Re: Briggs 16 hp. Is it worth salvaging? Pics of Inside
I will post a couple times to get some pics of the head, piston, cylinder and the crankshaft. I don't know how many pics I can post in one message so I will break them up into two or three messages.
First, the head is off, connecting rod broken at crankshaft end.
Second, the same view with the piston turned over to show the end of the piston.
Once the head was off, I found a bunch of metal filings to the left of the intake valve. It doesn't show well in the pick because the filings and the head are all black and the flash did not light them up. The piston does not have a hole in it and the spark plug was not damage.
But, I do believe a lot of oil leaked out at the head gasket so I wonder if the piston drove forward and warped the head. Wonder how you can tell?