California law bans small off-road gas engines, including lawnmowers and chainsaws


Lawn Royalty
Nov 29, 2014
  • / California law bans small off-road gas engines, including lawnmowers and chainsaws
I have a few rechargeable hand tools, hand drills mostly. They are non-polluting power tools. Electric power, so no exhaust smoke from them. Well, maybe just a little.
No emissions is not no pollution
What do you do with old battery packs ?
Nature can turn the CO2 back into oxygen it cant do that with the battery packs & chargers
Then there is the question of how the electricity is generated

So agin all it does is shift the pollution from one place to another
So use them because they are convienant but don't for one second think your actions are saving the planet because they are still contributing to our extinction.
Lucky for me the end of the planet will be after my life on it is over but kids born today will be very lucky to live to my age .


Well-Known Member
Jul 3, 2015
  • / California law bans small off-road gas engines, including lawnmowers and chainsaws
i hope that's staged......... but as stupid as some people are these days......
I was looking for another video where there is some shindig where there were 4 Teslas charging but couldn't find it. The guy behind the phone showed in disgust where the power cord ran to which was a Caterpillar Diesel Generator, so joke or true- both(plus many more) same point.

Electric car is just another way to skin the cat, it's no panacea.


Lawn Royalty
Top Poster Of Month
Feb 19, 2020
  • / California law bans small off-road gas engines, including lawnmowers and chainsaws
One way or the other we are screwed...

Here my local electric want me to extra just to support the local solar farm. There is no way to guarantee a portion of my electric used is generated by solar or otherwise. As electrons are the same coming across those electric cables. But maybe they have figured out a way to use DNA to sniff which electrons are solar vs conventional electrons.

Either way I not paying an extra $2 per kilowatt hour for the con job. If I am going to use solar I will install my own system and go off the grid as much as I can.


Lawn Royalty
Nov 29, 2014
  • / California law bans small off-road gas engines, including lawnmowers and chainsaws
Down here where nothing exists once you get 100 miles from the coast various state governments are actually rolling out those generator recharging stations .
They are there to allow the townies with their EV's to get between major cities where there is sufficient mains power to run recharge stations.
What we have been told is they are temporary and the data from their use will be used to determine where the new power grid will need to go in order to power the switch over to EV's
Long term the proposed plan is to build massive wind / solar power stations in the outback , destroying thousands of miles of the environment then connect them up to even bigger batteries to power new power grids .
All this to save energy & reduce emissions , perhaps, eventually .
That spin doctor Musk, the greatest con artist since PC Barnham offered to give away a massive battery array if he could not have it up & running within 100 days so now the governments are addicted to massive Li bombs hooked up to the grid because they are quick so the polly standing for re-election can roder one just before election time & get lots of free advertising right before we vote .
For those who do not know a Li battery will explode when it goes over critical temperature and that is between 80 & 90 deg C .
This is why so many Teslas burst into flames after a collision cooking the occupants because without battery power you can not unlock or open the doors nor open the windows .
Rocks in the desert getup to 150 C in high summer so the battery will be using more power keeping itself cool when running than it will be supplying power into the grid.


Staff member
Sep 24, 2017
  • / California law bans small off-road gas engines, including lawnmowers and chainsaws
This is why so many Teslas burst into flames after a collision cooking the occupants because without battery power you can not unlock or open the doors nor open the windows .
2 people burned in up in a tesla after they wrapped it around tree in a town not far from me, Took several hours for Firefighters to put out the battery fire... evidently regular foam doesn't work on it.


Lawn Royalty
Nov 29, 2014
  • / California law bans small off-road gas engines, including lawnmowers and chainsaws
A Li battery is a bomb and terrorist will quickly lean this
The reaction is a strait redox reaction
However the fuel & the oxadizing agent are both in the battery
In a normal fire, the fuel is burned by the oxygen in the air
In the battery the oxadizing agent is in the battery so it does not require air to "burn" .
Putting foam on a fire deprives it of air but if air is not needed then the foam does nothing
Same story with water, get one burning and you can toss it in a lake & it will continue burning till there is nothing left to burn.

And Musk want you to put one on the wall of your house

Li batteries are a wonderful technology and are perfect for applications where you have low power drain and are weight & space restricted
Hearing aids, body inplants , calculators , LED torches , Computers .
Hand held power tools , robot vacuum / mowers , are pushing the limits of their practicability
Using them in cars is plain stupid and after a couple of babies secured in their crash proof pods on the back seat of some EV get nicely roasted ,,,well done then there will be a massive change of attitude to them
By that Time Musk will have used his ill gotten gains to have bought several other businesses , and sold down his shareholding in Tesla so the new share holders will be stuck with the liability claims .
His extravagent performances have embedded into peoples minds so deep that most will not even believe that the batteries are dangerous & claim people like me are stooges for oil companies .
Hydrogen is far safer and has a higher energy density that Li batteries ever will
It is the perfect fuel for transport but every time it gets a mention you instantly get back refferences to the horror of the Hindenburg so no one wants to be within 10 miles of a hydrogen powered vehicle.

Better suited for heavy transport like busses trucks & trains , marginally better for cars due to distribution difficulties .
Shipping should all be nuclear : electric powered by a liquid salt reactor which the USA abandoned so Nixon could have loads of scrap plutonium to make bombs with and the Chinese have just about perfected .


Lawn Addict
Sep 27, 2017
  • / California law bans small off-road gas engines, including lawnmowers and chainsaws
hydrogen and natural gas are very light and you need a lot of them to get the same distance as with hydro carbon fuels. Hydrogen can be made from seawater but it takes energy to do that. Everything takes energy. The best solution right now for environmentally friendly is a catalytic process the Swiss have that turns free CO2 into Ethanol with just a little energy. One uses a scrubber to pull CO2 from the air and ethanol is the byproduct. Right now that looks more friendly than corn based ethanol. Frankly, in my opinon, we are probably 200 years from all this technology being in working form. I have yet to see the first bullet train that the state of California spent billions on starting back in 2008. Right now, 14 years later after we were told they were ready to rock and roll on building it if we gave them the funds, they are still working on the specifics of the first 119 miles in the central valley. That says nothing about getting over the mountains and last time I read they were talking about using Amtrak buses for that like they do now on the Central Valley route. Freight trains pass thru Techachpi, over into Mojave, then work into LA from there in a circuitous route. Coastal trains don't service the Central Valley. Based on how California does things, we will all be in the grave for a long time before all these new laws and unicorn dreams actually come to pass, if they ever do at all. Usually when someone published a paper on the corruption and problems, it turns out that some wealthy investment bankers are involved in supporting the DNC here, and the state keeps doing things that keep funds headed their way. That is what we see, and it is a perfect loop of one hand washing the other. I have yet to see any feasible way that cars or small engines will be totally replaced with electric. My other half's boss has an electric car and I am told that it spends more time in the shop than it is driven.