Briggs & Statton manuals?


Lawn Royalty
Nov 29, 2014
You should try computer and Linux forums if you want to see a whole load of that type thing. I was recently banned from a Linux forum because I asked how to do a particular task and the administration on that forum banned me because they don't think I should be using a program that I have used for over ten years. No kidding. Some dip stick jumped all over me because I was asking how to make that program do something I knew was possible, but I just couldn't figure out how to do. I asked him to kindly refrain from posting on my thread if he had nothing positive and worthwhile to add. Within an hour I received notice I was banned. No great loss. I used that as the perfect excuse to jump to a completely different Linux distribution. Worked out well for me so far.

So, yeah, I'm familiar with that type thing. It's sad when a public forum is run in such a manner. You also need to keep in mind that there are members of forums that just continue to push the envelope and sometimes push a tad bit too far. Admins have to deal with all sorts of people and sometimes members just refuse to follow forum rules.
You really only find it on US based forums
I am on 14 BSA motorcycle forums + 5 RR car forums + 4 mower forums + 6 chainsaw forums
Despite all of the forums I had joined saying that religion & politics was a banned subject I got tossed off one for being "unchristian" & another for being "unamercian"
But I did think being banned from a forum I had never made a post to was quite hillarious .
And on top of that I run 3 forums although to be honest I don't actually visit any of them very often as I no longer run a courier business or do private hire cars .


Well-Known Member
Dec 8, 2022
Yeah, I'd say you could be right about the US of A being home to more all around jerks than other countries. We seem to have an abundance ofthem for sure.


Lawn Royalty
Nov 29, 2014
On the forums I run when some one complains about another persons post I have a quick look at it
BAsically if it is not directly abusive or factually incorrect I write back
"If you don't like what this person is posting then use the ignore feature so you will never see what they post ."
Depending upon the actual platform usually an administrator can watch an individual persons posts.
Now if I get a lot of people making a complaint I occasionally warn the poster that they are offending a lot of members.
I am a firm believer in free speech & do not believe in senscorship .
OTOH I also believe in being factually correct so have on occasions popped in a warning post ( so every one can see it ) that if the poster continues to post garbage they have lifted off FAce book or Twitter then they would loose posting priviledges & it is up to them to ensure what they were posting is fact & not popular myths.


Lawn Royalty
Nov 29, 2014
We are getting a bit off topic here but if you have an objective look at different platforms / governments / organizations the ones that champion Free Market and expouse that "the market should decide " are the ones that sensor what is allowed to be said / printed / published the most.
SO what they really mean is "the market should be allowed to agree with me"
Abortion is the perfect example in a country where the population ( market ) must be free to be allowed decide everything , apart from Abortion when the government decided it knows better .


Lawn Royalty
Top Poster Of Month
Feb 19, 2020
Well I registered just before I went away for a couple of weeks holidays
Had a quick look at what was there
Never made a single post
And when I got back there was a notice that I had a PM but I could not view it because I could not log in
Apparently I was banned by an administrator
So I doubt that I will bother with that forum any more
A back file had to be installed by the administrator sometime Saturday due a file error but I believe he has all users back up now other than the spammers. Of course you might got caught up in IPL address range block as there was a lot Russians spammers that had to be blocked. If that is the case the admin would need your IP address to check and unblock it. If I remember correctly he has only banned a couple users since 2003. And of them was a real pain in the behind (cussing out the administrator is what got him banned) and the other for posting political ads.

As a moderator if you want I can get the administrator to look for your account. And if present resend a forced re-activation request. He don't usually ban users; unless, they are causing problems. Now if you setup using a disposable email address then that might be a problem if it is no longer active.

Now when I log in over there, there is a bertsmobilerepairs with an IP address of with an IP address of ***.18.150.76 shown as latest member but that may not be you


Lawn Royalty
Nov 29, 2014
A back file had to be installed by the administrator sometime Saturday due a file error but I believe he has all users back up now other than the spammers. Of course you might got caught up in IPL address range block as there was a lot Russians spammers that had to be blocked. If that is the case the admin would need your IP address to check and unblock it. If I remember correctly he has only banned a couple users since 2003. And of them was a real pain in the behind (cussing out the administrator is what got him banned) and the other for posting political ads.

As a moderator if you want I can get the administrator to look for your account. And if present resend a forced re-activation request. He don't usually ban users; unless, they are causing problems. Now if you setup using a disposable email address then that might be a problem if it is no longer active.

Now when I log in over there, there is a bertsmobilerepairs with an IP address of with an IP address of ***.18.150.76 shown as latest member but that may not be you
View attachment 62960
That was me
I use TPG ADSL for my mail server so have a dynamic email IP address for there from a block of around 200 and 2 different Mobile broadband providers because the coverage here is rubbish and even then some times I have to resort to mobile hot spotting on one of the 2 mobile phones ( both different providers from any of the others ) so using IP authentication is not going to work with this little back duck .
Thus the gateway route will be different every time I log in depending upon which ISP I am connecting through and which computer I am using at the time .
The email account probably looked sus as it was "notrealmail" which is what I use for a lot of forums so all incoming mail can go directly into the trash.
220 messages there at the moment all spam and we are only at the 12th day of the month .
It was 2 weeks ago and I was unable to log in when I came home.
Tried a couple of times then gave up
However just tried it now & all appears to be fine
The PM that I could not read was apparently deleted by Kev on 24-11-22
I will see how it goes
Tried to rejoin as Victa_Vandal which is my trading name for Victa parts & service using the VV email address but that failed so if it does come through I will not activate it .
When I joined was using the ADSL connection.
When I could not log in I was using the Mobile Broadband connection
Both of them are down right now so I am back on the 2Mb/s ADSL connection right now
(Did I say the Broadband in OZ is a joke ?)
75 Km from the harbour bridge , 3 km from the biggest dam in the country 5 km from our new airport & no internet for hours on end .


Lawn Royalty
Top Poster Of Month
Feb 19, 2020
Don't feel left out. Until 8 yrs I was on 33.6 Kb/s dial-up service, then I was able get on 1Mb/s DSL but only just barely close enough. And there are still places in my area that only dial-up service. Takes over a week to download some in those areas. And if don't have download add-on that allows restarts in those areas when someone pickups the phone you have start all over again. Where I move to 6 yrs ago has 30-50Mb/s service via cable but the local landline can't even provide DSL service and they are not trying to upgrade due to all the cell phone that only halfway work here. When are on a call one step left or right can lose the signal. Cable promising is promising 100 Mb/s service but I have not seen that here. I usually peak around 45 Mb/s on downloads but only uploads at 10 Mb/s. They got a governor on the system I reckon.

But I am lucky as there are places where even dial-up services are not available in this country. In those places they try satellite to be on the net and even that is iffy.

I was down in the old stomping grounds and they are installing fiber optic cables. Probably got a government grant to do so.

The admin probably figured you were just ignoring the PM and he does have to clear both his inbox and out boxes at times to make room for new PMs. We only have so much storage space provide by our service provider. And we don't even have a in house file storage area. Nearly all the downloads are from the admin's personal two online storage sites. He has over 10 Gb of files stored but only provides a fraction of them to members. One such set is the Stihl manuals which if Stihl USA see them available freely would force the removal of the files.

And the Founder is already complaining about spending $250 per year for the service even though he get the ads revenue.


Well-Known Member
Dec 8, 2022
Ouch! I can't imagine what is must be like to try and do anything on today's Internet with only a 1 Mbps pipe. I used to lag behind most places when we still lived out on the farm. Since we moved into town, I have a 600 Mbps pipe and if I wanted to spring for an additional $15 per month, I could have a 1 GB connection. I'm spoiled now and if it happens to be a day the service provider is having some minor glitches or doing maintenance and I notice I'm only getting 100 Mbps speeds, I get grouchy.

What is that old saying? “I cried because I had no shoes until I met a man who had no feet.”


Lawn Royalty
Top Poster Of Month
Feb 19, 2020
What is that old saying? “I cried because I had no shoes until I met a man who had no feet.”
Exactly some complain about things until see they folks in worst situations. I know I am not in the best conditions but it could always be worst. I do the best I can with what I have.


Lawn Royalty
Nov 29, 2014
It is very frustrating down here because the previous Liberal federal government sabotaged the system so they could blame Labour because the plan for the NBN was a Labour initiative .
The original plan had fibre going to every property so has the potential for 1000Gb/s connections when the band width between the exchanges was available .
Naturally it was throttled back to 10Gb so as not to overwhelm the backbone
So the DSL racks would be removed from the exchanges and relocated in the bush as mini exchanges in places where the customer was more than 10km away from a major exchange so hundreds of small towns that did not have a phone exchange would get one or more mini exchanges using the existing phone lines till a big enough fibre bundle was laid to their region to allow fibre to the door .
What we ended up with is the exchange racks being shifted out of the phone exchange & relocated to street corners so no house is more than 1km from the racks so in theory everyone should be able to get 100Mb/s without upgrading the exchange backbone network .
They used existing copper phone lines which of course are subject to weather & radio interfearance , old co-axial TV networks , Fixed wireless + direct fibre ( for the "right" people ).
So now we have internet & phone connections through a box on the side of the road powered by a feed tapped of the electricity network.
Thus when the power goes down, no phones no internet
When some idiot slams his vehicle into the box ( all positioned at the edge of the kerb ) then all of the people serviced by that box loose both phone & internet .
Now of course there is a limit of the number of racks available and of course there are places like here where you can not locate a box such that 50 connections will all have less than 1 km of copper between the box & our computers so we would not be able to get the "guaranteed" 10Mb/s so we became "technically impossible" to connect and 1 week before the managers could stick their snouts into the $ 450,000 on time completion bonus trough they simply changed the web site to say we had to use Sky-Muster satelite system which was already 300% oversubscribed , can not carry phone calls and costs 4 times as much for 1/2 the data.
Glad I live in a first world country .
During the 2019 bushfires, sky-muster fell over because the signals could not penetrate the dense smoke & mobile services fell over because the power was interrupted & their UPS was only good for 2 hrs of normal use not 15 days of emergency use and the same thing is happening with the current floods.

So the government has just spent $ 57,000,000,000 to supposedly connect 50,000,000 homes & businesses to a broadband system that is already obsolete
Or to put it another way $ 1140 per connection
Fiber to the door was originally costed out at $ 500 per connection and could be upgraded very cheaply as the expensive bit is the exchange to the door and that will have to be redone for almost every house .