Dead Mower

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Well-Known Member
Aug 21, 2018
I appreciate the write up. I'm a mechanical engineer so I'm quite savvy. Have an entire workshop of tools including multimeters. However, I don't think it's a solenoid or any sort of main power issue. A bad solenoid or fuse wouldn't cause it to suddenly due while mowing. That's why I'm leaning more towards one of the safety switches or some sort of relay. I bypassed the seat safety switch. I'm going to check the break switches next. So my question is, what else is there? There's alot going on in the PTO engage switch. Wondering if it could be in there?Sir
It does make me savvy numb nuts....and smarter than you obviously. I already expressed it wasn't a battery, fuse, or solenoid issue. I also ruled out the seat switch. That only leaves ignition and/or PTO switch. There are 10 leads between those two switches. I could be a super duper smart guy like you and spend hours tracing every one of those leads, or spend $30 for both on Amazon with next day delivery and have them swapped out in 10 mins. Time is money smart guy....I think I won that battle
Heh Tim The ME I am an ME TOO, TIM....Be a polite ME, TIM Don't give us ME's a bad Name... Tim I was also an Aircraft Maintenance Specialist in the USAF for many years Tim... That does not make an experienced lawn mower/small equipment Mechanic ... 99% of These gentlemen and sometimes ladies too are more then ready to share their MANY years of doing this as a living with more knowledge,experience and savy than any weekend warrior who just happens to have a four year degree in what-ever-one may have Doctor Lawyer ME Indian Chief.. Some of them have degrees too ....remember to be and play nice in the spirit of the holidays


Well-Known Member
Aug 21, 2018
Heh Tim The ME I am an ME TOO, TIM....Be a polite ME, TIM Don't give us ME's a bad Name... Tim I was also an Aircraft Maintenance Specialist in the USAF for many years Tim... That does not make an experienced lawn mower/small equipment Mechanic ... 99% of These gentlemen and sometimes ladies too are more then ready to share their MANY years of doing this as a living with more knowledge,experience and savy than any weekend warrior who just happens to have a four year degree in what-ever-one may have Doctor Lawyer ME Indian Chief.. Some of them have degrees too ....remember to be and play nice in the spirit of the holidays


Well-Known Member
May 1, 2021
What you may be looking at, in the near future, is one of those cheap, knock-off, switches failing again. Now, which one do you replace, or do both again? Most of us replace things one at a time. Also, by replacing those items, you may have just corrected a failed connection problem. Not to say what you did was wrong, you'll know in the future.


Apr 6, 2015
No sense in starting a flame war and calling names. There are other things that could cause a problem. It could be that the motor wasn't getting any spark. Not because of a switch but simply a bad connection possibly the plug wire came loose or maybe a ground wire. It could be that it wasn't getting any fuel. It could be that the blade got jammed up with grass or a dead possum. The point is that there are any number of things that could cause a malfunction.
Sep 18, 2017
The OP's attitude reminds me of many that have invaded the USA from the over the southern border - taxpayer provided food, shelter, phones, transportation, medical, and so on, yet many of them complain that it isn't "good enough". Still others who have been let into the country protest in the streets at the drop of a hat, waving the flags of the countries they ran from.

A grateful attitude goes a long way, regardless of your education, occupation, or personal situation. Recognize when people give you "free stuff" (like their time and expertise) and say, "Thank you". I can't help but think less of Allison Transmissons now - keep in mind you're representing them with your speech and attitude. Maybe someone will refer this entire conversation to people that are paid to manage the reputation of that company.

Finally, I'd like to offer my sincere thanks to the good folks that provide so much help. Many (and I'm one of them) read your comments, apply your knowledge, and are most grateful for having this site and your expertise. Keep up the great work and have a Merry Christmas. I'm hoping for great things in 2024!


Active Member
Nov 17, 2021
It does make me savvy numb nuts....and smarter than you obviously. I already expressed it wasn't a battery, fuse, or solenoid issue. I also ruled out the seat switch. That only leaves ignition and/or PTO switch. There are 10 leads between those two switches. I could be a super duper smart guy like you and spend hours tracing every one of those leads, or spend $30 for both on Amazon with next day delivery and have them swapped out in 10 mins. Time is money smart guy....I think I won that battle
And THIS IS EXACTLY why I very rarely even look at this forum any more. Less of a community of mower enthusiasts, more of a pissing contest.


Sep 18, 2020
It does make me savvy numb nuts....and smarter than you obviously. I already expressed it wasn't a battery, fuse, or solenoid issue. I also ruled out the seat switch. That only leaves ignition and/or PTO switch. There are 10 leads between those two switches. I could be a super duper smart guy like you and spend hours tracing every one of those leads, or spend $30 for both on Amazon with next day delivery and have them swapped out in 10 mins. Time is money smart guy....I think I won that battle
From reading this post, not sure why you even needed to come on here and ask for help! Good luck next time you ask for help, treating people as you do.
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