Exmark Radius E series with 708 possible camshaft issue

Gord Baker

Well-Known Member
Aug 21, 2018
  • / Exmark Radius E series with 708 possible camshaft issue
Well I figured out what was wrong. And I will get into that. First I will apologize for making assumptions. While I thought my post was clear it apparently was not. For future reference:
Brand - Exmark
Series - Radius E
Engine - 708
The Exmark Radius E only has one engine and that is the 708 and as MParr stated it is made by Loncin.

I assumed that this would be enough information and clearly I was wrong so again my apologies.

As for what was wrong - I went to the local service center where I purchased the mower and they had blow-up diagrams showing the various pieces. As I mentioned in my original post the rocker had come off the pushrod as the nut holding it in place had come loose. This in turn allowed the piece between the camshaft and pushrod (lifter) to move up into the engine block where it was stuck. The fix was quite simple by taping the lifter back in place and adjusting the valves to the proper clearance. I also cleaned up the valves and replaced the valve seals and all seems to be good.

As for the other comments you are right you probably will not hear from me again and it has everything to do with me "figuring I have been beat" although not for the reason the poster meant. I am on several auto related forums and most of the people generally are welcoming and want to help as clearly is the case for some here. Unfortunately for others it is more about needing to win by beating others down. Although I did get a kick out of being called a millennial. Unfortunately I am several decades past that group and actually come from a generation that still thinks being respectful is important.

Rivets - While I will not be around to see it please feel free to continue to personally attack someone you have never met or spoken to as it seems to bring you joy.

Take care.
Well said spf750. The cat must have peeed in Rivets Corn Flakes. I am glad you got the problem sorted out and apologise for the mistreatment you received in this Forum. Everyone here is an expert. Some more than others.

Gord Baker

Well-Known Member
Aug 21, 2018
  • / Exmark Radius E series with 708 possible camshaft issue
You don’t get it. Todays mower engines have both solid tappets and hydraulic lifters depending on which brand and model you have. If you really know about engines you know that they need different types of adjustments. How would I know which you have if you won’t post the engine brand and numbers.
Plus you said this “The piece that moves the pushrod on the engine side has no movement.” How do you know this? The camshaft pushes on the tappet or lifter, which pushes the pushrod, which will move the rocker arm. Unless you opened the engine you will have no idea if the tappet or lifter is moving. If you are offended by my reply you’ve never worked on a small engine before, as I asked for the normal information needed to diagnose small engine problems. After 50+ years of working on engines I do know that you don’t have a Ford-V6, but if you have really worked on more than one car engine, you would know that they are not all the same, that’s why I asked questions. If you would get off your millennium high horse and be humble that you are not smarter than the techs here, we could probably have helped you solve your problem and even supplied you with a service and parts manual. Your reply more than likely burned that bridge. Good Luck in solving your problem.
Time to retire and stop the BS. This forum is to help, not berate others.


Nov 5, 2012
  • / Exmark Radius E series with 708 possible camshaft issue
Time to retire and stop the BS. This forum is to help, not berate others.
I was embarrassed just reading the comments...it doesn't have to be that way. A little ribbing is ok, but that wasn't.


Well-Known Member
Jun 4, 2020
  • / Exmark Radius E series with 708 possible camshaft issue
Just a side comment on what engine is on what mower and who owns what is so like Billy in Family Circle when he goes to get the mail.(or whatever) Who can keep up?


Jun 30, 2017
  • / Exmark Radius E series with 708 possible camshaft issue
I used to enjoy coming here to read and learn things about power equipment.


Lawn Royalty
Mar 11, 2012
  • / Exmark Radius E series with 708 possible camshaft issue
Glad to see someone is backing a guy who can’t read or understand his own posts. Why should I retire when there are guys like the OP who need all the help they can get, both at repairing small equipment and understanding how they are not the center of the universe. His mantra is; I want help, I want it now and I want it on my terms”. If you read his posts you will see he never said what he claimed to have said, never posted info needed to help his cause, and definitely doesn’t understand sarcasm. I’m not an expert, but definitely know more than 95% of the posters on this site. If you don’t like me there is an ignore button, or just go to there back of the long line.


Lawn Royalty
Top Poster Of Month
May 6, 2010
  • / Exmark Radius E series with 708 possible camshaft issue
It is not all cost. A few years back, B&S production was sold out for a year and a half and left many Chassis OEM's hunting for engines. In the years along that time, seeing a market to fill, many new options sprang up and China was a major filler of the holes in needed production. They gradually became almost exclusive supplier to many lines, co branding the engines and supplying the parts thru the Chassis OEM's in many cases such as MTD, Toro. and others. Hardly any OEM was void of China's engines somewhere in the product line. Today, parts for these have become a little better to obtain, warranty if not by the OEM of the Chassis is almost non-existent, manuals the same, but at least most have IPL! Living thru this period has been painful for an "open" repair shop who will fix what Ahe can get in the shop doors. Hopefully, the future of this market will rebound. After all, B&S was the market maker and richest company in the market for decades and now has gone bankrupt. In all the US markets, I think this market has had the most negative impact by China, except maybe the unseen such as Farm land. What I fear next is our citizens looking down on Chinese persons, who for the most part had little choice in the matter of China's overtaking of the US.
The use if Chonda engines on OEM started long before the events of the last 3 years. MTD started down that line in 2005 when they refused to use Briggs engines because they now saw them as a mower competitor not an engine supplier when Briggs purchases Murray, which effected Tecumseh.. Also some of those Powermore engines landed in the Toro line because Toro outsourced their homeowner mower manufacturing to MTD in 2007. Husqvarna was using LCT, Loncin and Rato engines prior to 2018 marketed under the Husqvarna engine name. Even Generac has kind of hidden their stuff when they claim to make their own engines which they do. But the only Generac manufactured engines on their portable generators are the twin cylinder engines. The single cylinder are Loncin and a few Rato, which they claim never used even though some of their parts diagrams list Rato engines.


Nov 5, 2012
  • / Exmark Radius E series with 708 possible camshaft issue
It would have been so easy to say - 'What's the engine make and model? Thank you!'

My Mom used to say that some people got up on the wrong side of the bed...:giggle:

A new user that was likely frustrated with his machine problem, and didn't compose with completeness but should not be ostracized. And I did miss where he had demanded help immediately.
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Lawn Royalty
Mar 11, 2012
  • / Exmark Radius E series with 708 possible camshaft issue
I sleep on the right side, so I get up on the right side. Time to get out of this thread.


Apr 10, 2021
  • / Exmark Radius E series with 708 possible camshaft issue
It would have been so easy to say - 'What's the engine make and model? Thank you!'

My Mom used to say that some people got up on the wrong side of the bed...:giggle:
That is pretty much what he did, with some detailed explanation as to why it was needed. The OP reaction of getting feelings hurt, rather than providing the info was where it went South. If the guy wants help, he can either ignore what he doesn't like or comply with simple request. The OP reaction did not come across as a humble response of someone truly looking for help.