Can lawn mowers cause cancer?


Lawn Royalty
Nov 29, 2014
Kow the problem.
Years of exposure to all sorts of nasties have left me with a borderline anaemia so the red cross has also put me on the banned list.
Eventually we will work out that some people are genetically stronger than others, factor that into the "clinical tests" and start to produce some meaning full results.
However to publically state this goes against the ethics nazis and of course the creationists so we go around with blind folds on , but at least no one gets offended.


Lawn Pro
May 23, 2011
Cause I've been mowing the lawn once a week for many years with a gas-powered mower, and am wondering if I can get cancer from its emissions?

As I see it one mower isn't much of anything. I really think its the billion?? things that are using fossil fuel in the world. Now really don't you think that its time to be thinking about cleaning up our air and water. I am in my seventies and can remember going to the city as a child and still remember how the air smelled or getting in back of a city bus in traffic. Not only the air but also our water has come a long way. I think we have to be very thankful of the people and scientist that are out there that are thinking about cleaning up our world so our children's children etc. will have a good safe environment to live in.


Lawn Addict
Aug 25, 2015
I don't worry about the environment AT ALL. One volcano can wipe out all the 'gains' we 'made' while bankrupting ourselves doing it, chasing the illusion that man can control the environment. That means ALL of mankind, not just the people of this country.


Lawn Pro
May 23, 2011
I don't worry about the environment AT ALL. One volcano can wipe out all the 'gains' we 'made' while bankrupting ourselves doing it, chasing the illusion that man can control the environment. That means ALL of mankind, not just the people of this country.

Yes there are things out there that can end earth and this world, nothing mankind can do a thing about, but until then. I can't prove anything because I have never been there, but I have seen pictures of third world country city's that I sure wouldn't want to live in. I have seen houses in this country I wouldn't want to live in. Yes man can clean up the environment no matter how small.


Lawn Pro
Sep 5, 2014
Yes there are things out there that can end earth and this world, nothing mankind can do a thing about, but until then. I can't prove anything because I have never been there, but I have seen pictures of third world country city's that I sure wouldn't want to live in. I have seen houses in this country I wouldn't want to live in. Yes man can clean up the environment no matter how small.

I agree 100% :thumbsup:


Lawn Addict
Aug 25, 2015
Yes there are things out there that can end earth and this world, nothing mankind can do a thing about, but until then. I can't prove anything because I have never been there, but I have seen pictures of third world country city's that I sure wouldn't want to live in. I have seen houses in this country I wouldn't want to live in. Yes man can clean up the environment no matter how small.

On a micro scale, yes, I agree. Do what you can.

But on a macro scale, involving governments forcing the will of special interest groups on everybody, no. It's the height of arrogance to think that one little group of 545 people can "save the planet" in the first place, let alone with or without the cooperation of the other 6 billion people, which they do not have. Or the cooperation of Mother Nature, who occasionally does things such as volcanic eruptions, with or without the permission of the EPA.

Yes, clean up after yourself. Do what you can. But Man does not control the environment. Never has; never will.


Lawn Pro
May 23, 2011
On a micro scale, yes, I agree. Do what you can.

But on a macro scale, involving governments forcing the will of special interest groups on everybody, no. It's the height of arrogance to think that one little group of 545 people can "save the planet" in the first place, let alone with or without the cooperation of the other 6 billion people, which they do not have. Or the cooperation of Mother Nature, who occasionally does things such as volcanic eruptions, with or without the permission of the EPA.

Yes, clean up after yourself. Do what you can. But Man does not control the environment. Never has; never will.

So you are saying just do nothing on the government level so then everybody just dose as they please without any laws. Sure that will work? Just how do you get them 6 billion people to cooperate without laws? I admit I am just as guilty as the next person because I will just dump that old gas or anti freeze in my driveway. So if laws isn't the answer what is or are you saying do nothing and let what happens dose.


Lawn Addict
Aug 25, 2015
So you are saying just do nothing on the government level so then everybody just dose as they please without any laws. Sure that will work? Just how do you get them 6 billion people to cooperate without laws? I admit I am just as guilty as the next person because I will just dump that old gas or anti freeze in my driveway. So if laws isn't the answer what is or are you saying do nothing and let what happens dose.

95% of the world's population is not governed by US laws but we all live in the same "environment". You can pass all the restrictive laws you want, creating hardship and financial ruin for US citizens, and accomplish nothing with regard to the environment.

So what is the point of enacting a bunch of one-size-fits-all laws (usually written by special interest groups who stand to profit from such laws) on 5% of the world's population when the other 95% does as it pleases?


Lawn Pro
May 23, 2011
Your right lets do nothing I'm old enough so it wouldn't effect me. To be truthful about it nothing you or I can do about it anyways. Then if 95% want to live in a cesspool so be it. Our government is run by a bunch of no nothings to think they can they can give us a better environment so why try then with this in mine maybe our children can live in that cesspool also. So let keep that attitude going :thumbsup: