Ammo Zone & Evil Pay and Google all work on the lazyness or ignorance of the people looking for whatever
It is all done with things called meta tags which are just key words
Because of the way search engines search, they do not go through the on line catalogues of specialist suppliers so by and large they do not appear in searches
Thus google will always send you to multiple Ammmo zone listings, evilpay listings even Craigs List listing before it sends you to the right place to look for a specific part, unless thousands of others have also been looking for the same part.
So in your case, your search should have been "Ariens mower parts"
That should bring up every supplier that sells Ariens mower parts , including Ariens themselves
You then ignore Ammo zone , Evil Pay, Ali-Baba and all the index sites , "Best buys" "go Low " etc and look at the names that are small engine specific .
And this is before you take into account all of the businesses who pay Google to make sure they get listed on the first page and the businesses who pay IT people in third world countries to manipulate the system so they appear at the top of the first Google page .
So you are in fact being trained to search in a particular way that benefits criminals like Bezos just like you train a dog .