at $999 but new..
I have many trees and gardens now; maneuverability is vital..
Off subject is this; does anyone make a trim only mower ? The 20-21" LB is too large, bulky..

All the edging/trimming takes almost as much time as the open field mowing...

Returning ... I see that the big-box-store mowers have NO zerks...this Ariens EZR does ( $3500 new)...

IMO, the "perfect" mower would be 30 to 36" and with caster front wheels and push (exercise)....(walking)..
Hard to believe that Ariens is , thus far, the only one with casters.




Hello to all and I ask that everyone pause this memorial day for a couple of seconds to remember our fallen heroes.
I'm Kaspr in Ohio and I have an XT 2044 XL mower w/Kohler Courage 20 motor. The mower has done everything I have asked it to with almost no problems. Ill post my problem in a separate thread as I have searched and found nothing.
Happy Mowing :smile:


lawn mower fanatic

lawn mower fanatic

Hello to all and I ask that everyone pause this memorial day for a couple of seconds to remember our fallen heroes.
I'm Kaspr in Ohio and I have an XT 2044 XL mower w/Kohler Courage 20 motor. The mower has done everything I have asked it to with almost no problems. Ill post my problem in a separate thread as I have searched and found nothing.
Happy Mowing :smile:

Nice mower & Happy Memorial Day to you, too! :smile:





well I'm finally going to make the move to a new gravely ZT HD 48'' in the very near future (I hope????:thumbsup:) ''if'' my money man says it's ok to do this yr. if not it will be in the spring . I've been cutting with a JD 212/46' deck for about 16 yrs. now and it's a 84 .....so i'm ready to say the least ...:licking: lol

any hoot I just thought i'd stop in and say hello, i'm goin to go back to reading and learning ..... I hope ..

the site seems to have plenty of great info, and i'm sure i'll have some ????'s about my new ''zero turn'' , hopefully i'll get to try one or two this week and see how they ride and handle ..... i'm pumped....lol

ok i'm off to reading some more

be well



lawn mower fanatic

lawn mower fanatic


well I'm finally going to make the move to a new gravely ZT HD 48'' in the very near future (I hope????:thumbsup:) ''if'' my money man says it's ok to do this yr. if not it will be in the spring . I've been cutting with a JD 212/46' deck for about 16 yrs. now and it's a 84 .....so i'm ready to say the least ...:licking: lol

any hoot I just thought i'd stop in and say hello, i'm goin to go back to reading and learning ..... I hope ..

the site seems to have plenty of great info, and i'm sure i'll have some ????'s about my new ''zero turn'' , hopefully i'll get to try one or two this week and see how they ride and handle ..... i'm pumped....lol

ok i'm off to reading some more

be well


Welcome to LawnWorld! :smile:


Barney Fife

Barney Fife

First off, is there a way to reply w/o a quote? I can't find it. Anyhow, new here and just last weeked brought home a 68 C-12 that has been sitting for a while now. So far, I've rotted out the carb and kitted it and replaced the key switch trying to get the thing to fire. I made it run before I bought it but it was showing signs of lossing fire then but when it fired up and ran, boy was it strong. Got fire to the coil but nothing coming out to the plug. I got a conversion kit (electronic to points) coming from GravelyShop.com and think that'll fix it right up.


Heres some pics;

Cool Rig, I have never seen one before.




Hi everyone! I'm new to this forum thing. I've really been satisfied. But all of the sudden the other day I went to start it like I always do and it won't start. Now every time I want to start it I need a charger. The other problem is that my blades are not engaging.



Howdy Doody

GREETINGS to all Gravely & Ariens mower owners! :thumbsup:

If you're new to the forum, please reply to this thread and introduce yourself and your mower (that is, if your mower have a name :laughing:). maybe attach a photo or two of your mower and show off your pride and joy.

Also, if you haven't done so already you can upload a user avatar (picture under your user name). You can do so by clicking on settings and "edit avatar" or just click here.

Please be helpful and friendly to all other Gravely/Ariens owners (how could you not, right?) and if you like this forum, tell your friends about it. :biggrin:

We want to make this the best resource for Gravely/Ariens mower owners, and to do that we need your help! Questions? Experiences? Stories? Data? Photos? Articles? Links? Cool Gravely/Ariens stuff? Post it here!

Last but not least, please let me know if you have any suggestions for the site. We'd love to hear them.

Hi guys, I am new to this site and look forward to talking with you guys. I still do not own an Ariens, but I will likely buy a used one tomorrow. Model number is 93603800/ A19K42. I am upgrading from a 38" Poulan 15538LT mower and very excited. Hope I am making the right choice? Any feedback will be appreciated. I will post pictures once I have her all cleaned up.




Hi everyone! I'm new to this forum thing. I've really been satisfied. But all of the sudden the other day I went to start it like I always do and it won't start. Now every time I want to start it I need a charger. The other problem is that my blades are not engaging.

We need more information to assist you. Model/Year/what you have tried other than charger(new batteries are a common maintenance every 3 or 4 years), blades not engaging could be related to batter for PTO to engage, etc.
What you tell us are "our eyes" to see what might be the problem.




Hi guys, I am new to this site and look forward to talking with you guys. I still do not own an Ariens, but I will likely buy a used one tomorrow. Model number is 93603800/ A19K42. I am upgrading from a 38" Poulan 15538LT mower and very excited. Hope I am making the right choice? Any feedback will be appreciated. I will post pictures once I have her all cleaned up.

Not looking it up that "sounds like" a 42" Ariens Zoom. What year is it and how many hours does it have on it? Have you driven it or tested it's mowing capabilities before laying out your hard earned cash? What kind of deal are you getting on it?




GREETINGS to all Gravely & Ariens mower owners! :thumbsup:

If you're new to the forum....

New from Bartow, FL. First zero turn (Gravely ZT HD 48")




New from Bartow, FL. First zero turn (Gravely ZT HD 48")

Welcome to the forums......and the growing Gravely family here!!! Post some pictures of your pride & joy.....we wanna see it!!!!




Hi! I live in Florida, and I mow about 1 1/4 acres with a Bolens rider and a Troybilt walk behind. I clear the underbrush and palmettos with an ancient Gravely walk behind two wheel tractor with a big rotary bush-hog type of attachment.
So far I have put on a new carb and battery on the Gravely. Well now it has stopped pulling. Not completely, but for all practical purposes. It feels like a clutch is slipping, only I don't think it has a clutch, because it has planetary gears. I haven't seen them yet, but I think they must be quite worn, as I can adjust the control shaft and get it to pull for a few minutes, but when I hit any kind of slope, ir won't pull up. It will go in reverse just fine -- it pinned my hand to a tree really well. Are planetary systems available somewhere, and is it worth while to get one and replace it myself? I can't seem to find much on it because I don't knowthe model to look under. I am attaching pictures of it and hope you can give me good advice on how to fix it or how much to sell it for
The Kohler engine (K301, 12HP)is great-- starts right up and wants to go with no problem.
I am sending pictures of the beast.
Good advice out there?





... I can't seem to find much on it because I don't knowthe model to look under. ...

That is an Excellent old tractor... it is a Gravely Commercial 12.
Here is a YouTube clip on the high/low axle shift... Gravely C-12 swiftamatic repair & 2spd. differential functions - YouTube
If you were closer to Kansas I would be interested in buying it... they are just great machines.
The Clutch & gear assembly is like this...
Gravely Commercial 10A FWD Rev Planetary Assembly 12 Professional 5665 5000 L | eBay
I don't recall exactally But I think the Commercial 10 and 12 had the Same trans/clutch parts...




Thanks, Kenny. I wondered about selling the machine,but I saw the price for the gears on the e-bay link you sent. I wonder if it is very hard to change the gears out. I am pretty good at R&R, but I don't know if there are critical things involved in this job. Actually,does it seem to you like the symptoms of a bad planetary system? I haven't found any similar models for sale locally, so I don't know what would be a good asking price considering the problem I have with it. I'm still trying to decide between fixing and selling.




...I don't know what would be a good asking price considering the problem I have with it. I'm still trying to decide between fixing and selling.

The planetary gear set would Not be my first suspect... check linkage adjustments and gear engagement And clutch...
All those are 'relatively' "easy"...
When taking things apart pay particular attention to how all the pieces are arranged, gears, thrust washers shiter forks etc...
Do not use the cast cases to Force things together, it is easy to crack the case if parts do not go back correctly.
As to a local price check wwith the Gravely Club: Gravely Tractor Club - Home
I would definitely Repair something Before trying to sell it... It will be worth more to Many more folks if it is working Plus You may see what a handy machine you have and choose to keep it... :smile:KennyV




The planetary gear set would Not be my first suspect... check linkage adjustments and gear engagement And clutch...
All those are 'relatively' "easy"...
When taking things apart pay particular attention to how all the pieces are arranged, gears, thrust washers shiter forks etc...
Do not use the cast cases to Force things together, it is easy to crack the case if parts do not go back correctly.
As to a local price check wwith the Gravely Club: Gravely Tractor Club - Home
I would definitely Repair something Before trying to sell it... It will be worth more to Many more folks if it is working Plus You may see what a handy machine you have and choose to keep it... :smile:KennyV

I think I will give it a shot. I have a decent place to work on it, and you are right -- when it is running right, it is a blast to open up the woods so the critters have a chance to live where they are supposed to. It ran great for the first few times I used it,but then it just got "lazy." I will re-check the linkage -- so faar I have only adjusted the length of the control arm. I need to check that the linkage beyond that is going the full amount.
Thanks again.




Hi everyone. I just bought a Gravely Pro 50". I figured this looked like a good place to find info on how to work on it. My Dad and I had a 36" Gravely about 20 years ago and it was great.




Hi everyone. I just bought a Gravely Pro 50". I figured this looked like a good place to find info on how to work on it. My Dad and I had a 36" Gravely about 20 years ago and it was great.

Pro 50???????? Is that a Gravely Walk-Behind(Hydro or Gear Drive)???? I don't see any models on the Gravely website that come close to "Pro 50". Can you post a picture??

And welcome to the forums and the growing Gravely family here!!!!!!!!!




Here's a pic of my walkbehind.



lawn mower fanatic

lawn mower fanatic

Here's a pic of my walkbehind.

Looks nice....thanks for the pic! :smile:




Here's a pic of my walkbehind.

You're right....for $300 that would be hard to pass up as a fixer-upper:0)




New here. Bought a new Gravely, ZT HD44 in April this year. I have used it all summer and am impressed with it's build quality and cut.


lawn mower fanatic

lawn mower fanatic

New here. Bought a new Gravely, ZT HD44 in April this year. I have used it all summer and am impressed with it's build quality and cut.

From your avatar pic it looks like a nice mower! Glad to have you on the forum! :smile:




New here. Bought a new Gravely, ZT HD44 in April this year. I have used it all summer and am impressed with it's build quality and cut.

Welcome to the growing Gravely family here on the forums!!! Keep us posted on your experience. Most of us here that own Gravely's don't hesitate to recommend them to users looking to buy a ZTR and you know why:0)




1st time poster just checking in. Ariens 42" Hydro Tractor. Just the basics for this little land owner!




GREETINGS to all Gravely & Ariens mower owners! :thumbsup:

If you're new to the forum, please reply to this thread and introduce yourself and your mower (that is, if your mower have a name :laughing:). maybe attach a photo or two of your mower and show off your pride and joy.

Also, if you haven't done so already you can upload a user avatar (picture under your user name). You can do so by clicking on settings and "edit avatar" or just click here.

Please be helpful and friendly to all other Gravely/Ariens owners (how could you not, right?) and if you like this forum, tell your friends about it. :biggrin:

We want to make this the best resource for Gravely/Ariens mower owners, and to do that we need your help! Questions? Experiences? Stories? Data? Photos? Articles? Links? Cool Gravely/Ariens stuff? Post it here!

Last but not least, please let me know if you have any suggestions for the site. We'd love to hear them.

Just working on my Gravely ZTR 40" deck and needing spindle housing for the same. I don't need the whole assembly just two spindle housing. Can someone tell me where to find them or used parts??




Checking in. Hello everyone, I just came out of the closet. The mower closet that is. Just brought home my Gravely 152 Christmas eve day. I thought I was going to go bonkers before I made up my mind of what to get. All said and done I chose the Gravely for many reasons. Giving my John Deere LX277 to my son-in-law. It has been a good mower over the last 13 years. You know, this a damn shame. Here I have a new mower in my shed and can't even try it out. To much rain over the holidays. Yes and its raining today, lots o mud and the ground is soft like a sponge. This seems like a very good forum for sharing info. Looking forward to sharing and gaining knowledge. Happy New year to all.




I am a new gravely owner. I purchased a pro-turn zt last fall. it is a 52 inch cut model 991201. Have not mowed with it yet except to play around with it. .8 hrs on the meter. I am very happy with it so and can't wait for spring to get started mowing my 3 acres.
I have a question about oil and filters. Should I use Kaw filters only and second, what is the best choice of oil for the 23hp kaw air cooled engine. I have used 30 wt reg oil in the past for air cooled engines and 10w30 in my water cooled 20 hp John Deere lawn tractor. I just wondered what others are using in their air cooled engines

Thanks for your replies.





You're gonna love that Gravely!!!! IMHO, I lean towards OEM "parts", so I am getting the Kawasaki oil filter. But my experience over the years with lawn tractors have proven Briggs & Stratton SAE30 oil to be a very good quality and it is easier to find and less expensive than the Kawa oil. My dealer's mechanic agreed that if I follow the recommended oil change schedule that the B & S oil would keep my warranty in effect and that it would be fine to use the B & S versus a higher-priced or synthetic oil. That's my story and I'm sticking to it:0)

Welcome to the growing Gravely family on the forum!!!!!




I have a old Gravely Rider 8179-G

View attachment 19720View attachment 19721 My Gravely is not one of those new zero turn ones, its just an old 1986 rider that I just love. She's been a good work horse all her life and has never let me down. The deck had some rust holes but have been patched and I have to paint the deck. The paint on the tractor is the factory paint with one spot of rust, about the size of a dime. Its not perfect, but I think she looks good for her age. I use it year round, cutting about 10 acres of grass in the summer and snow plowing/snow blowing a 1/4 mile paved driveway in the winter. I can think of anything more to say now so I'll rap this up with I hope I can be of some help to anybody and I think I will enjoy this forum, pictures and threads/posts. Hello to all and thank you for letting me join in gfp55




How are yunz doing, I'm from Pa. Gravely 4 wheel professional G here with 1700 HRS. I am a 19 year mechanic Tec at Gravely Dealerships.




How are yunz doing, I'm from Pa. Gravely 4 wheel professional G here with 1700 HRS. I am a 19 year mechanic Tec at Gravely Dealerships.

Hey Deerlane Welcome to the forum. Can you post any pictures of your Pro-G? Tell us more about your Gravely like how it runs, any attachments, do you have a deck? I have a 8179-G and 1973 816, both have 50" decks, I've got some attachments also. Here are some pictures of my 8179-G




I'm Mike. I recently bought a used Gravely. 2009 34z. I love it so far. The speed and steering were a little intimidating at first. Seriously thought about selling it and getting a big/medium walk behind. Leaning 90% towards keeping it now. The specs say 10mph but it feels faster than that.
If anybody can tell me anything about the valve that switches tanks I'd like to hear it. Mine doesn't want to turn and I don't want to put too much force on it in case there's some trick to it. Here's a pic.




Put a engine guard on the 8179-GView attachment 20054




my old gravely from 2006 lots gas and maintaince kept it going still running strong could use a set of blades.
18 hp 40' cut





my old gravely from 2006 lots gas and maintaince kept it going still running strong could use a set of blades.
18 hp 40' cut
That 8-yr-old Gravely looks like you have taken very good care of it!!! And per your comments, that speaks volumes about how well a Gravely will take care of you. Yeah, I agree, that after that long(does yours have an hour meter on it....I'm curious as to how many hours you have logged on yours in 8 years) you owe it a new set of blades:0)




I don't have a newer zero turn Gravely, but have a 1973 816 Gravely 4 wheel rider in storage. Going to get her out in the next week or two. I also have a 1986 8179-G rider with 1090 hours, throws snow 50+ feet with a 38" snow cannon, 50" deck. Its on the 2nd set of tires, three sets of mower blades, 2nd deck belt. 2nd seat. The paint is the factory paint job, it has one rust spot the size of a dime. She starts up in 20 below weather, no smoke, lots of power. I love it!!!!




Checking in. Hello everyone, I just came out of the closet. The mower closet that is. Just brought home my Gravely 152 Christmas eve day. I thought I was going to go bonkers before I made up my mind of what to get. All said and done I chose the Gravely for many reasons. Giving my John Deere LX277 to my son-in-law. It has been a good mower over the last 13 years. You know, this a damn shame. Here I have a new mower in my shed and can't even try it out. To much rain over the holidays. Yes and its raining today, lots o mud and the ground is soft like a sponge. This seems like a very good forum for sharing info. Looking forward to sharing and gaining knowledge. Happy New year to all.

We haven't heard back from you....sooooooo how is that Christmas present performing???? Post some pictures(we wanna see it:0)




I am a new gravely owner. I purchased a pro-turn zt last fall. it is a 52 inch cut model 991201. Have not mowed with it yet except to play around with it. .8 hrs on the meter. I am very happy with it so and can't wait for spring to get started mowing my 3 acres.
I have a question about oil and filters. Should I use Kaw filters only and second, what is the best choice of oil for the 23hp kaw air cooled engine. I have used 30 wt reg oil in the past for air cooled engines and 10w30 in my water cooled 20 hp John Deere lawn tractor. I just wondered what others are using in their air cooled engines

Thanks for your replies.

Welcome to the growing Gravely family on these forums!! So, how are you liking that Pro-Turn 52(pretty stupid question, huh:0)
Personally, I always prefer sticking with OEM parts and don't mind paying the dealer price for the Kawa oil filters. Oil is a very controversial subject, but I have ALWAYS used Briggs & Stratton SAE30 oil in all of the lawn mowers I have owned(had a Lawn Chief lawn tractor with a B & S Vanguard for 16 years and it still didn't use a drop of oil). If you read your Kawasaki manual you will find that it recommends SAE30 for all but the most extreme temperature operation. Mine also specifically states that using a multi-viscosity oil(like 10w30) "can" lead to oil consumption. Other users will "swear by" synthetics. I find those to be more expensive than beneficial. B & S SAE30 is easily found(Lowes, WalMart, etc.), isn't expensive and my Gravely dealer's mechanic told me it would be fine(and would keep the engine warranty intact). That's my story and I'm sticking to it:0)

Post some pics of your Gravely(we wanna see it:0)




GREETINGS to all Gravely & Ariens mower owners! :thumbsup:

If you're new to the forum, please reply to this thread and introduce yourself and your mower (that is, if your mower have a name :laughing:). maybe attach a photo or two of your mower and show off your pride and joy.

Also, if you haven't done so already you can upload a user avatar (picture under your user name). You can do so by clicking on settings and "edit avatar" or just click here.

Please be helpful and friendly to all other Gravely/Ariens owners (how could you not, right?) and if you like this forum, tell your friends about it. :biggrin:

We want to make this the best resource for Gravely/Ariens mower owners, and to do that we need your help! Questions? Experiences? Stories? Data? Photos? Articles? Links? Cool Gravely/Ariens stuff? Post it here!

Last but not least, please let me know if you have any suggestions for the site. We'd love to hear them.

Hello Everyone Just bought a Gravely ZT 42. I will give updates after a few weeks of use. Thanks for having me Bruce




Hello Everyone Just bought a Gravely ZT 42. I will give updates after a few weeks of use. Thanks for having me Bruce

Welcome, Bruce, to the growing Gravely family on these forums!!!! Keep us informed of your ZTR adventure and post some pictures(we wanna see it:0)




That 8-yr-old Gravely looks like you have taken very good care of it!!! And per your comments, that speaks volumes about how well a Gravely will take care of you. Yeah, I agree, that after that long(does yours have an hour meter on it....I'm curious as to how many hours you have logged on yours in 8 years) you owe it a new set of blades:0)

has 897 hr on it i replace the blades every year and the belts every other year the engine gets tuned up every year but gets a oil change every 50 hrs.
i got a 3 acre yard i mow plus a few yard i mow for some extra cash on the side.




Hi, new today, have a zt1640, more than a few years old, but runs fine, EXcept the electric clutch cuts in and out in dry grass, damp grass, slow speed, high speed. driving me crazy, I thought at first it was the bagger that was the problem, took it off, now know where the problem is.
Would appreciate any suggestions on the solution.


Gary L.

Gary L.

I just bought a Gravely Pro-Turn 260 Commercial mower. Looking forward to learning more about my mower and chatting with other Gravely owners.


This is my wife Claudia taking her first ride on the mower.




Very nice, looks great and your Gravely is cool also.




I just bought a Gravely Pro-Turn 260 Commercial mower. Looking forward to learning more about my mower and chatting with other Gravely owners.

View attachment 22086

This is my wife Claudia taking her first ride on the mower.

VERY NICE machine(seems to look even better with a lady sitting on it:0) Wish I could get my wife on mine(I can't convince her how easy it is to get used to the controls and how much FUN they are to mow with). Welcome to the growing Gravely family on the forums...you're gonna love that Pro-Turn 260!!! I was just going back and forth with another user about my "verbatim" welcome to Gravely purchasing users. I told him that over the last two years, since I joined the forum, I've probably posted that welcome "at least" 25-30 times and wondered if one of the admins could research all posts with "I just bought a _______ ZTR" and create a sticky with statistics for which brands have had the most new owners over a period of time. I can assure you that Gravely would be in the top 5. I've had my Pro-Turn 152 since Sept. 2012 and have about 56 hours on it. I've added several Gravely accessories to it(sunshade, mulch kit, striper kit) so if you start toying with beefing up your 260 shoot me message and I'll give you the skinny on them(Gravely's accessories are as heavy duty as their ZTR's). I also added my own "headlight kit" and I have a sticky in the Build-It-Yourself forum(see below for a link to it). I came out a LOT cheaper than getting an OEM kit and it works great!!!! Enjoy your Gravely!!!!!



Gary L.

Gary L.

VERY NICE machine(seems to look even better with a lady sitting on it:0) Wish I could get my wife on mine(I can't convince her how easy it is to get used to the controls and how much FUN they are to mow with). Welcome to the growing Gravely family on the forums...you're gonna love that Pro-Turn 260!!! I was just going back and forth with another user about my "verbatim" welcome to Gravely purchasing users. I told him that over the last two years, since I joined the forum, I've probably posted that welcome "at least" 25-30 times and wondered if one of the admins could research all posts with "I just bought a _______ ZTR" and create a sticky with statistics for which brands have had the most new owners over a period of time. I can assure you that Gravely would be in the top 5. I've had my Pro-Turn 152 since Sept. 2012 and have about 56 hours on it. I've added several Gravely accessories to it(sunshade, mulch kit, striper kit) so if you start toying with beefing up your 260 shoot me message and I'll give you the skinny on them(Gravely's accessories are as heavy duty as their ZTR's). I also added my own "headlight kit" and I have a sticky in the Build-It-Yourself forum(see below for a link to it). I came out a LOT cheaper than getting an OEM kit and it works great!!!! Enjoy your Gravely!!!!!


My wife had never driven one with this type of controls and she hopped on drove like she had hours on one. It took me a bit to get comfortable that I wasn't going to run over our cat or one of the wife's flower beds. By the time that I finished our two acre lawn I drove about like my wife did when she first hopped on the machine.

Thanks for the link to the lights!





I am also new to this forum. I have a Gravely ZT HD 52" that was purchased in 2011.
I mow about 6 to 8 acres of lawn. However, the machine gets a good workout around brush and vines. It's standing up well. Does a great job when the blades are sharp and is fun to use. I can cut grass about four times faster than on a tractor mower.

The hydastatic drive belt is about to fail. How do I get access to change it?




I am also new to this forum. I have a Gravely ZT HD 52" that was purchased in 2011.
I mow about 6 to 8 acres of lawn. However, the machine gets a good workout around brush and vines. It's standing up well. Does a great job when the blades are sharp and is fun to use. I can cut grass about four times faster than on a tractor mower.

The hydastatic drive belt is about to fail. How do I get access to change it?

Welcome to the forums and the growing Gravely family here!!! That ZT HD has served you well for mowing that kind of acreage. How can you tell that the drive belt is about to fail? You will most likely have to remove the deck to replace it. Do you have an Owner's Manual? It should describe how to do that. If not, you can contact Gravely and they will assist you. Unfortunately, I've never had to do any repairs on a ZTR so I'm not a lot of help on that. Maybe you should call your Gravely dealer and ask how much they would charge to replace the drive belt. It may not be worth doing it yourself. Here's a link to Gravely Customer Support if that will help:

Support Home Page




Welcome to the forums and the growing Gravely family here!!! That ZT HD has served you well for mowing that kind of acreage. How can you tell that the drive belt is about to fail? You will most likely have to remove the deck to replace it. Do you have an Owner's Manual? It should describe how to do that. If not, you can contact Gravely and they will assist you. Unfortunately, I've never had to do any repairs on a ZTR so I'm not a lot of help on that. Maybe you should call your Gravely dealer and ask how much they would charge to replace the drive belt. It may not be worth doing it yourself. Here's a link to Gravely Customer Support if that will help:

Support Home Page

I am able to visually see that a section of the belt backing is missing. There is about a 4 inch piece gone. I don't know why it hasn't broken. The Owner's Manual does not provide enough information regarding access.

I know it is above the mower drive belt on the power spindle, so I have to remove that one first. I am able to access the hydrastatic drive belt at that location but can't even see the other unit pulleys or tension spring.

The machine may still be in Warranty. If so, I'll take it to the dealer. If not,Gravely dealer is expensive. I figure that once I get through a belt change and hydraulic oil and filter change while cussing the Mississippi humidity and misquitos that I'll be able to tackle most of the maintenance during the life of the mower.

I have removed the blades for sharpening and change-out twice. We picked up the front end of the machine with a strap attached to the bucket of a friends tractor. I'm planning to go to Factory Supply and pick up a $100 dollar lift for future maintenance.




I am able to visually see that a section of the belt backing is missing. There is about a 4 inch piece gone. I don't know why it hasn't broken. The Owner's Manual does not provide enough information regarding access.

I know it is above the mower drive belt on the power spindle, so I have to remove that one first. I am able to access the hydrastatic drive belt at that location but can't even see the other unit pulleys or tension spring.

The machine may still be in Warranty. If so, I'll take it to the dealer. If not,Gravely dealer is expensive. I figure that once I get through a belt change and hydraulic oil and filter change while cussing the Mississippi humidity and misquitos that I'll be able to tackle most of the maintenance during the life of the mower.

I have removed the blades for sharpening and change-out twice. We picked up the front end of the machine with a strap attached to the bucket of a friends tractor. I'm planning to go to Factory Supply and pick up a $100 dollar lift for future maintenance.

Hmmmmm...2011 being right at 3 Years old may be iffy on Warranty coverage:0(
And like most equipment(even cars) there are a lot of things considered "normal wear' that are not covered like a major component(like the trannies) would be. Yeah, I bought a MoJack lift and love it. They carry them at Lowes or Tractor Supply. Harbor Freight also has a nice one. Maybe you could Google and find a belt(that Customer Support site will help you find the part# by entering your Model#/Serial#) at a decent price, then call the dealer and tell them you were going to replace the belt yourself but wondered what they would charge you for labor to do it. My dealer's Service Manager told me they would do the tranny service if I brought in my own oil & filters. Some dealers may not do that, but it won't hurt to ask. If it were me and they charged $75 or less for labor I would let them do it before I tried it myself.




Living in the North Dakota enjoying the warm weather on my Gravely Mower zero turning mower. I love this machine and I don't plan on purchasing another.




Welcome... Maybe you could post some pictures of your Gravely, show us your baby. Can you give us more details about it?




How does one gain access to change the hydrostatic drive belt on a Gravely ZT 52 HD mower?




Living in the North Dakota enjoying the warm weather on my Gravely Mower zero turning mower. I love this machine and I don't plan on purchasing another.

Welcome to the forums and to the growing Gravely family here!!! What year/model Gravely do you have? Yeah........post some pics(we wanna see it:0)




I have a 2004 Gravely ZT 1540 and have been pleased with it. Now that it is getting older I am needing parts. I have rebuilt the spindles, but could not get parts for them. Seems you have to buy the entire assembly. So, I pulled the bearings and went to Motion Industries and found them.

Now I have an axle that has broken on the left side and can't find an axle or any parts for the trans-axle.

Where can I find parts???? not the entire assembly.




I have a 2004 Gravely ZT 1540 and have been pleased with it. Now that it is getting older I am needing parts. I have rebuilt the spindles, but could not get parts for them. Seems you have to buy the entire assembly. So, I pulled the bearings and went to Motion Industries and found them.

Now I have an axle that has broken on the left side and can't find an axle or any parts for the trans-axle.

Where can I find parts???? not the entire assembly.

Sounds like you've worked that ZT 1540 hard for ten years. How many hours are on it's meter? Do you just mow your own lawn or do you have a lawn service? Maybe it's time to upgrade the ZT 154-0 to a newer, more durable ZTR. You need to check for a Mfr label to get the exact transaxle you have, but I would guess that those are HydroGear EZT trannies and they are not serviceable(not designed to be able to change the oil, filter). So ZTR dealers won't even repair them, much less carry parts for them. They are pretty well considered "throw-away". But if you are confident about doing the R & R parts replacement yourself I would recommend that you go to the HydroGear website(see link below), find the service manual and parts diagram and contact HydroGear directly for the parts you need. I'm sure they would hook you up with a nearby distributor or maybe ship directly to you. Good luck if you decide to rebuild the tranny!!

Hydro-Gear Hydrostatic Drives Transmissions and Transaxles




I have a 2004 Gravely ZT 1540 and have been pleased with it. Now that it is getting older I am needing parts. I have rebuilt the spindles, but could not get parts for them. Seems you have to buy the entire assembly. So, I pulled the bearings and went to Motion Industries and found them.

Now I have an axle that has broken on the left side and can't find an axle or any parts for the trans-axle.

Where can I find parts???? not the entire assembly.
You can gets parts at richards lawn&garden 1-800-827-4551 Parts, Tech 304-927-4580




You can gets parts at richards lawn&garden 1-800-827-4551 Parts, Tech 304-927-4580

Gravely does not have parts to rebuild the spindles either, but I've rebuilt 2 of them so far and are working fine. The third one's housing was bad, so I had to replace that one. I got bearings at Motion Industry for $20.00 each. Cheaper than the $86.00 to replace them.

If I can get the shaft for the Trans-axle, I can fix this one too. From what I have read on the web, the left Trans-axle is the one that goes out. A $50.00 shaft is a lot cheaper than the $800.00 to replace it.

You guys are great, Thanks for the info. I hope I can find the shaft. The 1540 has been a great mower ( home use only, but a big yard) I hope I find another one as tough when I replace it.

Heck the battery just went out this spring. That's 10 yrs for that battery. Tires are worn out too, but they can be replaced as well. OH, I almost forgot, I replaced the bearings in the front casters this spring too. $10.00 per wheel, not the $60.00 each for the caster assembly they wanted to sell me.

You can fix these things, if you can find the parts. If worst comes to worst, I have a buddy with a medal lathe. I'll make one and it won't cost $800.00.

Thanks again !:thumbsup:


Still looking for parts.




You can gets parts at richards lawn&garden 1-800-827-4551 Parts, Tech 304-927-4580

Thanks Guys,
I found the parts I need for the Trans-axle. Error

Hydro Gear makes the Trans-axle for Gravely and a host of other ZTR mowers.

They had the exact part that I needed and the drive shaft (axle) is on it's way.

They also told me it was wholesale pricing. I can order the entire complete Trans-axle if I need one cheaper that getting it from a Gravely Dealer.

I compared prices and they were a LOT cheaper.





Thanks Guys,
I found the parts I need for the Trans-axle. Error

Hydro Gear makes the Trans-axle for Gravely and a host of other ZTR mowers.

They had the exact part that I needed and the drive shaft (axle) is on it's way.

They also told me it was wholesale pricing. I can order the entire complete Trans-axle if I need one cheaper that getting it from a Gravely Dealer.

I compared prices and they were a LOT cheaper.


Glad you found what you needed. So.....you planning on getting 20 years outa that ZT 1540?????:0)
Did you ever answer my question about how many hours you have on it?




Glad you found what you needed. So.....you planning on getting 20 years outa that ZT 1540?????:0)
Did you ever answer my question about how many hours you have on it?

If I can get 20 yrs. out of her I will. I'll keep fixing it until She just gives up. As long as I can get parts.

How many Hrs. ??? I don't have a clue. There is no hour meter on it. For about 5 yrs. it mowed 3 yards all summer every week.If it dies tomorrow, I have been well pleased.

It has the well built heavy welded deck, so as long as the frame and deck hold up, fixing it is cheaper than a new one. The Kohler motor does not use a drop of oil and runs great. I service it often. The original belt is still on it and looks good. So, other than pulleys and bearings (which I can replace) she is in good shape and will do the job for me. I have put 6 sets of blades on it so far.

The new one, to replace this one, has the cheap stamped deck and is not built as well as this one. The price is around $3,200 to $3,600 for the new version. If I go with the welded deck models they are $4,000 and up, up, up.

Don't count them down until they are dead. You can fix'em!! Now if I am looking at a new motor and trans-axles then a new one will be on order.

Thanks for all the feedback!!


You can get the service manuals for the Trans-Axle @ Hydro-Gear Service Repair Manuals




If I can get 20 yrs. out of her I will. I'll keep fixing it until She just gives up. As long as I can get parts.

How many Hrs. ??? I don't have a clue. There is no hour meter on it. For about 5 yrs. it mowed 3 yards all summer every week.If it dies tomorrow, I have been well pleased.

It has the well built heavy welded deck, so as long as the frame and deck hold up, fixing it is cheaper than a new one. The Kohler motor does not use a drop of oil and runs great. I service it often. The original belt is still on it and looks good. So, other than pulleys and bearings (which I can replace) she is in good shape and will do the job for me. I have put 6 sets of blades on it so far.

The new one, to replace this one, has the cheap stamped deck and is not built as well as this one. The price is around $3,200 to $3,600 for the new version. If I go with the welded deck models they are $4,000 and up, up, up.

Don't count them down until they are dead. You can fix'em!! Now if I am looking at a new motor and trans-axles then a new one will be on order.

Thanks for all the feedback!!


You can get the service manuals for the Trans-Axle @ Hydro-Gear Service Repair Manuals
Yep, if Gravely had kept the fabricated decks on their entry-level Residential ZTR's like yours, Hustler Raptors wouldn't be selling like hotcakes:0)
You've definitely gotten all the bang for your buck that you could get!!!




Yep, if Gravely had kept the fabricated decks on their entry-level Residential ZTR's like yours, Hustler Raptors wouldn't be selling like hotcakes:0)
You've definitely gotten all the bang for your buck that you could get!!!

Well, I'm up and going!!

The replacement axle is bigger than the original. They send a conversion kit with it as well. It was fairly easy to repair, instructions included. Get the manual whatever you do. Lots of info in it.

Thanks for all the replies.





Well, I'm up and going!!

The replacement axle is bigger than the original. They send a conversion kit with it as well. It was fairly easy to repair, instructions included. Get the manual whatever you do. Lots of info in it.

Thanks for all the replies.


That's great news...happy mowing!!!!




Hello All,

My name is Pete. I'm shopping for a new zero turn and I am seriously looking at the ZT XL 54". I'll post a question about this shortly in a new topic.

But I feel safe in joining this group because I inherited my Dad's 1950s Gravely Walk behind Model L, I think. I remember not 40 years ago helping him rebuild my first engine - the 1 cylinder workhorse in that machine. I also have the sickle bar, rotary mower deck, cultivator and vertical plow attachments. I wish I had the snow blower - that would help in the winter!

Glenelg, MD, USA




Hello All,

My name is Pete. I'm shopping for a new zero turn and I am seriously looking at the ZT XL 54". I'll post a question about this shortly in a new topic.

But I feel safe in joining this group because I inherited my Dad's 1950s Gravely Walk behind Model L, I think. I remember not 40 years ago helping him rebuild my first engine - the 1 cylinder workhorse in that machine. I also have the sickle bar, rotary mower deck, cultivator and vertical plow attachments. I wish I had the snow blower - that would help in the winter!

Glenelg, MD, USA

Welcome to the forums!! How much are you mowing and what's your max budget?? Have you considered an upgrade to the 52" ZT HD?? The X-Factor chain-hung deck, ZT-3100's and the overall heavier build are well worth the $900 over the XL series. Not saying that the ZT XL isn't a fine machine, but the ZT HD upgrades give a more Commercial-grade build and added durability. Demo the HD & XL and see what kind of deal your local Gravely dealer will give you on the ZT HD just to see if you think it's worth the extra money. If I were in the market for a high-end Residential ZTR, the ZT HD would be my choice hands down!!




Welcome to the forums!! How much are you mowing and what's your max budget?? Have you considered an upgrade to the 52" ZT HD?? The X-Factor chain-hung deck, ZT-3100's and the overall heavier build are well worth the $900 over the XL series. Not saying that the ZT XL isn't a fine machine, but the ZT HD upgrades give a more Commercial-grade build and added durability. Demo the HD & XL and see what kind of deal your local Gravely dealer will give you on the ZT HD just to see if you think it's worth the extra money. If I were in the market for a high-end Residential ZTR, the ZT HD would be my choice hands down!!

I didn't read this until after I changed my mind.. To most likely get the ZT HD 52" for many of the same reasons you stated. Since they are offering 48 month 0% financing, the difference is less than $20/month on the HD vs the XL. I'll see what kind of deal I can swing. That part is not usually my strong suit.

Thanks, Pete




I have a 2004 Gravely ZT 1540 and have been pleased with it. Now that it is getting older I am needing parts. I have rebuilt the spindles, but could not get parts for them. Seems you have to buy the entire assembly. So, I pulled the bearings and went to Motion Industries and found them.

Now I have an axle that has broken on the left side and can't find an axle or any parts for the trans-axle.

Where can I find parts???? not the entire assembly.

Mr. Talons06: I am glad I finally have heard from someone who has a ZT1540. I to have had mine since 2004. A few belts, spindles, batteries, but, one thing I found out is the "rods" that separate the pumps one on top and one on bottom have broke with the bolt inside it. The first two I bought the rods, almost $30 each. Then I came up with a 12 inch 1/4 inch nipple with a threaded rod and lock nuts and have not broken another one. Woo that has saved a lot. I love the ZT1540 cuts great, and like you said I will continue to use it until parts are not available. A sizeable investment ten years ago has more than paid for itself.




I didn't read this until after I changed my mind.. To most likely get the ZT HD 52" for many of the same reasons you stated. Since they are offering 48 month 0% financing, the difference is less than $20/month on the HD vs the XL. I'll see what kind of deal I can swing. That part is not usually my strong suit.

Thanks, Pete
Like I mentioned in your other thread, if you can wait another 4-6 weeks your dealer will be trying to liquidate his 2014 on-hand inventory to make room for the 2015 models. They will still be offering the 48 month 0% Interest and just take their best offer and give them a counter-offer of $400-$500 less. Chances are they will take you up on it just to get rid of all their 2014 inventory. Besides, all they can say is no(or maybe at least meet you half way:0)

Good luck getting a great deal!!!!




Hi everyone, I have an Ariens Mini Zoom 1534 from about 2005 (based on the copyright in the owner's manual). Looking forward to maintenance and troubleshooting tips, since I prefer to do my own servicing.




Hi guys:
I am buying a 4 acre property and the owner has an Ariens Max Zoom 60 with 26HP Kawasaki. We hope to buy this ZTR and can't wait to let you guys educate me>




Hey Y'all from muggy Tennessee. I have an 04 260Z that I bought brand new when I started a mowing business. Stopped the business but still use it at home mowing my 5+acres. I added a striping kit from a Dixie Chopper that I came across.




GREETINGS to all Gravely & Ariens mower owners! :thumbsup:

Gentleman I been using gravelys since 1968 with the 6 hp walkbehind with a steering silky a 40" mower and duals . I have a few i use every week 5660 , 5665 W/B (2) 566 and anther 5660 to rebuild 30" , 40" , 50" mower decks steering silky, ride on silky , rotary cultavator, rotary plow , ord. sprayer , chipper ,broom , blade , reel mower , fail mower ,snowblower all these atachment fit walkbehind and 4 wheel tractors except the silkys The 4 wheeler include 8199 ,( 8163B Rebuilding now ) GMT 9000 , 350 promaster , 50" 60" 72" Mowers ,snowblower , middle blade , front blade , Rear tiller , front mount PTO ,s as you see I have a few Gravelys i still service these tractors and have rebuilt many over the last 30 yrs My dad also has many he still uses including the older L models . I also have many parts from tractors i have parted out . These are great tractors and will last a life time .




New to forum traded bolens h20 for gravely 810 rider,good tractor need little more tlc.will try to upload pics.later




GREETINGS to all Gravely & Ariens mower owners! :thumbsup:

Gentleman I been using gravelys since 1968 with the 6 hp walkbehind with a steering silky a 40" mower and duals . I have a few i use every week 5660 , 5665 W/B (2) 566 and anther 5660 to rebuild 30" , 40" , 50" mower decks steering silky, ride on silky , rotary cultavator, rotary plow , ord. sprayer , chipper ,broom , blade , reel mower , fail mower ,snowblower all these atachment fit walkbehind and 4 wheel tractors except the silkys The 4 wheeler include 8199 ,( 8163B Rebuilding now ) GMT 9000 , 350 promaster , 50" 60" 72" Mowers ,snowblower , middle blade , front blade , Rear tiller , front mount PTO ,s as you see I have a few Gravelys i still service these tractors and have rebuilt many over the last 30 yrs My dad also has many he still uses including the older L models . I also have many parts from tractors i have parted out . These are great tractors and will last a life time .
I see you have lots of attachments. I'd love to get a mid blade. I have Haban 413 sickle bar mower for my short frame tractors 1972 816, 1985 8163-B.View attachment 23698




New to forum traded bolens h20 for gravely 810 rider,good tractor need little more tlc.will try to upload pics.later

Welcome. Do you have a deck for your Gravely?




Hi all..New here. Just started in the lawn business about 6 months ago so I have a lot to learn. Very glad I came across this forum. Looking forward to learning and meeting all of you.




Welcome Sandman91290




GREETINGS to all Gravely & Ariens mower owners! :thumbsup:

If you're new to the forum, please reply to this thread and introduce yourself and your mower (that is, if your mower have a name :laughing:). maybe attach a photo or two of your mower and show off your pride and joy.

Also, if you haven't done so already you can upload a user avatar (picture under your user name). You can do so by clicking on settings and "edit avatar" or just click here.

Please be helpful and friendly to all other Gravely/Ariens owners (how could you not, right?) and if you like this forum, tell your friends about it. :biggrin:

We want to make this the best resource for Gravely/Ariens mower owners, and to do that we need your help! Questions? Experiences? Stories? Data? Photos? Articles? Links? Cool Gravely/Ariens stuff? Post it here!

Last but not least, please let me know if you have any suggestions for the site. We'd love to hear them.
Have owned Gravely tractors & mowers since early 1970s. Purchased equipment both new and used. I've gotten to the point though that I'm going to sell a couple pieces because of limited indoor storage. I have a new mid-mount blade or grader blade for a 20 G tractor. The second piece is a Pro 12 h.p. 2 wheel walk behind tractor with steering handle & 30" brush hog mower (purchased new in 1994). Hour meter shows an actual 21 hours, yes 21 hours. I'd like to get these pieces into the hands of someone who appreciates Gravely equipment. Any suggestions of how to proceed, besides Craigslist?




Have owned Gravely tractors & mowers since early 1970s. Purchased equipment both new and used. I've gotten to the point though that I'm going to sell a couple pieces because of limited indoor storage. I have a new mid-mount blade or grader blade for a 20 G tractor. The second piece is a Pro 12 h.p. 2 wheel walk behind tractor with steering handle & 30" brush hog mower (purchased new in 1994). Hour meter shows an actual 21 hours, yes 21 hours. I'd like to get these pieces into the hands of someone who appreciates Gravely equipment. Any suggestions of how to proceed, besides Craigslist?
I sent you a PM. Hi, I have a few Gravely tractors 1973 816, 1985 8163-B, 1986 8123-G, 1986 8179-G, 1995 16-G. I have decks for all, three snow cannons 34", 44", 50" Haban sickle bar mower, 30" front brush mower, rotary plow with one long shaft, one shorter shaft planters, A unicorn log splitter, Rear tiller set up, 48" snow dozer blade and other attachments. Most of my tractors have front PTOs, One with rear, mid, front PTO. I would like to add a mid blade to my Gravely collection. I would like to have a crack at the mid blade.2014-08-09_18-04-55_737.jpg2014-08-09_17-59-46_175.jpg816 with sickle mower3.jpg816 with sickle mower 4.jpgGRAVELY Snow Cannon 080.jpgGRAVELY Snow Cannon 113.jpg250 (2).jpg056.jpgHere are a few of my Gravelys.




Shopping for first zero turn

GREETINGS to all Gravely & Ariens mower owners! :thumbsup:

If you're new to the forum, please reply to this thread and introduce yourself and your mower (that is, if your mower have a name :laughing:). maybe attach a photo or two of your mower and show off your pride and joy.

Also, if you haven't done so already you can upload a user avatar (picture under your user name). You can do so by clicking on settings and "edit avatar" or just click here.

Please be helpful and friendly to all other Gravely/Ariens owners (how could you not, right?) and if you like this forum, tell your friends about it. :biggrin:

We want to make this the best resource for Gravely/Ariens mower owners, and to do that we need your help! Questions? Experiences? Stories? Data? Photos? Articles? Links? Cool Gravely/Ariens stuff? Post it here!

Last but not least, please let me know if you have any suggestions for the site. We'd love to hear them.

I have finally decided to buy a zero turn. For 26 years I have used a John Deere 316 with 48" deck and kick *** snow blower that I bought used. I am now getting tired of swapping mower and blower each season change and sooner or later it will cost me a back injury (I am old). I have no idea how big an acre is. I have a half a football field in the back with 31 mature trees, a fairly normal but curvy front lawn and a taco bell parking lot size side yard. There is some slope but mostly flat. The trees have some taller roots and the annual flooding does not make for a golf course. Leaves are a huge consideration so I use a lawn vac pulled behind the JD. Entire days are lost in the leaf seasons. I do all my own maintenance (stubborn or poor, what's the difference) and the JD is becoming troublesome but never anything major. A consideration is to put some money into restoring the functionality of the 316. As an old friend, it will now only have to blow the northern Indiana snow from a long driveway and all the neighbors that I can reach each time before something breaks and returns me to the garage.

All that said, I have found a Gravely 152 Z with a 50" deck that really takes my fancy. It is pretty tired looking but then so am I. It has a double bagger on the back which is a large part of a zero turn's appeal, that and time saved mowing. I will be dumping bags a lot but not nearly so much as messing with that lawn vac. I do not yet know the year or hours, maintenance history or even owner heritage. It is simply sitting on the JD used equipment lot amidst all that green and still looking proud enough to catch my eye. Their opening price was $4,900. I have a few pictures but since I am new here I don't want to take anyone's time. Mostly I am looking for feedback on what I should be looking for (manufacturers, models to stay away, maintenance costs I would not have thought of, inherent problems, best buys i.e. traction etc...) I wish a commercial model vs residential, mostly for ego sake and because I really believe that manufacturers make some stuff really good and others pretty poor. You guys that depend on your equipment, have a cost benefit profile to meet and spend lots of time in the seat have a lot to offer me in the way of advice. I will use it for my own lawn only and whatever goodwill offerings I can make to neighbors when they aren't looking. I will do my own maintenance until I fail. I am not retired and only have about $3,000 cash. Anything over that may mean debt which I need to avoid but can do if I can find the right deal. I have internetted as much as I can, like the sound of Gravely reviews, have a dealership here in town and looked at every used mower I could. Does the $4,900 Gravely 152z sound ok, all things being equal? Advice very much appreciated.




I am going to have to reply to my own thread I think. I was the person asking about the Gravely as a first time zero turn owner. I figure I must have done something incorrectly since there were no responses. I think I have ended up going out today to buy an Exmark LZ with a 60" deck and three bag bagger.


lawn mower fanatic

lawn mower fanatic

I am going to have to reply to my own thread I think. I was the person asking about the Gravely as a first time zero turn owner. I figure I must have done something incorrectly since there were no responses. I think I have ended up going out today to buy an Exmark LZ with a 60" deck and three bag bagger.

Sorry you didn't get any responses. The Exmark LZ is a great mower. If I had the money, that's what I would buy. 90% of professionals use them in my area. Keep us posted. I think you made a good decision.




I am going to have to reply to my own thread I think. I was the person asking about the Gravely as a first time zero turn owner. I figure I must have done something incorrectly since there were no responses. I think I have ended up going out today to buy an Exmark LZ with a 60" deck and three bag bagger.

I'm sorry that any one of the zero turn know it all's did not give you the time of day. Thats because they don't like Gravely's and they are close minded and like to follow not lead. If you get an Exmark you should get all kinds of help because thats the brand lots on this forum seem to like. I had a zero turn NH but I did not use it very much and need a tractor that does more the cut grass. I could not give much help or advice on your choice, I hope more folks pay more attention to your next post. Good luck and maybe you will still keep us updated if you do buy the Exmark.




I'm sorry that any one of the zero turn know it all's did not give you the time of day. Thats because they don't like Gravely's and they are close minded and like to follow not lead. If you get an Exmark you should get all kinds of help because thats the brand lots on this forum seem to like. I had a zero turn NH but I did not use it very much and need a tractor that does more the cut grass. I could not give much help or advice on your choice, I hope more folks pay more attention to your next post. Good luck and maybe you will still keep us updated if you do buy the Exmark.

No worries! You did, and I thank you. I went to buy the Exmark LZ but there was some confusion and it would not start without a jump (they had been warned I was coming back for a good look and listen) and I was very disappointed a dealership couldn't have done some prep. When it did start the throttle did not alter the rpms so we shut it down and I walked. I told them they could do a better prep and call me if they wished to sell it. My enthusiasm was considerably dampened and I let them see that. Should be worth a few hundred bucks off the top. Thanks again for the reply.




Sorry you didn't get any responses. The Exmark LZ is a great mower. If I had the money, that's what I would buy. 90% of professionals use them in my area. Keep us posted. I think you made a good decision.

Thank you for the very positive response. If you will look at a response to the thread you will see a small glitch in the buying process. I wanted this one cause the bagger was a big one with three bags, it had a brand new short block (for some reason he seemed to think that was a good reason for it not starting) and he mentioned that the Bushings or bearings had all been replaced in the mower deck. I think. Today I paid a crew to get the leaves off the back yard. It is only an acre and a half and I was hoping to play with the Exmark but no luck and the family is coming for Easter tomorrow. Joan wanted a clean lawn and the snow blower doesn't do leaves vey well.




No worries! You did, and I thank you. I went to buy the Exmark LZ but there was some confusion and it would not start without a jump (they had been warned I was coming back for a good look and listen) and I was very disappointed a dealership couldn't have done some prep. When it did start the throttle did not alter the rpms so we shut it down and I walked. I told them they could do a better prep and call me if they wished to sell it. My enthusiasm was considerably dampened and I let them see that. Should be worth a few hundred bucks off the top. Thanks again for the reply.

Yes sir, a dealer should have checked things out before you got there. Well look at it this way, be glad you didn't buy and have it home when it didn't start. It may need a new battery. Hopefully they will have the problems fixed if you do go back. The person that installed the shortblock may have forgot to hook up the throttle when they did the install. I would look for oil leaks after you run it for a good 10-15 minutes to see if it has leaks. Do you know how many hours are on the meter? What year is it? What size deck. Any warranty? Keep us updated if you will. Happy Easter to you & yours.




Yes sir, a dealer should have checked things out before you got there. Well look at it this way, be glad you didn't buy and have it home when it didn't start. It may need a new battery. Hopefully they will have the problems fixed if you do go back. The person that installed the shortblock may have forgot to hook up the throttle when they did the install. I would look for oil leaks after you run it for a good 10-15 minutes to see if it has leaks. Do you know how many hours are on the meter? What year is it? What size deck. Any warranty? Keep us updated if you will. Happy Easter to you & yours.

Well, he's had two days to look at it and call me back. I guess he doesn't want to sell it. Yesterday we got my 79 Jeep CJ5 running after nearly 26 years so maybe the money that would have put me on a good mower will instead go into the Jeep! The Exmark was a 2006 LZ with a 60" deck and three bag bagger. The new short block and bearings made the hours less solid in my mind but I am thinking it was either 750 or 1000. I have looked at every used commercial mower in the area and the hours tend to run together. The dealer had it at one year I buy the parts he does the labor and 30 days anything breaks he fixes it free or takes it back. I was very happy with the deal until it did not work. Especially after the positive feedback from your group.

A slightly funny story. The original sales man was busy so another one took me out to show me the mower. We recognized it since one of the bags was a different color that the other two, which I had noted earlier. I was so impressed when he drove it out of the shed that I told my wife I had already nicknamed it "The Beast". It was awesome! The original salesman came running out yelling that it was the wrong mower, that one was a customers and not one for sale. I was ready for the bait and switch but they took me into the shop and showed me another one that was considerably more used (Paint and tire wear) and somehow looked smaller. He said it was the same frame size as the one we had just seen. (Does anyone know if the LZ's changed physical size since 2006?) The 23 hp Kohler motor was certainly NOT the Kawasaki one that the newer one had though! And sure as heck, it had one bag a different color than the other two also! I am sure there was no ill intent and this really was the one I had looked at in the shed on previous visits.

I probably ought to switch threads since I am now an imposter and not a new Gravely-Ariens owner. Is there a thread for us little John Deere 316 lawn tractor owners?




Thanks for having me, need a little help with my mower. I have a Gravely 160z with a 23 hp Kawasaki fh680v I bought new in 03. Have had hardly any problems, all minor. It's been a great mower, but now I'm stumped. I'm hoping for help quick as the grass never stops growing. Don't know how much help I could be in the future as I'm not the most mechanically inclined, but I will help if I can.




Having carb problems, getting plenty of fuel to carb, but doesn't run. I can pull fuel line off and dribble fuel into air intake and it will run fine. I removed bowl and float and cleaned fuel inlet as best I could "a stem of grass". Replaced but still same results. Any ideas?




New owner here and have not taken delivery yet. I just purchased a ZT HD 60 Gravely and it seems to be the ticket for my needs. I have no pictures yet as I will get it this weekend.




New owner here and have not taken delivery yet. I just purchased a ZT HD 60 Gravely and it seems to be the ticket for my needs. I have no pictures yet as I will get it this weekend.

Sounds great and we will be waiting for pictures.




Got my mower yesterday, the ZT HD 60. It arrived setup and ready to go. I filled the gas tank, checked the oil levels, set the deck height and off I went. I discovered the ins and outs of the stick steering as there is a fairly short learning curve. By the end of my mowing job (approx. 4 - 5 acres) I felt pretty competent and the job took less time than before with my lawn tractor.

The quality of cut is very good and the mower is very responsive. My wife & I are very pleased with the yard's appearance. I had to learn to not make sudden steering adjustments. The seat is quite comfortable and I don't think I'll need the suspension kit as they are putting a better seat on the latest ones. My yard has several rough areas and it didn't jar me too badly. Overall I am very pleased with it. I actually look forward to mowing again!

This one has the Kohler 26HP engine on it. It looks like the oil filter will be a bit hard to reach but they put a hose on the oil drain to make that process easier. I think Ill make an extension for it to direct the flow when I drain it to prevent a mess. I feel that we made a good decision and I would recommend this machine. I have a good feeling about my dealer and time will tell.

Below are some images I took with my phone after the first mowing.




next level

Re: New ZTR Pro turn 152

Just purchased a new Pro Turn 152 last Monday. After much research I thought this was the ztr to replace my 15 year old Toro z master. I was surprised at how much faster It was without giving up any quality in the cut. The Pro turn along with my 36" Gravely walk behind should hopefully make my customers happy.:rolleyes:




I don't think I've posted in this thread in a long time. I bought a Gravely 34Z as my first zero turn. Loved it. A couple came over to look at a Toro Turfmaster I had for sale. The wife looked at the 34Z and asked how much. I told her it wasn't for sale. She asked again. I told her she would have to make an offer I couldn't refuse. She did. I went through 5 or 6 ztr's after that but none of them fit in my business niche. I finally found another 34Z at a decent price and bought it. I'm set.




Checking in. I just bought a Gravely ZT HD 52" and I broke it the first time out! I hope you guys can help me out.

I also have a 1960's model Gravely 5200 walk-behind that I use for gardening and stuff. I have a tiller, cultivator, brush cutter and rotary plow for it.




GREETINGS to all Gravely & Ariens mower owners! :thumbsup:

If you're new to the forum, please reply to this thread and introduce yourself and your mower (that is, if your mower have a name :laughing:). maybe attach a photo or two of your mower and show off your pride and joy.

Also, if you haven't done so already you can upload a user avatar (picture under your user name). You can do so by clicking on settings and "edit avatar" or just click here.

Please be helpful and friendly to all other Gravely/Ariens owners (how could you not, right?) and if you like this forum, tell your friends about it. :biggrin:

We want to make this the best resource for Gravely/Ariens mower owners, and to do that we need your help! Questions? Experiences? Stories? Data? Photos? Articles? Links? Cool Gravely/Ariens stuff? Post it here!

Last but not least, please let me know if you have any suggestions for the site. We'd love to hear them.
Got a new ariens mower for fathers day, its my first ariens. I live in Indiana and the weather has not let me enjoy it much this week so Im looking forward to some sun shine




Checking in. I just bought a Gravely ZT HD 52" and I broke it the first time out! I hope you guys can help me out.

I also have a 1960's model Gravely 5200 walk-behind that I use for gardening and stuff. I have a tiller, cultivator, brush cutter and rotary plow for it.

Did you get it fixed? It is under warranty, correct?
to jemhood



MA-X Rider

As promised, I finally have some pictures of the Gravely Sunshade and the Advance Autoparts driving light kit I installed over the winter. The weather here in Middle TN has "forgotten it is Spring" the last few weeks but yesterday was sunny and 62 degrees(we had some mid-70's end-of February/beginning of March) and the ground had dried enough from the rain(and snow flurries) over the last two weeks so I took advantage of the break(rain again off and on today and all Easter weekend) to get the Gravely out, mow and take some pictures(see attachments).
To describe the pics I am posting in order, they are as follows:
1)Wire routing for left Driving Light.
2)Close-up of right Driving Light.
3)Close-up of left Driving Light.
4)Front view of Gravely with Sunshade and Driving Lights.

It appears that the forum has a maximum size limit for jpeg attachments as the 5th picture I tried to upload hung up? So I will post the remaining pictures and their descriptions in separate thread posts following this one.

I need to add lights to mine also, I need to mow after work if the weather is bad on the weekend. I was planning on using led's to minimize the battery draw, but they are very expensive for decent ones.
Have you had any issues with the 55watt lights you used?




Ariens mower parts at mowpart.com

I am new to this forum so I wanted to let everyone know that I can help with any questions you may have about Ariens mower parts or technical questions concerning Ariens lawn mowers and equipment. Our dealership is Four Brothers Outdoor Power. (fourbros.com) We have been in business since 1978. We have Sold Ariens lawn mowers and Ariens mower parts for over 20 years. Our staff is here to help you! We are currently running a special on Ariens mower parts at our online store mowpart.com. just use the coupon code: 15off

I hope to hear from you soon!

Russell Kelly
Lawn Mower Parts belts blades spindles electric clutch



bro mark

Hey folks. Went to the local mower shop today to look at the exmarks, and saw several gravelys sitting there. To tell the truth, I had never heard of gravelys. I didn't pay them much attention until one of the shop mechanics said he preferred the gravelys over the exmarks. I looked one over, test drove it, and liked it ( and I am a former skag tiger cub owner, so I have a good idea of what a quality zt is). Prices are comparable with exmark, but the gravely just fit me better ( I am 6'6"). I couldn't find any overly negative reviews, SOOOOOOO, I am a new gravely owner. 2015 ZT HD 48" with the kawasaki engine. Looking forward to spending some time on this forum!!!




Sorry I posted before Checking in... I have a New Gravely 2014 ZT XL 54 Kohler Love the mower but am experiencing an issue... Looking forward to being a part of the group.





New member here. I currently have a Gravely PM34Z that I've been cutting my personal lawn with for the last 12 years. It's been a great mower and only has 254 hours on it, but as I've gotten older and heavier, I've been thinking of upgrading to a larger mower. My local dealer has a demo ProTurn 52 with 30 hrs for $5900 and he'll also pick up the taxes for me.

I'm thinking its a pretty good deal but have reservations about buying a demo machine. Has anyone here had any experience with demo machines that can offer me an opinion? I appreciate any feedback you guys (or gals) can offer.

Many thanks!




I need to add lights to mine also, I need to mow after work if the weather is bad on the weekend. I was planning on using led's to minimize the battery draw, but they are very expensive for decent ones.
Have you had any issues with the 55watt lights you used?

Nope, that kit is inexpensive and I have had no problems with it, the battery or charging system since installing it. Works great for the money!!





New member here. I currently have a Gravely PM34Z that I've been cutting my personal lawn with for the last 12 years. It's been a great mower and only has 254 hours on it, but as I've gotten older and heavier, I've been thinking of upgrading to a larger mower. My local dealer has a demo ProTurn 52 with 30 hrs for $5900 and he'll also pick up the taxes for me.

I'm thinking its a pretty good deal but have reservations about buying a demo machine. Has anyone here had any experience with demo machines that can offer me an opinion? I appreciate any feedback you guys (or gals) can offer.

Many thanks!

I'm new to Gravely(bought my 2012 Pro-Turn 152(52" 100XDZ......a model step up from the base Pro-Turn) in September 2012. Can't give you advice regarding demos as mine was new when I bought it....but 30 hours is pretty low(mine has just over 93 hours after 3 mowing seasons). Is your PM34Z a rider, lawn tractor, etc??

The deal you mention for a Pro-Turn 52 sounds VERY attractive. You do not mention, however, which engine that demo has which can make a $300-$400 difference in price. My 2012 Pro-Turn 152 has the Kawasaki engine, which most on these forums consider to currently be the best ZTR engines and they are more expensive than the alternative Kohler engine. Most likely the demo is a 2015 model since most Gravely dealers(I know mine does) get their new year model(2016) initial shipment in the Fall just after Thanksgiving. My dealer's website shows his pricing for 2015 & 2016 Pro-Turn 52's with the Kawasaki and Kohler engines. The 2015 Kawi(Model#991208) is $ 6,749 and the 2016 Kawi(Model#991210) is $7,259 meaning the annual price increase was $510. The 2015 Kohler(Model#991201) shows $6,499 and the 2016 Kohler(Model#991212) is $$6,849 meaning the price for 2016 Pro-Turn 52 models with Kohler engines only went up $350.

All that being said....you need to ask the dealer if it is a 2015 or 2016 model and which engine it has. If it has the Kawasaki, that $5900 OTD is a VERY good price!! Also ask if his service tech would recheck all components and re-torque all nuts/bolts(my dealer did all that as delivery prep)I assume it is a 2015 and if it has the Kohler that would make the deal $$599 off(plus tax). If it is a 2015 with the Kawasaki it would be a much better deal at $849 off(plus tax). I waited until the Fall to buy a leftover floor model just before the 2013 models were scheduled to arrive. This is a "little better" time to drive a hard bargain with a dealer because he wants this year's floor models gone when the new models arrive in late Fall. But early spring for a leftover model(especially a demo) should be almost as good of a time for a dealer to make a good deal. Just as a comparison the MSRP price, including taxes for my 2012 Pro-Turn 152 was $7.782.93 and I got it for $6,800 cash OTD(out-the-door and I picked it up so no delivery fee). That, plus the 2013 model price increase of $300(if I had waited and got a 2013 the next Spring) saved me almost $1,300 which I considered a "good deal". I hope all this info helps you determine whether to get that Pro-Turn. I can say one thing.....I have never looked back(and I looked at as LOT of ZTR's before buying) on my Gravely purchase, highly recommend them and think you would be buying the last lawn mowing machine you would ever need.




Hey guys, gals,

I'm a fairly new Ariens owner and am from central Illinois. Thanks for allowing me to be part of the forum!
As with many of you, I am experiencing some difficultly with my fairly new machine. I'll be posting my problem, hopefully someone here can lend some insight.





When you do post your problem, please do so in a new thread with a title stating wht the problem is.
Also include the model number of the mower and the make & model number of the engine.

Welcome and good luck




New Gravely owner here. I bought a 34Z (model number 991022) from my neighbor for $100. It sat in his brother's front yard for 4 years and has some issues, but I really don't want to pay $100 an hour to the dealership to fix it. I have some knowledge (also have a Ford 8n that always needs work!) and the time to work on it since it is an extra mower.

I need to find a few parts, starting with the carburetor. I have done a web search and found a big fat ZERO!!! Any help would be appreciated...





New Gravely owner here. I bought a 34Z (model number 991022) from my neighbor for $100. It sat in his brother's front yard for 4 years and has some issues, but I really don't want to pay $100 an hour to the dealership to fix it. I have some knowledge (also have a Ford 8n that always needs work!) and the time to work on it since it is an extra mower.

I need to find a few parts, starting with the carburetor. I have done a web search and found a big fat ZERO!!! Any help would be appreciated...


Ronny see my response in the Ariens / Gravely forum.
Other please put your welcome messages here and your help messages in the Ariens / Gravely forum.
And Ronny, plese refrain from multi posing it gets a lot of people confused.




Hello, from Maine, new owner of a 252z 52" Gravely, looking for spindles, seems Gravely is tight on older info, can't even find a year for this thing. Is there a date of manufacture somewhere? Model #992128 serial #000579.




Hi, My name is John Snyder. in 2014 I purchased, a Gravely 42 xl zt, Love it, After many issues with a troy built I needed to get away from MTD (made to die)
I look forward to the advice.




Help! No crank issue

okay, my 2014 Gravely zt 42xl is sick. Couple weeks ago I had an issue where I would have to bump the key in order to start mower. yesterday I was mowing, Hit a bump and the engine died, I restarted and it ran roughfor a few seconds. I started mowing again, mowed about 2 mins. and it died again, turned key- nothing happened. I changed the solenoid, still nothing, Fuse is good, When I jump across solenoid it will crank but not start. If I take it to dealer it will be 6 weeks min. before I get it back.





Looks like it is just not your day and putting a problem in the Howdy Doody section is not going to make your day any better.:thumbdown:
Please start a fresh post ( new topic ) with a title "my 2014 Gravely zt 42xl won't crank or fire"
Then describe what you have, mower model number and engine model number.
Followed by what you have just posted in a section that most of the techs never visit.
Thus those with trade access can pull down your wiring diagram and tell you where to start looking.




After spending way too many hours researching and searching for a new zero turn I finally pulled the trigger today on a ZT XL 42. Did a little mowing in the backyard and it's going to take some getting used to, little steeper learning curve than I was expecting!




If you are new to ZTR's then try this.
Assuming you are right handed ( reverse for LH )
Use your left hand for speed control and do all the steering with the right hand.
This will kill all of the overcompensating that happens with new ZTR's
Concentrate on the steering hand & mentally ignore the speed hand.
In a couple of mows you will have developed the muscle memory required to operate the machine without conscious thought.




If you are new to ZTR's then try this.
Assuming you are right handed ( reverse for LH )
Use your left hand for speed control and do all the steering with the right hand.
This will kill all of the overcompensating that happens with new ZTR's
Concentrate on the steering hand & mentally ignore the speed hand.
In a couple of mows you will have developed the muscle memory required to operate the machine without conscious thought.

I had read your advice in other threads and was trying to do that tonight, haha. I'll give it another go tomorrow, sure made it more fun than the old lawn tractor I'd been using!




4 years ago I had never seen a ZTR let alone driven one.
I was happily tromping around resterants & hotel delivering booze.
Then I turned 60 and suddenly was "too old" so my contract was not renewed.
I bought Berts then all of a sudden not only had to drive ZTR's but fix them as well and that required me driving flat out during testing.
I managed to flip 1 and roll 2 more before I managed to master a technique to quickly aclimatise myself to what ever breed of ZTR I got presented with.
And of course I get them when they are not behaving properly and a lot belong to lawn care companies so have been tweeked to run faster.
A lot have shortened lap bars so 3" of movement goes from stand still to 10mph.
Washed a lot of undies in the first year.
Even now there are a couple of Danes that scare me to drive.




Re: Help! No crank issue

I would try is checking the key switch, then jumping the seat and parking brake safety switches to see if they are the cause. My mower is finicky with steering arms having to be in the right position to start.




4 years ago I had never seen a ZTR let alone driven one.
I was happily tromping around resterants & hotel delivering booze.
Then I turned 60 and suddenly was "too old" so my contract was not renewed.
I bought Berts then all of a sudden not only had to drive ZTR's but fix them as well and that required me driving flat out during testing.
I managed to flip 1 and roll 2 more before I managed to master a technique to quickly aclimatise myself to what ever breed of ZTR I got presented with.
And of course I get them when they are not behaving properly and a lot belong to lawn care companies so have been tweeked to run faster.
A lot have shortened lap bars so 3" of movement goes from stand still to 10mph.
Washed a lot of undies in the first year.
Even now there are a couple of Danes that scare me to drive.
This morning went a lot smoother using that method, got the front yard mowed and managed to keep fairly straight lines. I don't think I gained much as far as reduced trim work with the ZTR yet since I don't trust myself to get that close. On the 42 the deck is barely wider than the tires, like 1", no more than 2", so getting too close will likely be a problem.




GREETINGS to all Gravely & Ariens mower owners! :thumbsup:

If you're new to the forum, please reply to this thread and introduce yourself and your mower (that is, if your mower have a name :laughing:). maybe attach a photo or two of your mower and show off your pride and joy.

Also, if you haven't done so already you can upload a user avatar (picture under your user name). You can do so by clicking on settings and "edit avatar" or just click here.

Please be helpful and friendly to all other Gravely/Ariens owners (how could you not, right?) and if you like this forum, tell your friends about it. :biggrin:

We want to make this the best resource for Gravely/Ariens mower owners, and to do that we need your help! Questions? Experiences? Stories? Data? Photos? Articles? Links? Cool Gravely/Ariens stuff? Post it here!

Last but not least, please let me know if you have any suggestions for the site. We'd love to hear them.

Here are a few pictures of my Ariens Ikon-X 42". This is at my mom-in-laws after mowing there. I just got this in June of this year and so far am very pleased with it.





Hi All,

Just checking in - was looking online for a hydro belt diagram for my 4 year Gravely ZT 48 XL when I ran across the forum, looks like a DIY er's lifeline.




11 yr old Gravely Mini ZT 1534 here. After much troubleshooting am almost outa ammo. Am currently wondering where they hid the 'start relay' as it's the source for the coil kill lead & the fuel solenoid. Other than that I'm just your avg ol' Okie w/ a cranky wife & a broke mower. (the relationship is obvious, as long as she doesn't see this)




Hi, My name is Ken T, I inherited a ezr 1648 mower with lots of hours on it but it still runs well. I am having a problem with the right steering that is much more severe than the left one. does anyone have any suggestions.

Thanks Ken




Hi, My name is Ken T, I inherited a ezr 1648 mower with lots of hours on it but it still runs well. I am having a problem with the right steering that is much more severe than the left one. does anyone have any suggestions.

Thanks Ken

Yes Ken.,

Secondly please start a new post in the Gravely/Ariens section.
Call it EZR 1648 Steering problems.
Post the engine make & model numbers and the model & serial of your mower.
IF you cant find the tag then a photo of the mower will be a big help.
This is the Hoody Doody thread and very few problems posted in here get fixed.

Click on the green coloured text near the top of the page that says Gravely/Ariens Forum.
On the left side of the new window is a green box with Post New Thread in white.
Click on this then name your post and state your problems
We are here to help but it is easier to help you if we can find you in the place we go looking for people who need help.




New to Forum

GREETINGS to all Gravely & Ariens mower owners! :thumbsup:

If you're new to the forum, please reply to this thread and introduce yourself and your mower (that is, if your mower have a name :laughing:). maybe attach a photo or two of your mower and show off your pride and joy.

Also, if you haven't done so already you can upload a user avatar (picture under your user name). You can do so by clicking on settings and "edit avatar" or just click here.

Please be helpful and friendly to all other Gravely/Ariens owners (how could you not, right?) and if you like this forum, tell your friends about it. :biggrin:

We want to make this the best resource for Gravely/Ariens mower owners, and to do that we need your help! Questions? Experiences? Stories? Data? Photos? Articles? Links? Cool Gravely/Ariens stuff? Post it here!

Last but not least, please let me know if you have any suggestions for the site. We'd love to hear them.

I'm new to this forum so I hope I'm using correct procedure. I recently purchased a Gravely ZTX 52 with a 25HP Kohler engine. My question is,,How can I change oil without spilling it all over the deck. Previously owned an older Gravely and it had a drain tube that rann to back of mower. I have checked everywhere I know and no one seems to make a drain kit for this mower. HELP!




Kohler offers an oil drain valve for the CH25 that has a barbed fitting on the end allowing you to attach a drain hose. It's in the Kohler accessory catalog. In lieu of having a drain valve you might be able to construct an easy way to divert the oil from running all over the place. Position the mower with the drain plug angled slightly downward using a jack or placing a block of wood under the wheels etc. Take a piece of aluminum foil and fold it into two or three layers to form a trough. Place a napkin under where the drain plug comes out of the engine and place the foil trough in the same position so that it will divert the oil into a suitable container. You still might get a little oil spillage but not as much as letting it run out all over the place.




Tks-will check it out. Sounds like it might do the trick




John, here in Florida with a 2003 ZT144 992042 model. Bought it new and it is a beast. May be getting near the end of its service life though.




Bruce from Texas here. Just purchased 2017 ZT XD. So far very impressed with new design.




Hey everyone,

I have a Gravely 988059 (Pro 150) that my dad gave me. It's old and has a few issues that'll I be posting for help/assistance.

Problem 1: The steering control on the left hand side is sluggish and almost non-responsive. I'm looking at the diagram of parts and think I may need to replace a few springs. Any guidance here is appreciated.

Problem 2: One of the mower blades doesn't turn. In fact, my dad tried to change it and the actual nut itself couldn't be taken off when he wanted to replace the blades. Also, loosening nuts have been insanely difficult on the mowing deck. Any advice? I've tried every loosening spray in existence (I think). I can post pictures if that will help.

Problem 3: One of the external retaining rings on the right hand drive shaft is non-existent. I think I can replace, but not sure if it takes skill or not.

Lastly, what tools do you all recommend I have in my workshop in order to do repairs/replacement/maintenance work?




Re: New to Forum

I'm new to this forum so I hope I'm using correct procedure. I recently purchased a Gravely ZTX 52 with a 25HP Kohler engine. My question is,,How can I change oil without spilling it all over the deck. Previously owned an older Gravely and it had a drain tube that rann to back of mower. I have checked everywhere I know and no one seems to make a drain kit for this mower. HELP!
I'm not familiar with your mower but would guess a similar drain tube could be put on it. If nothing else, you can get an oil siphon (can't remember the mfg of the one I have) and siphon the oil out of the dipstick tube.




I've spent my entire life with two riding mowers. A 1969 Murray Super Deluxe 25" that lasted until the mid 90's, and a Craftsman (AYP) 42" LT1000. I'm the son of a career mechanic. He kept the Murray running for over 20 years and I kept it going the last few. It was sold and still mowed well on flat ground. I kept the Craftsman going. It still runs, but it's worn out and I have a large yard with plenty of stuff to mow around. I finally got myself a Cadillac...a Gravely ZT HD 52".





Checking in per instructions. Considering the Gravely ZT XL 42 for my 1 acre yard but wanted to do some research first and forums are usually good places to start.

I know the ZT X utilizes sealed hydrostatic trannies versus the XL using heavier rebuildable units. I tend to like rebuildable over throw away but the extra $1k upcharge warrants some inquiry on my part to see what people think of each type that have actually used them so comments are appreciated.

Also, Gravely of course tries to promote their own oils and filters for the ZT2800 transaxles at $100 but 5 quarts of oil, 2 filters, and some fittings/hose/pump bits do not add up to anywhere near $100 unless you are looking for crazy profit margins so are there commercially available alternatives for the oil and filter anyone is aware of?

Lastly, are there any other things I should be aware of on these mowers? Especially from the standpoint of "only the dealer can do this work". I like to do my own service and maintenance and understand the design of the equipment I have around my house. Paying someone else so I can stay oblivious is not really an option for me.

Any feedback is much appreciated. Of course, I will spend some time reviewing topics/threads on this forum and I apologize if I am asking questions already posed in other threads. Some forum members from other forums I have been a member of get kinda cranky about that kind of thing.

Well, gotta get back to work......enough daydreaming about a new tool to zoom around on!




Hi guys. Brand new to the forum. I have a Gravely pro turn 148. That will not start. Like one of the previous questions it sometimes will just click! Sometimes not even that. The starter is new, put on by a gravely dealer. I think there is a short some wher because even when the mower was running it would sometimes act like it was dying , and sometime would die for no reason. Need some help




I had a Craftsman (AYP) lawn tractor that did that. Turned out to be a bad safety switch under the seat. The Gravely needs the seat, parking brake, and deck clutch safety switches working to start. Might try temporarily bypassing them one at a time before moving to something more complex.




I have a Gravely 42" ZT with 23 hp. Kawasaki engine. I bought it new in 2012.Has been a great mower with no problems.:smile:




New Gravely owner ZT HD 48"





I own a 1963 Gravely Model L with a 30" mower, snow blower, plow, and recently purchased a sickle mower. Everything still runs fine and I'm now searching for the correct blades for the sickle mower.





I am the newest North Carolinian to the forum. I purchased a Gravely 460 with the Kubota Diesel over 2 yrs ago. I looked at the Walker, Ferris, Hustler and Deere mowers before deciding on the Gravely. The air ride seat and Kubota diesel were the deciding factors on my selection. I have not been disappointed. It is a mowing monster.

Mowing for me is like having a psychiatrist. I can put on my headphones, listen to my music and relax. For this reason I call my mower "Dr G.". When I mow, the Dr is "IN".Gravely Mower.jpg




I am the newest North Carolinian to the forum. I purchased a Gravely 460 with the Kubota Diesel over 2 yrs ago. I looked at the Walker, Ferris, Hustler and Deere mowers before deciding on the Gravely. The air ride seat and Kubota diesel were the deciding factors on my selection. I have not been disappointed. It is a mowing monster.

Mowing for me is like having a psychiatrist. I can put on my headphones, listen to my music and relax. For this reason I call my mower "Dr G.". When I mow, the Dr is "IN".View attachment 32932
I don't see it in their lineup anymore. Too bad if it was discontinued.




GREETINGS to all Gravely & Ariens mower owners! :thumbsup:

If you're new to the forum, please reply to this thread and introduce yourself and your mower (that is, if your mower have a name :laughing:). maybe attach a photo or two of your mower and show off your pride and joy.

Also, if you haven't done so already you can upload a user avatar (picture under your user name). You can do so by clicking on settings and "edit avatar" or just click here.

Please be helpful and friendly to all other Gravely/Ariens owners (how could you not, right?) and if you like this forum, tell your friends about it. :biggrin:

We want to make this the best resource for Gravely/Ariens mower owners, and to do that we need your help! Questions? Experiences? Stories? Data? Photos? Articles? Links? Cool Gravely/Ariens stuff? Post it here!

Last but not least, please let me know if you have any suggestions for the site. We'd love to hear them.

I just started using my Ariens LM21, it's great. Just wanted to know if anyone knows where I can get a service manual and any kinks I should look for.





Howdy, folks! I'm new to the forum. I have a ZT Gravely model 915116 with a 50" deck. I purchased the mower in June of 2010 and it is running well, albeit with mostly expected maintenance issues. I change out motor oil each season but I am very lax on the oil filter replacement, like perhaps (2) filters in these last 7 years.

I thought it would be interesting to someone to know some of the things that went bad during 7 years into current service life:

The OEM battery conked out after 4 years of service, sound familiar to any of you? :frown:
I've nearly shredded my PTO belt due to my own foolish mistake of not routing the belt properly. It makes a horrid noise which I mistaken for pulley bearings going bad and finally realize after 2 minutes of the belt screaming at me and little power to the blades that I missed one of the pulleys and the belt is scraping on a pulley hub and sharp edge of pulley.

I do sharpen the blades myself once at start of mowing season and perhaps mid-season if the grass is particularly in a growth spurt.

I had problems with the forward/reverse/turn levers causing horrible jerking action, threatening to give me whiplash. Fixed with 2016 purchase of (2) dampers (they look like small shock absorbers). Amazing difference, smooth sailing again! :cool:

My current "trauma" is a bad PTO relay which I will cover in a later post.




I am the proud owner of a Gravely 460 that was part of a warranty dispute with MTD. I did try a gravely loaner when my Cub was in for service and I didn't like it at all bad cut rough ride and just not pleased with it. My BIL brought jis over and I tried it although it was step gown from the loaner it was a lot better. I then tried the 460 and the air ride seat sold me.




I had a Craftsman (AYP) lawn tractor that did that. Turned out to be a bad safety switch under the seat. The Gravely needs the seat, parking brake, and deck clutch safety switches working to start. Might try temporarily bypassing them one at a time before moving to something more complex.

Seat is not in the starting circuit for any mower.
Never has been and never will be because techs need to be able to service them.
Being required to disable the seat switch in order to service the mower leads to the chance that the tech will forget to enable it before the machine is returned to the owner.



Tony T.

Hey everyone just joined up and was wanting to say hello. Hoping to get some questions answered for my new to me Ariens RM830e lawn tractor.





Hey All,

Just a quick introduction from Ohio. Attached is a picture of the 8163T I inherited from my Father, who inherited it from his father, who bought it brand new. It's been sitting for 10-15 years and needs some TLC; I want to pass it along to another good home and pick up a Gravely zero-turn, the research on which led me to this forum.





Hello everyone. Georgia boy here with a new Ariens ikon x 52". So far I love it and the Kawasaki engine. But I was wondering if I could put bigger tires on the rear and front for better ride and traction? I would only want to go up one size to a 20" on back and 13" on front.
My Ariens.jpg




You have to measure for clearance in the front. Back would work just fine as it will not make any difference in ride quality. 1" equals 1/2" ride difference. Make sure when you are done that the deck is still level.




Hi all. I joined the forum today. I'm in So IL & enjoy the country air, mow over an acre with a JD rider. Don't know what I'd do w/o forums like this since I enjoy working on stuff. Last summer found an abandoned Gravely ZT1844 as winter-time project and want to post a couple questions. It's been sitting outside for 2 or 3 yrs. Symptom was that after warm, it tends to turn right. This thing was packed with leaves & trash, & more importantly on top of the hydro motors was 1/2 in of dried, caked, oil/dirt, grass clippings. So, before anything else, I completely disassembled the mower and pressure washed these motors. Now I see the Hydro Gear motors # 01589000 R, and 01588900 L. I think a good clue was after I removed drive belt and spun the pulleys on the motors back & forth, the Right one is slightly easier to spin. Also the oil on top of Right motor may have been from a bad engine because it now has a like new 20hp. I looked at the blow-up on line and still don't see a way to check the fluid level, or change it for that matter. Also, I see a Seal Kit available on line. Any thoughts are appreciated. Fixxit




Hi all. I joined the forum today. I'm in So IL & enjoy the country air, mow over an acre with a JD rider. Don't know what I'd do w/o forums like this since I enjoy working on stuff. Last summer found an abandoned Gravely ZT1844 as winter-time project and want to post a couple questions. It's been sitting outside for 2 or 3 yrs. Symptom was that after warm, it tends to turn right. This thing was packed with leaves & trash, & more importantly on top of the hydro motors was 1/2 in of dried, caked, oil/dirt, grass clippings. So, before anything else, I completely disassembled the mower and pressure washed these motors. Now I see the Hydro Gear motors # 01589000 R, and 01588900 L. I think a good clue was after I removed drive belt and spun the pulleys on the motors back & forth, the Right one is slightly easier to spin. Also the oil on top of Right motor may have been from a bad engine because it now has a like new 20hp. I looked at the blow-up on line and still don't see a way to check the fluid level, or change it for that matter. Also, I see a Seal Kit available on line. Any thoughts are appreciated. Fixxit

Go to http://www.hydro-gear.com/service-and-repair-manuals/ scroll down to ZT-2400 IZT, ZT-2600 CIZT anclick on it. Page 8 and 9 fill port and drain port.




Hello everyone. Not new to the forum, but new to the Gravely section. New owner of a 2018 ZTHD. No issues yet, only 5 hours on it, but already can't get the first factory accessory I bought to fit right, off to the search bar, thanks for having me.




I'm a long-time no-lot city/zero-lot suburban dweller (traveled for work 100% for 12 of my last 15, worked in 60 cities over 30 states) who wanted to settle down in central Alabama with 3 acres. So now, obviously, I'm clearly over my head.

After a couple of weeks of reading, timing the purchase of our new homestead rather poorly, I finally just went with the Ariens IKON X-52 with the Kohler 24hp (went back'n forth on Kawi v. Kohler), M/N 915222. Yeah, one of those Home Depot/Lowe's specials for under $3K, mainly so I could get delivered, and in a week (still working on buying a 6'+ wide trailer).

This is my first ever riding lawnmower, zero-turn obviously, but I didn't want to drop $5K+. Maybe in a number of years I'll change that. If you saw me this weekend in central Alabama, I was the idiot learning how to not flip myself over, learning why one always take gradients head-on, and was basically a divot making fool for at least the first half of my run.

That said, after I eventually graduate from "lawn clueless" to "wannabe novice," my next order of business is to get my lawn under control. So feel free to PM me if you're a glutton for punishment as I'm a complete noob to all this. Otherwise you'll probably see me posting, more like screaming (I promise not to use CAPS) on the forums as I take my first spring and summer challenges head-on, and fail quite expectedly.

For those so inclined to start reading (and laughing) now ...

From the looks of it, the previous owner didn't do any pre-emergent herbicide last September, and I'm dealing with dandis, crab and probably a half dozen other weeds -- and I'm just learning all this too, barely scratching the surface, and throwing out terms I just learned, like 2,4-D. The simple solution I'm starting with is the mulch kit, as mulching is supposed to help enrich the soil over time (probably a couple of years in my yard's case).

I was also looking at my options for a towed sprayers, after adding the hitch, of course. From the Ariens site, it's not showing my M/N as compatible with their own sprayer unit. I have a feeling that the low-cost IKON probably doesn't offer (or Ariens doesn't recommend one rig up a solution tied to its battery for) an electrically powered sprayer. Just curious what my options are.​




New here(obviously), I have an older gravely at home bought used, and an older one at work. 2044zt mine; 1840zt work. both good mowers and very operator friendly. I use the gravely at work over our Dixie chopper because of ease of use. just had a problem with "chattering" on acceleration on both mowers, but 2 idler pulleys and oem belt fixed them right up. just took a while to figure out, so if anyone has the same issue, check idler pulleys for slack.




Hello, I'm trying to keep my Ariens alive. I asked a question about the transmission. Or rear end.
Model 936061 00 A.




Hi everyone - I'm Pat. I have a 2015 Gravely ZTX-42 that won't start. Came here looking for ideas, hoping it's something simple. I charged the battery, but that didn't work, so tonight I'll try to check the fuse. It's still under warranty, so I'm not overly concerned, but I wanted to rule out the little/easy stuff prior to calling the dealer.



Weed Whisperer

Hello! New to site just checking in. Just bought a gravely zt hd 48. Impressed with the quality of construction and handling. So far so good!




Hey guys just got a Gravely zt hd 52. I love it EXCEPT for this rattle noise that seems to be coming more from the left side when the pto is engaged and kind of whirs up and down. I dont think its the springs rattling against the cover, kind of seems like theres not enough belt tension in general and it vibrates the entire deck too much. Looks as though others have had it as well and hoping to find a fix. I’ve already spoken with my dealer about it and hes going to contact Gravely tech to see if they know anything.




Hi Johnny C here

I purchased a ZT HD 52 34 days ago and other than two hopefully curable nits, I really like the machine - the ckippings over the edge should be curtailed by a baffle but the rattling deck is ongoing hope Gravely addresses it. Anyway, I'm in Virginia with a mostly flatish 1.2ac to mow, not that much for the Gravely but its a show/fun horse as much as a workhorse.....talk about jealous neignbors "awesome dude" "daaaaayum guy" "is that a Formula 1 mini or what ?"




Steven--I have a 2010 Ariens 42" 0960460001 with 18hp Kohler. I cut about 2 acres.




I'm "cootertwo" 68 years old, and just bought my very first brand new riding mower! Always had hand-me-downs, or something I drug home from a trash pile. Now the proud owner of a Gravely ZTX42, and so far, only mowed once, (1 acre) I LOVE IT! 24 hp Kohler purrs like a kitten. Love the way Gravely uses easily removable pin clips, here and there, instead of cotter pins or one way washers. VERY well built, fabricated deck.:thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup:




Hello all. I am a long time Ariens owner. Currently have an Ariens Max Zoom 60" ZeroTurn. Had it about 9 years now. Love it. Gets the job done very effectively. Only regret is not getting the bagger when I bought it.




Newbie here I have an mid-80's Ariens ST24 Snow Blower with a 28" Clipper Deck rotary mower attachment.

Areiens ST24 wClipper Deck.jpg




New guy here, thanks for the admission to the forum. I need a zero turn to cut 1.5 acres. Prefer Kawasaki power and at least ZT-2800 drive units and fabricated deck. Looked at all kinds, still lost. Price point $3,500 or so. Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks, G




New guy here, thanks for the admission to the forum. I need a zero turn to cut 1.5 acres. Prefer Kawasaki power and at least ZT-2800 drive units and fabricated deck. Looked at all kinds, still lost. Price point $3,500 or so. Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks, G

Gilligan..I gust perched this Ariens 42" XL Very happy with this unit it exceeded my expectations with Cut quality.









New guy here, thanks for the admission to the forum. I need a zero turn to cut 1.5 acres. Prefer Kawasaki power and at least ZT-2800 drive units and fabricated deck. Looked at all kinds, still lost. Price point $3,500 or so. Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks, G

I believe the Gravely ZT XL 42" is the lowest priced Kawasaki/ZT-2800 machine, but I don't know if you can find it for $3500. I think the equivalent Ariens only comes with a Kohler. On the up side, mowing season is on the downhill side, so you might find some end of season deals.





Hello all. My name is Kevin and I purchased a Gravely 2017 ZT HD 52 at the beginning of this year. Very happy with it for the most part. Looking forward spending time here.




My mower is Gravely 144Z Model 992042 SN 000526

This is my first ZT here looking for any info on repair and maintenance for my newly acquired high hour (+ 2000 hr.) Gravely.
It runs it drivers , needing bit of maintenance. The deck baffling is a bit beat up and want get it back in order along with a long list of other repairs .

So I am here to gather information .




My name is John in the Dallas area of Texas. I bought a used Gravely Pro-Turn 260 last May.




I'm looking at a Gravely Gem but haven't taken the plunge yet. It ran summer before last when it was replaced then it sat all last summer and now it won't start. I'm betting the carb needs gone through. My real question is concerning parts availability and support. This is a pretty old machine but if well cared for should have many years left if the occasional part can be found. Any info here on the forum on this machine is very much appreciated. The current owner thinks it has a 54" deck does this sound right?




i have several Gravely toys I have picked up through the years. Two 20G riders an L8 and LI walk behind both electric start with brush hog mowers, rotary plow and tillers. Found a GMT 9000 that has been partly restored which has caught my interest. Only problem doesn't have the transmission with the rear PTO installed or the three point rear lift either. If anyone knows of an available one the as these features I would be interested.



Treflan Can

Just purchased. Gravely ProTurn 160 with Yamaha engine
Very powerful and rugged



Avid Fan

I guess this is right. Greetings to all you Gravely drivers. Some years ago I traded a 54 inch JD for a 60 inch ZT HD Gravely and haven't looked back since. Great mower and seems tough as a pine knot. It's a 991084.




I have a 2010 Gravely 260z commercial 60" cut, the battery is brand new and dies after about 1 hour and 30 minutes if I turn it off. the PTO also stops working. Is it a charging component or the PTO that is out or drawing juice from the battery?




It has a 31hp Kawasaki engine.




GREETINGS to all Gravely & Ariens mower owners! :thumbsup:

If you're new to the forum, please reply to this thread and introduce yourself and your mower (that is, if your mower have a name :laughing:). maybe attach a photo or two of your mower and show off your pride and joy.

Also, if you haven't done so already you can upload a user avatar (picture under your user name). You can do so by clicking on settings and "edit avatar" or just click here.

Please be helpful and friendly to all other Gravely/Ariens owners (how could you not, right?) and if you like this forum, tell your friends about it. :biggrin:

We want to make this the best resource for Gravely/Ariens mower owners, and to do that we need your help! Questions? Experiences? Stories? Data? Photos? Articles? Links? Cool Gravely/Ariens stuff? Post it here!

Last but not least, please let me know if you have any suggestions for the site. We'd love to hear them.

Hello All: Just bought a new Gravely ZT HD 48 a couple months ago for my 1 acre property in Idaho. It's an incredible machine and am glad I chose it over the nearest equivalent models of JD, Hustler, and Husqvarna. I read posts on this and other forums when I started researching ZTR mowers last fall, and like knowing what others are experiencing with their machines. I've always been a DIY maintenance guy but with limitations on how much work I want to put into the complex repairs/replacements. I like supporting my local dealers over the box stores because you can gain way more knowledge of machinery intricacies by talking to the dealer and technicians about each machine's problem tendencies. The box store folks are nice but not always knowledgable about the product they sell, and for sure are not going to give you any type of service down the road. Same can also be said for dealers too, so it pays to research them too. I hope to be able to share my experience with others and offer what I can for help.

"If your income equals your outgo, your upkeep will be your downfall." -- The first law of maintenance...




GREETINGS to all Gravely & Ariens mower owners! :thumbsup:

If you're new to the forum, please reply to this thread and introduce yourself and your mower (that is, if your mower have a name :laughing:). maybe attach a photo or two of your mower and show off your pride and joy.

Also, if you haven't done so already you can upload a user avatar (picture under your user name). You can do so by clicking on settings and "edit avatar" or just click here.

Please be helpful and friendly to all other Gravely/Ariens owners (how could you not, right?) and if you like this forum, tell your friends about it. :biggrin:

We want to make this the best resource for Gravely/Ariens mower owners, and to do that we need your help! Questions? Experiences? Stories? Data? Photos? Articles? Links? Cool Gravely/Ariens stuff? Post it here!

Last but not least, please let me know if you have any suggestions for the site. We'd love to hear them.

Hello, this is first time posting so please bear with me. I have a Gravely 260Z. I need to change hydraulic oil and the manual only says to drain the reservoir. I get only about a quart from the reservoir and system should hold up to 5 quarts. Have any of you completely drained system and if so, HOW. Thanks for any suggestions.




Craig here from Tellico Village Tennessee (Loudon). I have an Icon X 52 with a powered bagger. Its a very nice unit. Glad to be here.




Hi everyone,

I'm new here and am looking to get information on an upcoming purchase. I currently own a home with about 1 acre and have a country lot (6 acres) that I intend to build on in the future. I currently maintain the lot with a 60" swisher pull behind finishing mower. I currently only maintain about 2 of the 6 acres but intend on maintaining all 6. I have an opportunity to purchase an additional 10 acres of land as well. I am currently interested in the Gravely Proturn 472 with the Yamaha 33hp EFI. What are your thoughts on the 472? Is it necessary to get the extra 12" of cut over the Proturn 460? Will I lose cutting speed with the extra width? Any of you that currently own a 460 or 472... how many acres an hour can you effectively cut if there are no or minimal obstructions? Thank you all in advance.




Hi, I am a new Gravely owner (it is actually my first ZTR). With the problems I'm having, it may not last long. I live in the Denver metro area. I'll see if I have some pictures to post.




Wow... 9 years strong, this forum! So glad to have found this board.

I've recently acquired a 2015 ZT34 at a price that I won't brag about. Much. :laughing:

Anyway, just wanted to say howdy and I'm looking forward to learning from you all.





I have had Gravely walk behinds most of my life . In July of 2008 my job went away via factory closing . 3 weeks before that my 1962 Gravely LI engine died . so I had been Gravelyless for over ten years at the May I was given a Gravely Professional 12 walk behind I found a 40 inch kidney deck the first of this month . So I am back to mowing with a gravely again :cloud9::thumbsup:

By the way its name is Esher means Blessed in Hebrew




Hi everyone,

I'm new here and am looking to get information on an upcoming purchase. I currently own a home with about 1 acre and have a country lot (6 acres) that I intend to build on in the future. I currently maintain the lot with a 60" swisher pull behind finishing mower. I currently only maintain about 2 of the 6 acres but intend on maintaining all 6. I have an opportunity to purchase an additional 10 acres of land as well. I am currently interested in the Gravely Proturn 472 with the Yamaha 33hp EFI. What are your thoughts on the 472? Is it necessary to get the extra 12" of cut over the Proturn 460? Will I lose cutting speed with the extra width? Any of you that currently own a 460 or 472... how many acres an hour can you effectively cut if there are no or minimal obstructions? Thank you all in advance.

I have the 460 with the Yamaha 33 EFI and I don't have nothing but praise for it...about 146hrs no oil use and outperforms the Kawasaki 35 and Briggs 37hp EFI. The icing on the cake is it does so while sipping fuel..I mow about 8-9 acres weekly.




I have the 460 with the Yamaha 33 EFI and I don't have nothing but praise for it...about 146hrs no oil use and outperforms the Kawasaki 35 and Briggs 37hp EFI. The icing on the cake is it does so while sipping fuel..I mow about 8-9 acres weekly.

Thank you for replying with that information. I have heard others say they like the Yamaha over the other two as well.




GREETINGS to all Gravely & Ariens mower owners! :thumbsup:

If you're new to the forum, please reply to this thread and introduce yourself and your mower (that is, if your mower have a name :laughing:). maybe attach a photo or two of your mower and show off your pride and joy.

Also, if you haven't done so already you can upload a user avatar (picture under your user name). You can do so by clicking on settings and "edit avatar" or just click here.

Please be helpful and friendly to all other Gravely/Ariens owners (how could you not, right?) and if you like this forum, tell your friends about it. :biggrin:

We want to make this the best resource for Gravely/Ariens mower owners, and to do that we need your help! Questions? Experiences? Stories? Data? Photos? Articles? Links? Cool Gravely/Ariens stuff? Post it here!

Last but not least, please let me know if you have any suggestions for the site. We'd love to hear them.

Hi Ken here from Northern Alberta. Got my Gravely ZTX 42" mower in July of 2019 and loving it.





GREETINGS to all Gravely & Ariens mower owners! ?

If you're new to the forum, please reply to this thread and introduce yourself and your mower (that is, if your mower have a name ?). maybe attach a photo or two of your mower and show off your pride and joy.

Also, if you haven't done so already you can upload a user avatar (picture under your user name). You can do so by clicking on settings and "edit avatar" or just click here.

Please be helpful and friendly to all other Gravely/Ariens owners (how could you not, right?) and if you like this forum, tell your friends about it. :biggrin:

We want to make this the best resource for Gravely/Ariens mower owners, and to do that we need your help! Questions? Experiences? Stories? Data? Photos? Articles? Links? Cool Gravely/Ariens stuff? Post it here!

Last but not least, please let me know if you have any suggestions for the site. We'd love to hear them.
Hi, I am a new owner with an old machine that needs some help -PM144M XDZ model # 991026




Hi Gravelysters! New ZTX 42 owner. Pic is my avatar. Has mowed my 2/3 acre yard here in Florida twice and is as much fun as a Disney ride! Have one issue I'm working on and will post it on the forum.




Hello all! I bought my gravely zt xl 52" with 0 hrs on. Well 5 years later it is now reaching 100! No pics yet sorry




Hello all. Picked up a Proturn 152 (991077) last fall and just got to start using it. This thing is a work horse! Added a hitch and she'll pull anything I hook her to.

One question. Anyone know what the compartment is just behind the cupholder?


Mower Frank

Mower Frank

Hello Everyone, I'm new to the Forum but not to Gravely. We currently have a ZT HD 60 and a ProTurn 148 with bagger. Both machines are great. I prefer the ProTurn for the better ride, better power and traction, while my wife enjoys the ZT HD 60 because it sits a little lower to the ground and has less speed than the ProTurn. I know, push less forward on the bars = less speed, but she likes her ZT HD. :unsure:




GREETINGS to all Gravely & Ariens mower owners! ?

If you're new to the forum, please reply to this thread and introduce yourself and your mower (that is, if your mower have a name ?). maybe attach a photo or two of your mower and show off your pride and joy.

Also, if you haven't done so already you can upload a user avatar (picture under your user name). You can do so by clicking on settings and "edit avatar" or just click here.

Please be helpful and friendly to all other Gravely/Ariens owners (how could you not, right?) and if you like this forum, tell your friends about it. :biggrin:

We want to make this the best resource for Gravely/Ariens mower owners, and to do that we need your help! Questions? Experiences? Stories? Data? Photos? Articles? Links? Cool Gravely/Ariens stuff? Post it here!

Last but not least, please let me know if you have any suggestions for the site. We'd love to hear them.
Newb here Howdy to you ! I Own 2 Gravely ZT's Home use.




GREETINGS to all Gravely & Ariens mower owners! ?

If you're new to the forum, please reply to this thread and introduce yourself and your mower (that is, if your mower have a name ?). maybe attach a photo or two of your mower and show off your pride and joy.

Also, if you haven't done so already you can upload a user avatar (picture under your user name). You can do so by clicking on settings and "edit avatar" or just click here.

Please be helpful and friendly to all other Gravely/Ariens owners (how could you not, right?) and if you like this forum, tell your friends about it. :biggrin:

We want to make this the best resource for Gravely/Ariens mower owners, and to do that we need your help! Questions? Experiences? Stories? Data? Photos? Articles? Links? Cool Gravely/Ariens stuff? Post it here!

Last but not least, please let me know if you have any suggestions for the site. We'd love to hear them.
I have a Gravely XLZT 52




Hello, I have a ZT HD 60 that likes to break the right side spindle mount on the deck. 320 hours and 3 decks so far. Looking for resolution to this issue. They replaced 1 atNC under warrenty then the second one they covered the deck but not the install. This new one is doing the same as the others. You can feel/see/hear the vibration that is cracking the deck.




Hello, I have a ZT HD 60 that likes to break the right side spindle mount on the deck. 320 hours and 3 decks so far. Looking for resolution to this issue. They replaced 1 atNC under warrenty then the second one they covered the deck but not the install. This new one is doing the same as the others. You can feel/see/hear the vibration that is cracking the deck.
I have a ZTHD 52. No issues with it at all. I also bought a new Pro Turn Z52 and it vibrates terrible and has the new Chinese Gravely Engine that Starts Very Hard. Nearly kills the tiny battery they send with it. What I see with the Pro-Turns are huge step back in quality hidden by a pretty nice physical appearance.




New owner of a Gravely PM400 with Yanmar 30hp diesel and 72" deck. It's a beast.




First time mower owner, taking delivery of a new Ikon XD 52 with Kawasaki engine next week. Wanted to get a head start on this forum to prevent any misuse of my new equipment! Especially since there is not a lot of info out there, since this is a relatively new machine.




Just ordered a new Gravely Pro-Turn 152 ( 991129 with Kawasaki eng). Was looking at the Z 52, which dealer had in stock, but when I posted here about any issues with the Gravely engine, nobody commented, which I take to mean that engine isn't widely owned. I've seen plenty of good things about it in other locations, but I figured the other upgrades to the 152 model made it worth the extra $ and wait to get it delivered. I'm starting a lawncare business, and also waiting on delivery of a trailer, so I'm not in a rush for the mower. Plenty to do until it get's here.

Anyone have the bagger for this model? I'm thinking about getting one for the fall leaves.


Dirty Duck

Dirty Duck

Hello folks. I'm the Dirty Duck. Been an Ariens owner for a few months now, since I found one sitting alone in a field and adopted it. She runs like a dream, with a 20 hp Briggs single. Problem is, I can;t keep it from chewing up belts! I'm talking a new belt every 3-6 hours of use! So, I came here to look for some answers, and see if anyone else is having this issue. She's a Model 936056 with a 42" deck.



bullet bob

Make a new post, asking your question......




GREETINGS to all Gravely & Ariens mower owners! ?

If you're new to the forum, please reply to this thread and introduce yourself and your mower (that is, if your mower have a name ?). maybe attach a photo or two of your mower and show off your pride and joy.

Also, if you haven't done so already you can upload a user avatar (picture under your user name). You can do so by clicking on settings and "edit avatar" or just click here.

Please be helpful and friendly to all other Gravely/Ariens owners (how could you not, right?) and if you like this forum, tell your friends about it. :biggrin:

We want to make this the best resource for Gravely/Ariens mower owners, and to do that we need your help! Questions? Experiences? Stories? Data? Photos? Articles? Links? Cool Gravely/Ariens stuff? Post it here!

Last but not least, please let me know if you have any suggestions for the site. We'd love to hear them.




Hello all. New to the forum, new to Zero turns and new to gravely. Glad to be here. I hope to learn as well as share some of my
Knowledge as I go.




Greetings from Texas. New to forum. Have had my Ikon XD52 for about a year and love it. Looking forward to advice shared here.





Hello from Columbia, Tenn. I’ve owned a Gravely 44Z for 13 years, it’s been a great mower. It’s time for a change, so I just ordered a ZT HD 48. I hope it works out as well as the 44Z has. I hope to get some useful information from this forum.




First time mower owner, taking delivery of a new Ikon XD 52 with Kawasaki engine next week. Wanted to get a head start on this forum to prevent any misuse of my new equipment! Especially since there is not a lot of info out there, since this is a relatively new machine.
Don’t baby the engine, it has been run in at factory, go full throttle to keep engine cool, change oil after first 5 hrs. Then what ever book says, I Change mine at 50 hrs but most summers I end up at around 46 hrs so I just change at end of each mowing season, I have the dreaded Koehler courage single cylinder 18 hp on my Gravley ZT 1844XL I’m at 967 hours on it now so ill go over 1000 hrs this year (knock on wood).
Just keep maintenance up on it to be safe take the blower housing off before you start mowing each year to make sure no mouse nest and I always use some brake cleaner sprayed on cylinder fins to keep them clean, and keep an eye on air filter if you live in dusty area you might need to replace it about half way thru season.


Mower Frank

Mower Frank

Hello from Columbia, Tenn. I’ve owned a Gravely 44Z for 13 years, it’s been a great mower. It’s time for a change, so I just ordered a ZT HD 48. I hope it works out as well as the 44Z has. I hope to get some useful information from this forum.
You'll love it. I've got the ZT HD 60 as my first zero turn. Decided to add to my barn and due to the current deals at the time I went with the Pro Turn 148. It's even better than the zt hd.




Welcome aboard, WFM.




Welcome aboard, WFM.
I am looking at few mowers and the Ariens Ikon and Gravely ZT series is another (also John Deere but since this is not a JD thread). I know there are different series that start in the low 3K and go up from there. I have between 1/2 and 3/4 property with some slight hills that I would not consider steep. My first question are these comparable mowers, gauge of deck etc. I know features and engine change as you go upward in the series. But quality wise are they identical? I was reading that the Ariens is a lesser quality but I am not sure if that was comparing the same level of mowers. Sure the ZT HD would be nice but costly and I do not see myself justifying the cost. Thank you. Also any preference between a stamp or fabricated deck? Thanks.




Hi everyone, I'm in West Tennessee with a 42" Ariens rider that is driving me crazy!
Model A21AH2. I need some serious troubleshooting help. See you in the regular forum.!




Hello all,

Maryland here, and a new 2021 ZTHD 52" owner #991244. I'll take delivery on Tuesday. Old Simplicity guy, so this a new step for me. Looking forward to learning all I can here. Thanks!




Hello all!
Thanks for accepting me. I’m not new to Zero Turns, I’m just new to the Gravely brand. We moved to our new home in 2018. I have approximately 3 acres to mow. I started out with a 50” Toro Timecutter. Mowing took forever and the cut never looked that great. I decided to trade up to a Toro Timecutter HD 54. It cut mowing time and the cut was better. However, it beat me up pretty good. Recently, I decided I needed something with more comfort, cut mowing time a little more and had a beefier build. I shopped around for a 60” commercial grade machine. I looked at the Scag Patriot 61, the Hustler FasTrak SDX 60 and the Gravely Pro Turn 160. I settled on the Gravely Pro Turn 160 with the Yamaha MX800V carbureted engine. This thing is a beast. It has right at 30 hours on it now and I’m very happy with the performance.




GREETINGS to all Gravely & Ariens mower owners! ?

If you're new to the forum, please reply to this thread and introduce yourself and your mower (that is, if your mower have a name ?). maybe attach a photo or two of your mower and show off your pride and joy.

Also, if you haven't done so already you can upload a user avatar (picture under your user name). You can do so by clicking on settings and "edit avatar" or just click here.

Please be helpful and friendly to all other Gravely/Ariens owners (how could you not, right?) and if you like this forum, tell your friends about it. :biggrin:

We want to make this the best resource for Gravely/Ariens mower owners, and to do that we need your help! Questions? Experiences? Stories? Data? Photos? Articles? Links? Cool Gravely/Ariens stuff? Post it here!

Last but not least, please let me know if you have any suggestions for the site. We'd love to hear them.
Greetings all I am an owner of a 2019 Pro-Turn 52 and best wishes for a great 4th of July.




GREETINGS to all Gravely & Ariens mower owners! ?

If you're new to the forum, please reply to this thread and introduce yourself and your mower (that is, if your mower have a name ?). maybe attach a photo or two of your mower and show off your pride and joy.

Also, if you haven't done so already you can upload a user avatar (picture under your user name). You can do so by clicking on settings and "edit avatar" or just click here.

Please be helpful and friendly to all other Gravely/Ariens owners (how could you not, right?) and if you like this forum, tell your friends about it. :biggrin:

We want to make this the best resource for Gravely/Ariens mower owners, and to do that we need your help! Questions? Experiences? Stories? Data? Photos? Articles? Links? Cool Gravely/Ariens stuff? Post it here!

Last but not least, please let me know if you have any suggestions for the site. We'd love to hear them.
Howdy everyone, I'm Chuck from Texarkana, TX
I don't own a Gravely...YET, but I'm leaning towards the ZT HD52. We've had our 42" Craftsman tractor for over 12yrs now with NO COMPLAINTS, but I'm wanting to upgrade before it does become a problem. I'm hoping the Gravely will be my last mower.




hello from PA, new here but always looking for forums for help. I aquired a promaster 260h XDZ last year and love it but I alos have my trusty 1979 cub cadet 1250 as a back up.




GREETINGS to all Gravely & Ariens mower owners! ?

If you're new to the forum, please reply to this thread and introduce yourself and your mower (that is, if your mower have a name ?). maybe attach a photo or two of your mower and show off your pride and joy.

Also, if you haven't done so already you can upload a user avatar (picture under your user name). You can do so by clicking on settings and "edit avatar" or just click here.

Please be helpful and friendly to all other Gravely/Ariens owners (how could you not, right?) and if you like this forum, tell your friends about it. :biggrin:

We want to make this the best resource for Gravely/Ariens mower owners, and to do that we need your help! Questions? Experiences? Stories? Data? Photos? Articles? Links? Cool Gravely/Ariens stuff? Post it here!

Last but not least, please let me know if you have any suggestions for the site. We'd love to hear them.
Greetings one & all from the Sunshine State Jonbo is the name and I am pleased to make Ya'lls acquaintance. I am the owner of a 2019 ProTurn Z52




Hello All from Augusta, GA,

Just upgraded from a Poulan Pro to a new Ikon XD 52 with Kawasaki zero turn..my first zero turn. I'm going through most of these posts to check what all i can do to keep my mower in shape. Look forward to hearing advice from you all, thanks in advance.




Hello All from Augusta, GA,

Just upgraded from a Poulan Pro to a new Ikon XD 52 with Kawasaki zero turn..my first zero turn. I'm going through most of these posts to check what all i can do to keep my mower in shape. Look forward to hearing advice from you all, thanks in advance.
Read your operators manual.
Follow the maintenance schedule outlined in your operators manual.
Before each operation, check your oil and top up if needed.
Use a leaf blower to get the debris off of your mower before putting it away. Pay extra attention to the engine area.
Air up your tires to the proper pressure then, level and pitch the deck as outlined in your manual. It will probably be out of specifications.
Keep your blades sharp. Use Ariens/Gravely OEM blades or direct replacements made by Stens, Rotary, or Oregon. I’ve found that Gator type blades aren’t all that great. They are okay for fall cleanup.
Inspect your belts periodically. Replace if there are any cracks or chunks missing. I keep a spare on hand.
I might have missed something.




Read your operators manual.
Follow the maintenance schedule outlined in your operators manual.
Before each operation, check your oil and top up if needed.
Use a leaf blower to get the debris off of your mower before putting it away. Pay extra attention to the engine area.
Air up your tires to the proper pressure then, level and pitch the deck as outlined in your manual. It will probably be out of specifications.
Keep your blades sharp. Use Ariens/Gravely OEM blades or direct replacements made by Stens, Rotary, or Oregon. I’ve found that Gator type blades aren’t all that great. They are okay for fall cleanup.
Inspect your belts periodically. Replace if there are any cracks or chunks missing. I keep a spare on hand.
I might have missed something.
Thanks for the feed back, will do!




Hello, new to this forum, but have already found some great posts. I have a Gravely ZT HD 52 & it’s been work horse.




Hello from Cypress TX.. Just registered to this forum.
Already browsing some good posts relating to my sputtering/dying ZT HD 60.





Hello from Cypress TX.. Just registered to this forum.
Already browsing some good posts relating to my sputtering/dying ZT HD 60.

Tell us how old your mower is.




GREETINGS to all Gravely & Ariens mower owners! ?

If you're new to the forum, please reply to this thread and introduce yourself and your mower (that is, if your mower have a name ?). maybe attach a photo or two of your mower and show off your pride and joy.

Also, if you haven't done so already you can upload a user avatar (picture under your user name). You can do so by clicking on settings and "edit avatar" or just click here.

Please be helpful and friendly to all other Gravely/Ariens owners (how could you not, right?) and if you like this forum, tell your friends about it. :biggrin:

We want to make this the best resource for Gravely/Ariens mower owners, and to do that we need your help! Questions? Experiences? Stories? Data? Photos? Articles? Links? Cool Gravely/Ariens stuff? Post it here!

Last but not least, please let me know if you have any suggestions for the site. We'd love to hear them.
We own a Gravely 260 Z Commercial Zero Turn




A bit premature maybe but I am going to look at a ZT HD 52" ttoday. I will be mowing 1.77 acres and a 500' plus driveway edge. Coming from a Grasshopper of 20 year plus service I ask will I be happy with this new machine? Haven't seen much on how to improve the ride.



bullet bob

Going up against a grasshopper might be pretty tough. My neighbor traded in his belly-mount 'hopper for a beautiful Ferris 2100 several years ago....still regrets it




I purchased the 725 new and used it for both grass and snow. When I sold the home it had less than 500 hours on it after 20 years of service. Storage was a big issue and where we were going was also unknown so the buyerended up getting a great deal. So now I !m given the task to find a zt that won't beat up my old bones.




When you talk with the Gravely dealer, ask if there is a suspension seat option.




GREETINGS to all Gravely & Ariens mower owners! ?

If you're new to the forum, please reply to this thread and introduce yourself and your mower (that is, if your mower have a name ?). maybe attach a photo or two of your mower and show off your pride and joy.

Also, if you haven't done so already you can upload a user avatar (picture under your user name). You can do so by clicking on settings and "edit avatar" or just click here.

Please be helpful and friendly to all other Gravely/Ariens owners (how could you not, right?) and if you like this forum, tell your friends about it. :biggrin:

We want to make this the best resource for Gravely/Ariens mower owners, and to do that we need your help! Questions? Experiences? Stories? Data? Photos? Articles? Links? Cool Gravely/Ariens stuff? Post it here!

Last but not least, please let me know if you have any suggestions for the site. We'd love to hear them.
Greetings all. New Gravely owner. Picked a used WAW 1034 walk behind the other day. Owner claimed the battery needed charging and the belts needed to be checked out. Turned out to be a bit more than those. Turned out the drive shaft was sheared. Just got the part in and replaced it without too much fuss. I have a question about the drive cable, but I'll ask that in another post. Here's a pic of the mower with friends.

Ed K.





Hello! First time Gravely owner here from Maine.
I sold my old MTD (pictured below) a few months ago and bought a new ZTX42 from my local small engine shop, had them put the mulching kit on it, and have been getting more and more used to it as I go. Of course, the more I use it, the more questions I have.
My wife says I overthink things; maybe so, but the reason we're all on this forum is our lawns are our hobbies, we just spent $4000 or more on a piece of equipment, and we want it to perform the best it can.
So let the overthinking begin!!

This is my old MTD. A buddy of mine that I used to drag race and paint the roads with got into paint and resto on muscle cars. So he told me to bring the hood of this thing in and he painted flames on it. :LOL:

My new one

Thank you for having me!




Greetings! Brand new to the forum, brand new to ZT mowers, brand new ZT XL 52 with Kawasaki engine at the first of this season. Mows great, tons of power! Now we'll see how it does with a snow plow....




newbie here with a oldie. I have a Gravely Pro 250 988067, 1996 I think, Need help. Ignition switch literally fell apart, vibration I guess. I have a new switch but the wires are all off the switch., I need to know what color wires go on each blade. can not find a picture or wiring diagram, only shows switch and harness. there are no markings on the switch




Picked a Gravely Pro 12 up today. I have no idea what I got myself into, but it looks promising reading through this forum. Came with a brush hog, tiller, and snow thrower.




Hello, I purchased my first ride on last spring. I have a 2021 Ariens XD52. I have loved it besides the rear right transaxle started leaking a couple weeks ago. It's in for service now. I bought it from lowes and like many others, they didn't put the seat on right, the lift pedal for the deck was backwards, and the bar behind the seat only has 3 bolts attached because the flange was bent a little somehow so it moves/wiggles. The way they put the seat on, I didn't realize I was riding on top of the flywheel cover the first couple hours. Other than those things, doing great! 😁 Here's some pics for your viewing pleasure..





hello all,
In Alabama. we just purchased an iKon 52". I wanted something a little more robust but the wife got that one. runs great and a lot more capable than our husky rider that's beat. I looked at the forums and found one old post that hadn't been answered. I'll post up if y'all want. just wanted to see if anyone has tried 22" tires on these and how it did? thanks!




I also wound like to know if anyone sent up to 22s on the ikon xd 52..




purchased my zt-xl 52" about 5-6 years ago. 23hp Kawasaki engine on it. take care all


Glades Cat

Glades Cat

Hello from South Florida, folks. Just joined today. Bought a new Ariens mower to replace a 20 something y/o Swisher mower that was done. I bought an Ikon XD 52 with the Kawasaki engine. I like it.




GREETINGS to all Gravely & Ariens mower owners! 👍

If you're new to the forum, please reply to this thread and introduce yourself and your mower (that is, if your mower have a name 😆). maybe attach a photo or two of your mower and show off your pride and joy.

Also, if you haven't done so already you can upload a user avatar (picture under your user name). You can do so by clicking on settings and "edit avatar" or just click here.

Please be helpful and friendly to all other Gravely/Ariens owners (how could you not, right?) and if you like this forum, tell your friends about it. :biggrin:

We want to make this the best resource for Gravely/Ariens mower owners, and to do that we need your help! Questions? Experiences? Stories? Data? Photos? Articles? Links? Cool Gravely/Ariens stuff? Post it here!

Last but not least, please let me know if you have any suggestions for the site. We'd love to hear them.
i am a newbie...sort of. I joined years ago because I did not ever have anything of substance to post, I just like reading about maintenance on mowers, engines and decks. I currently have a JD lawn tractor, a LA110 that is about 15 years old and I have kept it going all these years, from engine repairs to deck replacement. Now I am in the market for a new one...one with a lifetime warranty and I'll explain that one when I post on the suitable place.
Have a good remainder of the weekend and it is a cold one here down south for the middle of March.




GREETINGS to all Gravely & Ariens mower owners! 👍

If you're new to the forum, please reply to this thread and introduce yourself and your mower (that is, if your mower have a name 😆). maybe attach a photo or two of your mower and show off your pride and joy.

Also, if you haven't done so already you can upload a user avatar (picture under your user name). You can do so by clicking on settings and "edit avatar" or just click here.

Please be helpful and friendly to all other Gravely/Ariens owners (how could you not, right?) and if you like this forum, tell your friends about it. :biggrin:

We want to make this the best resource for Gravely/Ariens mower owners, and to do that we need your help! Questions? Experiences? Stories? Data? Photos? Articles? Links? Cool Gravely/Ariens stuff? Post it here!

Last but not least, please let me know if you have any suggestions for the site. We'd love to hear them.
New here from Ohio with ariens apex 52




Hello from North Texas! I'm a Director for a non-profit Christian Leadership Camp and a generous donor contributed a Gravely 260z mower - Kaw engine. It's an incredible mower, and we've had it services, blades sharpenend and some parts replaced (PTO Switch) though we've run into some issues with the engine stalling when engaging the blades.



bullet bob

Hello from North Texas! I'm a Director for a non-profit Christian Leadership Camp and a generous donor contributed a Gravely 260z mower - Kaw engine. It's an incredible mower, and we've had it services, blades sharpenend and some parts replaced (PTO Switch) though we've run into some issues with the engine stalling when engaging the blades.
Welcome to the forum. Are you engaging with the engine at full power or at idle?




Welcome to the forum. Are you engaging with the engine at full power or at idle?
I've been engaging at full throttle, though after reading some posts on the forum I see that engaging at idle is advised on some models. After bypassing my seat safety switch today (which I dont plan on keeping bypassed) it engaged at idle or full throttle - I posted here about it https://www.lawnmowerforum.com/thre...-ztr-dies-when-engaging-the-blades-pto.72528/

Not sure how to get that safety switch out of that soft ride seat... looks like a complete disassembly, not the simple twist and remove like a lot of them. I did buy the replacement part, but you can only see the connector from the bottom of the seat.. not the twist lock gray portion.. thoughts??




Alas, just checked the diagram again and looks like I picked up the wrong part..
I picked up this one (which appears to be the switch component AND the mounting component): Screen Shot 10.png

But the manual specs this one, which looks to be just the switch component: Screen Shot 14.png




Hello. I would like to keep my 2006 Gravely Zero Turn 72" mower at peak performance and I'm experiencing some steering trouble.

Oct152007 003.jpg

My husband purchased a Gravely zero turn before he died so I wouldn't have any trouble mowing in the foreseeable future. All has been well until lately when the left steering arm feels like it is getting 'caught' on something and refuses to pull backwards. I pull and pull and move the right arm back and forward until the left gets back on board, but it was almost impossible to turn last mowing. I can't see anything in the way of the steering arm assembly.
It seems less of a pull with the PTO off but it is still there.
The parking brake is hard to pull up/on sometimes and I can't find a cause. I wonder if the brake is related to the steering problem.

The dealership (John Deere) is at a loss to figure out what is happening. Everything seems to work fine there.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks for your time.
Sept302007 004.jpg
Sept302007 005.jpg




A can of dry lithium grease libberally applied to all moving parts will work wonders .




GREETINGS to all Gravely & Ariens mower owners! 👍

If you're new to the forum, please reply to this thread and introduce yourself and your mower (that is, if your mower have a name 😆). maybe attach a photo or two of your mower and show off your pride and joy.

Also, if you haven't done so already you can upload a user avatar (picture under your user name). You can do so by clicking on settings and "edit avatar" or just click here.

Please be helpful and friendly to all other Gravely/Ariens owners (how could you not, right?) and if you like this forum, tell your friends about it. :biggrin:

We want to make this the best resource for Gravely/Ariens mower owners, and to do that we need your help! Questions? Experiences? Stories? Data? Photos? Articles? Links? Cool Gravely/Ariens stuff? Post it here!

Last but not least, please let me know if you have any suggestions for the site. We'd love to hear them.
Hello all.
My mower is a Gravely ZTX42 purchased new around 2017. The mover has approximately 165 hours on it.




GREETINGS to all Gravely & Ariens mower owners! 👍

If you're new to the forum, please reply to this thread and introduce yourself and your mower (that is, if your mower have a name 😆). maybe attach a photo or two of your mower and show off your pride and joy.

Also, if you haven't done so already you can upload a user avatar (picture under your user name). You can do so by clicking on settings and "edit avatar" or just click here.

Please be helpful and friendly to all other Gravely/Ariens owners (how could you not, right?) and if you like this forum, tell your friends about it. :biggrin:

We want to make this the best resource for Gravely/Ariens mower owners, and to do that we need your help! Questions? Experiences? Stories? Data? Photos? Articles? Links? Cool Gravely/Ariens stuff? Post it here!

Last but not least, please let me know if you have any suggestions for the site. We'd love to hear them.
Tom, Airens zoom 60. fyi, had trouble registering. After filling everything in, the register now button was covered by google ad at the bottom that I could not get rid off. Reduced view size to 75% and then I could use register now button.




GREETINGS to all Gravely & Ariens mower owners! 👍

If you're new to the forum, please reply to this thread and introduce yourself and your mower (that is, if your mower have a name 😆). maybe attach a photo or two of your mower and show off your pride and joy.

Also, if you haven't done so already you can upload a user avatar (picture under your user name). You can do so by clicking on settings and "edit avatar" or just click here.

Please be helpful and friendly to all other Gravely/Ariens owners (how could you not, right?) and if you like this forum, tell your friends about it. :biggrin:

We want to make this the best resource for Gravely/Ariens mower owners, and to do that we need your help! Questions? Experiences? Stories? Data? Photos? Articles? Links? Cool Gravely/Ariens stuff? Post it here!

Last but not least, please let me know if you have any suggestions for the site. We'd love to hear them.
How long does it take for post to show if I am new? I see my reply here, but my post is not showing.




GREETINGS to all Gravely & Ariens mower owners! 👍

If you're new to the forum, please reply to this thread and introduce yourself and your mower (that is, if your mower have a name 😆). maybe attach a photo or two of your mower and show off your pride and joy.

Also, if you haven't done so already you can upload a user avatar (picture under your user name). You can do so by clicking on settings and "edit avatar" or just click here.

Please be helpful and friendly to all other Gravely/Ariens owners (how could you not, right?) and if you like this forum, tell your friends about it. :biggrin:

We want to make this the best resource for Gravely/Ariens mower owners, and to do that we need your help! Questions? Experiences? Stories? Data? Photos? Articles? Links? Cool Gravely/Ariens stuff? Post it here!

Last but not least, please let me know if you have any suggestions for the site. We'd love to hear them.

New to the Forum, 2021 Gravely Pro-Turn 660 w/Kawasaki FX1000V engine.




Hello everyone, My name is Gary and I just purchased an Ariens EZR 1742 (915013) mower from my neighbor. He has a habit of buying mowers that he thinks his friend can fix and so far he's 0 for 0. I just bought it because he's a good neighbor and I'm tired of seeing him get screwed.

His friend cut the pigtail off the wiring harness that went to the PTO switch and installed a simple i/o toggle switch in it's place and butchered the wiring to the start switch. I believe I have the start switch wiring figured out. Just want to be sure I wire the PTO switch right.

I found a schematic online but the switch has a-b-c on one side and 3-COM's on the other and I'm not sure which side the brown and yellow goes to. If I can find that out, I can be sure to wire it correctly. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

I'm a retired maintenance Manager with 10-years experience in the maintenance field but I have trouble getting my brain to work now. Been paralyzed for 25 years and the meds I'm on keep me in brain fog. This stuff used to be easy but I struggle with simple things now. I can't even ride this mower but my other neighbor cuts my grass for me and wanted to try a zero turn so I bought this hoping to get it back on the grass.

Thanks again. I hope to learn a lot here and , hopefully, be able to contribute someday.

ETA: Clarification since original post didn't make sense when I reread it.




Once again
Please post this on a new thread not tacked onto the end of 31 pages of welcome & introduction posts
the second navigation bar ( white with green text ) has a tab "post new topic " on the far right side.
Please use it




GREETINGS to all Gravely & Ariens mower owners! 👍

If you're new to the forum, please reply to this thread and introduce yourself and your mower (that is, if your mower have a name 😆). maybe attach a photo or two of your mower and show off your pride and joy.

Also, if you haven't done so already you can upload a user avatar (picture under your user name). You can do so by clicking on settings and "edit avatar" or just click here.

Please be helpful and friendly to all other Gravely/Ariens owners (how could you not, right?) and if you like this forum, tell your friends about it. :biggrin:

We want to make this the best resource for Gravely/Ariens mower owners, and to do that we need your help! Questions? Experiences? Stories? Data? Photos? Articles? Links? Cool Gravely/Ariens stuff? Post it here!

Last but not least, please let me know if you have any suggestions for the site. We'd love to hear them.
Hello, I'm Salomon. I have a 2004 Gravely 44Z, 17HP Kawasaki engine. 1015 hours of operation after 19 years on an acre lot. 65 years old and am planning on keeping this mower another 19 years.(God willing I live that long) . Glad to find this forum . Thanks.




Hi. I have a 2019 Ariens Edge 52. This is my first zero turn lawn mower. I'm still learning how to drive this thing but so far I'm doing okay and every day I'm learning a little more about this Beast...lol.





GREETINGS to all Gravely & Ariens mower owners! 👍

If you're new to the forum, please reply to this thread and introduce yourself and your mower (that is, if your mower have a name 😆). maybe attach a photo or two of your mower and show off your pride and joy.

Also, if you haven't done so already you can upload a user avatar (picture under your user name). You can do so by clicking on settings and "edit avatar" or just click here.

Please be helpful and friendly to all other Gravely/Ariens owners (how could you not, right?) and if you like this forum, tell your friends about it. :biggrin:

We want to make this the best resource for Gravely/Ariens mower owners, and to do that we need your help! Questions? Experiences? Stories? Data? Photos? Articles? Links? Cool Gravely/Ariens stuff? Post it here!

Last but not least, please let me know if you have any suggestions for the site. We'd love to hear them.




Good evening. I just purchased a Gravely Professional 16! It came with a snow blade but what I really need is a 30 inch brush hog for the quick-release fitting! Does anyone have one for sale?!!
I live in western Colorado but am okay with reasonable drives to acquire what I need. The grass is well over 3 feet high so the sooner the better with the brush hog!
Okay, I really have not named equipment, but we can call our Gravely Reddy because that is what I want him to be soon! Thank y'all! D.



guy 510tn

GREETINGS to all Gravely & Ariens mower owners! 👍

If you're new to the forum, please reply to this thread and introduce yourself and your mower (that is, if your mower have a name 😆). maybe attach a photo or two of your mower and show off your pride and joy.

Also, if you haven't done so already you can upload a user avatar (picture under your user name). You can do so by clicking on settings and "edit avatar" or just click here.

Please be helpful and friendly to all other Gravely/Ariens owners (how could you not, right?) and if you like this forum, tell your friends about it. :biggrin:

We want to make this the best resource for Gravely/Ariens mower owners, and to do that we need your help! Questions? Experiences? Stories? Data? Photos? Articles? Links? Cool Gravely/Ariens stuff? Post it here!

Last but not least, please let me know if you have any suggestions for the site. We'd love to hear them.
Guy Martin Greeneville Tennessee riding a Gravely ZT X 48 First Time mower on a zero turn what a Blast!! I mow about a 3rd acre it sure is fun 🤩 Great To be here to learn all about our Gravely’s




GREETINGS to all Gravely & Ariens mower owners! 👍

If you're new to the forum, please reply to this thread and introduce yourself and your mower (that is, if your mower have a name 😆). maybe attach a photo or two of your mower and show off your pride and joy.

Also, if you haven't done so already you can upload a user avatar (picture under your user name). You can do so by clicking on settings and "edit avatar" or just click here.

Please be helpful and friendly to all other Gravely/Ariens owners (how could you not, right?) and if you like this forum, tell your friends about it. :biggrin:

We want to make this the best resource for Gravely/Ariens mower owners, and to do that we need your help! Questions? Experiences? Stories? Data? Photos? Articles? Links? Cool Gravely/Ariens stuff? Post it here!

Last but not least, please let me know if you have any suggestions for the site. We'd love to hear them.
Hello everyone,
I have a Gravely ZT-1540, serial 915054. It is my wife’s race car. She loves to mow. She has seemed to have punched a hole in the left fender/tank that I can’t seam to be able to patch. If anyone lives down the road from (almost -heaven-lawn-mower-graveyard.business.site) he says he has a good LT fender/tank for my mower. The problem is, he has one but no one to go get it. I am in NC. If someone would like to stop by there to help me get the tank, I would make it worth your time, and appreciate it very much. The gravely part number is 0034850. Or if you know where there is one, Please call me John at 1(910)233-8552 thanks




GREETINGS to all Gravely & Ariens mower owners! 👍

If you're new to the forum, please reply to this thread and introduce yourself and your mower (that is, if your mower have a name 😆). maybe attach a photo or two of your mower and show off your pride and joy.

Also, if you haven't done so already you can upload a user avatar (picture under your user name). You can do so by clicking on settings and "edit avatar" or just click here.

Please be helpful and friendly to all other Gravely/Ariens owners (how could you not, right?) and if you like this forum, tell your friends about it. :biggrin:

We want to make this the best resource for Gravely/Ariens mower owners, and to do that we need your help! Questions? Experiences? Stories? Data? Photos? Articles? Links? Cool Gravely/Ariens stuff? Post it here!

Last but not least, please let me know if you have any suggestions for the site. We'd love to hear them.
Just purchased new ZT HD 52. Looking for info not shown in standard manuals.




Producing a paper manual can run into several hundred thousand dollars so no one other then Toro & J D do that any more as they have a real publishing division
Every one else just sends out dealer notices that are not a manual as they cover problems as they come to light through warranty claims .
Engine manuals are available from engine makers . transmission manuals are available from the tranny makers
In most cases there is no dealer only secret manual because dealers have factory trained mechanics so al they need is specifications as they know what is needed to be done .




Just spoke with my brother in the Fairhope, AL area. He solved his mowing requirements, buying a new Gravely ZT and loaning it to his neighbor, who now mows both their lawns. Win-Win.

jack vines




Hi. 2008 made HVZ2350 here. Just won't die. Kohler Courage, 2100 Hy-Gear pumps and all. You know what I am taking about? Northern Illionois grass...2 acres to be exact. I don't know what am I doing wrong? Other than...oil/filter change twice a season, clean and grease once/year, cool down cycle Hydros every time after a mow, rebuilt deck spindles once before, check valve lash every year, new fuel lines and filter. Other than that, not much more. Still going strong.
Have a great day y'all!




GREETINGS to all Gravely & Ariens mower owners! 👍

If you're new to the forum, please reply to this thread and introduce yourself and your mower (that is, if your mower have a name 😆). maybe attach a photo or two of your mower and show off your pride and joy.

Also, if you haven't done so already you can upload a user avatar (picture under your user name). You can do so by clicking on settings and "edit avatar" or just click here.

Please be helpful and friendly to all other Gravely/Ariens owners (how could you not, right?) and if you like this forum, tell your friends about it. :biggrin:

We want to make this the best resource for Gravely/Ariens mower owners, and to do that we need your help! Questions? Experiences? Stories? Data? Photos? Articles? Links? Cool Gravely/Ariens stuff? Post it here!

Last but not least, please let me know if you have any suggestions for the site. We'd love to hear them.
Hello, Jeff ariens IKON 52




Just purchased a ZTHD 44 with less than 6 hours. Already found some help on here, hope to be able to
help others in the future.




Welcome and congrats on your new mower!




Yep, I'm new here! I have an Ariens 1440 EZR Zero turn and I am looking for the pulley and cooling fan for the Eaton hydraulic motor. They keep coming up unavailable. I have been told these motors were also used on Gravely, John Deere and Husqvarna. Can anyone help me cross reference these parts or point me to where I may find them, new of used? Thank You! Ariens numbers are 01528400 for the pulley and 01528300 for the fan.





Hello guys. Name is Doug Moutardier. Kentucky,Bowling Green area. Got a 2024 ariens ikon 52 I purchased a few months back.
I guess my next question is i am a amsoil die hard believer. My mower has the ezt 2200. Would you think it would be worth draining my current fluid and replacing with amsoil hydrostatic fluid. Would it void warranty( I'm sure). I just really feel that it would help me get as much out of the hydro gear as possible. Not sure that mine has a drain plug and was wondering about trying to pump it out through fill port but didn't know about the fluids being mixed cuz there no way I could get most out without completely taking them out and turn them over. This is me wanting opinions strictly. Mower is running perfect and just want to take the best care as possible. Thank you



Old Gweilo

Hi All

Purchased an Apex 60 in October. I have yet to use it in anger. Its a LOT more machine than I need but was the only one in stock with serviceable trans axles and at least a 10 ga deck.

I live right on the coast so sandy / salty mowing is going to be my problem. I've coated the underside of the deck with Slick Plate hoping that helps. Any advice, specific or general, would be most welcome.

