I'll try and reply to each post.
StarTech, I got the manual. Thank you kindly. Just what I needed.
shadetree#1, I'll take every owners manual and service manual I can get. I've started a little repair and service biz out of the garage. I've been buying some used mowers I find in the area with prices that wouldn't choke a horse. LOL! I have a laptop setup as a business box and I have loads of hard drive space for manuals. I've downloaded a lot already and I'm still looking for more. But, as for this specific request, I needed a copy of the owners manual.
Rivets, was your warning for me or about me? I'm not entirely certain what you were referring to.
StaeTech, again. I guess I'll have to register and do some posting over on that site you provided the link to. If they have manuals to download, I'm interested. As for people screwing up a good thing, I spent 30+ years in the computing industry. A lot of that time was in personal computer and network security. You don't have to tell me how badly people can screw things up. I was the only computer tech at a nearby college. I don't care how securely you make a network at a college. those kids can figure out every possible way to screw things up. I actually had to lock down one computer lab because the Korean students would make such drastic changes to the computers that no other student could then use them.
And THAT is why I started a small engine repair biz several years ago. I needed some way to decompress after marathon sessions to restore computers and networks. I'd spend evenings and weekends working on small engines and the rest of the time working on computer stuff. Kept me sane. I sold off all my specialty tools and all the inventory I had left when we bought this house 6 years ago. I figured I'd never need the stuff again as my wife and I both retired. I have decided to get back in the small engine biz to keep us from killing one another. LOL! It's not really that bad. I'm really just trying to find a good way to keep myself busy