Short Version: A few messages up from here, "glennsjr" said don't use the impact wrench to reinstall the blade nuts. Good advice.
Long Version: I just swapped out my stock high-lift blades for Oregon Gator 3-in-1 blades, and since laying under the mower with the front end up in the air wasn't feeling good on my creaky joints, I decided I'd use my electric impact wrench to tighten the blade nuts up just until they barely seated, then torque them tighter from there. That was a mistake because they all ended up way too tight. I'm sure I could do it better given another shot, but I'd have to rely on eyeballs more than feel.
The upshot was this. During normal installation you can hit recommended torque with hand tools just by holding the blades from turning with your other hand and get it done quick-like, however after screwing this up I had use a piece of wood between the blades and the deck to get them loosened enough so that I could torque them up correctly. Getting the wood in the right spot for each blade and turning the nut means using both hands, while laying on the back, and it took more time in the jungle than I'd have liked. I might as well have dropped and flipped the "Super Easy To Remove Deck" It's easy to remove, but reinstalling it is like landing a fighter on an aircraft carrier at night when you desperately need to go to the bathroom.