Echo GT-225 bogs down


Well-Known Member
Jul 3, 2015
The federal government has a full count of people who die on their site. it is lower than the previous year. Media made the virus bigger than it really was. (CNN was caught admitting just that) That's all i am pointing out. So I guess I am part of the conspiracy.
I could go on further on false statements posted here but this IS a family site.

ps. i got the shots.


Lawn Royalty
Nov 29, 2014
We are currently in lockdown due to a total failure of the transport department to properly supervise the movement of air crew through Mascot airport.
6 dead to date and another 6 weeks to run minimum.
My gate is locked and it does not get unlocked unless the person on the other side is masked .


Lawn Royalty
Top Poster Of Month
Feb 19, 2020
What do you expect there are fewer of us than there were last year. But probably about 100 - 200 get killed each week by guns. then you got accidents and all the other causes too. We are really thinning out the herd so of course there will few deaths reported.

One thing you got to remember the year is over yet. We got 5 more months to go.


Lawn Royalty
Nov 29, 2014
The media's job is to fuel anxiety & depression in the community.
This is because the human mind is most open to suggestion in an anxious or depressed state which means the viewers will adsorb the bull the advertisers are pushing .
Rates are set by the number of viewers / listeners / web hits etc
Thus just about all media will sensationalize everything to suck you in
And this is before the editorial bias of the editors & owners
So if 10 people quote 10 different numbers they always push the worst case .
Fact checking is a thing of the past .

The road toll down here is 1/3 of what it was 2 years ago primarily because there is almost no traffic.
Flu & phenomena cases are 1/5 of the average because people are wearing masks, sanitizing and mainly not shoving a handful of Codral down there gobs & going to work spreading flu to every one they pass.
You are the one who is spreading the conspiracy theories so it is up to you to prove the conspiracy.
I tend to believe the numbers +/- a little because I understand science & statistics and how they can get massarged
But you can not massarge holes in the ground with bodies in them
Space aliens ? mass shooters that the NRA kept under wraps ? Mexican death squads ?


Lawn Royalty
Top Poster Of Month
Feb 19, 2020
I haven't been burying my kids I just let the wild animals carry off the bones after vulture pick them clean. But that usually after I BBQ them and pick over the bones first. Really good with BBQ sauce.
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Lawn Addict
Apr 16, 2018
Well put Bert.

But Bert you are never going get anything through to a Trump supporter, they are too hard headed to listen to anything other than tRump, Fox News, and the many far right socalled news channels. There are several tRump supporters in my area that is still trying to live in the past as they refuse to take down their 2020 signs some are like bill boards. I got one right down the road that send every penny of his extra money to Trump even though his home is falling apart because he now don't have the money to fix it because he thinks the billionaire tRump needs it more. He got tin on his roof that is held down by used tires because he can't even afford the screws or nails to fasten it down. No telling how it is on the inside of the home from the leaks. Just shows publicly how big of an idiot he is.

Just think about it. While is Trump telling all his supporters that they don't need the vaccine he got his and his wife in secret. So does cares about his supporters. No, just wants their money.

When people get their hopes up with any politician, they tend to overlook too many things. It's been my experience that a politician will always let you down. And it won't be from mistakes. Funny thing about the left or the right. If you're a R, and you have a lot of supporters, you can do things that only a D would do, and get away with it.
Say like the debt ceiling that Trump and Pelosi did away with for 2 years, Republicans didn't bat an eye. For 2 years, Trump, Pelosi and McConnell spent money faster than the Fed could print it. Now that the 2 years have passed and we actually have a debt ceiling again, republicans are all up in arms about it.
Had a democrat president tried to eliminate the debt ceiling for two years, the R's would've been screaming "We can't afford it." Just as they're screaming now.

As a conservative, I believe government should be so small that it's barely noticed. And the court system should be fair & honest so that it's equal to the defendants and the plaintiffs. With no ones ability to sway a congressman, senator, judge or prosecutor with money or gifts.
This could keep socialism and fascism at bay, at the same time. But that's a pipe dream. And no one cares because the system we have, is the one that the R & D's have designed. And as long as we keep voting in the same 2 party's to run the government, those who run the government will always be in control of everything tied to the US dollar. Which is just about everything.

BTW, I'm on this thread looking for info on a GT-225 recoil spring. Wind it in the case first, right?
Wait. Scratch that. I'm overthinking this recoil assembly.

Man, if you don't do this stuff for a few minutes, there are simple things you forget.


Lawn Addict
Apr 16, 2018
The media's job is to fuel anxiety & depression in the community.

I stream everything now a days, so I get different commercials.
There's one where a guy is trying to get convenient stores that sell vapor cigarettes. His sales pitch is not for nicotine injected vapes. But only the "anxiety and depression" side effects of it. LMAO. He tells the one clerk, "My vapes do the same thing as the e cigs. I'm just being honest with the marketing.?
The look on the clerks face is priceless.

So instead of the morning news, now a days, I've found a channel that plays all the old cartoons I used to watch as a kid. I gotta admit, they were very violent. But it's better than watching the news.


Lawn Addict
Apr 16, 2018
What do you expect there are fewer of us than there were last year. But probably about 100 - 200 get killed each week by guns. then you got accidents and all the other causes too. We are really thinning out the herd so of course there will few deaths reported.

One thing you got to remember the year is over yet. We got 5 more months to go.

The upside, less traffic. Easier to get tickets to stuff, fewer parts backlogs. lol