Dead Mower

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Lawn Royalty
Top Poster Of Month
Feb 19, 2020
What he doesn't realize is that even if he change the switches a faulty Delphi terminal could still be at fault; although, it is making contact for now if he didn't inspect the terminals. This why you troubleshoot a problem instead just throwing parts at it and hoping you found the problem. He sounds like the mechanics at new car dealers that just throw parts at a problem and charge the customer for those parts even the parts replaced were not bad.

That is like the time I had brought a new car and a week later it failed. The first thing the dealer shop barked was that they didn't if it was covered or not by the bumper to bumper warranty. Boy did they changed their mind when I called my lawyer. They gave me a list of things they replaced including the actual failed part, the distributor. They still tried billing me for all those parts and labor but I had them by the balls in writing. I don't know they ever got that $8,000 from Plymouth or not but I didn't pay them one red cent.

I had one DIYer that changed everything major starting component wise trying to fix a starting issue to only finally give up and bring the mower into the shop. The problem was a fifty cent Delphi terminal. He spend well over $400 on electrical parts and still didn't fix the problem. What worst he had thrown away perfectly good parts.

For education it is only worth it when you know how to apply it. Beside most schools, colleges, and universities are not fully up to date on the latest information. There is still a lot OTJ self training a person has to do. That is if they are willing to try to learn new things. I got one member of the family that has a four college degree that couldn't even fry an egg without a YouTube video and he designs computers for a living. He had depended on his wife to do the cooking until she died.

Tiger Small Engine

Lawn Addict
Dec 7, 2022
What he doesn't realize is that even if he change the switches a faulty Delphi terminal could still be at fault; although, it is making contact for now if he didn't inspect the terminals. This why you troubleshoot a problem instead just throwing parts at it and hoping you found the problem. He sounds like the mechanics at new car dealers that just throw parts at a problem and charge the customer for those parts even the parts replaced were not bad.

That is like the time I had brought a new car and a week later it failed. The first thing the dealer shop barked was that they didn't if it was covered or not by the bumper to bumper warranty. Boy did they changed their mind when I called my lawyer. They gave me a list of things they replaced including the actual failed part, the distributor. They still tried billing me for all those parts and labor but I had them by the balls in writing. I don't know they ever got that $8,000 from Plymouth or not but I didn't pay them one red cent.

I had one DIYer that changed everything major starting component wise trying to fix a starting issue to only finally give up and bring the mower into the shop. The problem was a fifty cent Delphi terminal. He spend well over $400 on electrical parts and still didn't fix the problem. What worst he had thrown away perfectly good parts.

For education it is only worth it when you know how to apply it. Beside most schools, colleges, and universities are not fully up to date on the latest information. There is still a lot OTJ self training a person has to do. That is if they are willing to try to learn new things. I got one member of the family that has a four college degree that couldn't even fry an egg without a YouTube video and he designs computers for a living. He had depended on his wife to do the cooking until she died.

Out of respect for the members and this forum, it is a pleasure and breath of fresh air to rarely see what we just witnessed with “Tim”, the dude that posted the question originally. He immediately got defensive, proceeded to one up everyone he could, bragged about his credentials, then resorted to name calling. He called me “numb nuts” with 9 minutes of my reply. I gave it a day to see what happened and other people responded. I appreciate everyone on this forum. Knowledge is power. But don’t abuse that power.
Merry Christmas


Lawn Royalty
Mar 11, 2012
I wonder if Tim ever got his hydraulic problem he posted about last year solved by throwing parts at it? Never came back after two members posted possible solutions. Hope he learns how to be a “Civil Engineer “ when he comes back for more help.


Sep 15, 2021
Oh I won't be coming back with any questions trust me. You guys are worthless. I'm just here to watch you guys stroke each other's minimum wage balls.


Lawn Royalty
Mar 11, 2012
Because you are so ”savvy” most people around you are worthless. I personally would rather be dumb and worthless, but still be appreciated by those I try to help, than savvy, educated and not be appreciated by his own mother, because she tried to teach him how to talk to people in a civil way. In school we had a description for those administrators, “IQ SMART, BUT COMMON SENCE KNOWLEDGE OF A ROCK”. Most never caught on hearing “Here comes Rocky”. I wouldn’t bar him, because this forum needs something to laugh at besides the MOWER HUMOR thread, although he might be the guy n many of those pictures.
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Forum Newbie
Jun 8, 2019
It does make me savvy numb nuts....and smarter than you obviously. I already expressed it wasn't a battery, fuse, or solenoid issue. I also ruled out the seat switch. That only leaves ignition and/or PTO switch. There are 10 leads between those two switches. I could be a super duper smart guy like you and spend hours tracing every one of those leads, or spend $30 for both on Amazon with next day delivery and have them swapped out in 10 mins. Time is money smart guy....I think I won that battle
As a Professional engineer AND a believer in logical troubleshooting I have to ask why you bother requesting advice on this forum as you are obviously much more "savvy" than any of us could ever hope to be. Glad I don't have to interface with you in the engineering world.


May 3, 2015
Hey guys. 2015 hustler raptor 60", Kohler engine. While mulching leaves today, she just died suddenly. She won't even turn over. Gas and battery are fine. I bypassed the seat switch (just jumped the wires together) and that did nothing. What else could it be???
I followed this post & see you have repaired the issue. Just for a possible future "died suddenly" issue I had several units that had bad coils. A bad coil will shut down a running unit, once cooled off it will allow it to start again. Although a bad coil will not prevent the engine from turning over. Stay safe, Joe Z
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